My Brother's In Love With My Best Friend?...But, He's Gay!{Chapter 9}

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Chapter 9

~*~*~Rose's P.O.V.~*~*~

Should I tell them? Should I tell Donovan first? Oh-My-God, what the hell am I going to do? I can't go without telling them. And I feel really bad for snaping at Cassadee a few minutes ago, she should be able to take her time to pick out a movie. I should just tell them. No, they would all freak out. But maybe it would be best. No, No it wouldn't, they would all be mad, Esspecialy(sp) Donovan. But They might be happy for me. Ok, Deep Breath, I'll just tell them.

"Uh, Guys, i think you should know, I'm really sorry that I've been so mean, it's just, I'm...On my period." I said the last part quickly. That was a lie, and I knew Cassie was going to know it was a lie. God, I have to tell them sooner or later, so why not sooner? Well, for one, they will be extreamly mad. Two, Donovan is going to dump me if i do tell them, well probably.

"Rose? What's wrong?" Cassie was the first to ask. I looked down, Should I tell them? I suppose I should.

"I'm, uh, I'm, Umm... I'm, We're, Donovan and me, we're pregnant!" I said slowly. I looked around at everyone's face's. Paul looked Disgusted, Cassie looked, well she looked pregnant, with a hint of happy, and Donovan was grinning like an idiot. I smacked him on the back of the head and he snaped back to reality. Yaa, I know what you want totell me, You are a whore sleeping with him when youve only been with him for a week, But he's like my best friend, we've known eachother for ever.

"What! OMG! Thats amazing Rose!" Cassie said. She came over to me, and hugged me as much as her stomach would allow. I laughed at the fact that she could barely get her arms to reach me. Yeah, she was that big.

"Thanks. Um, I figured it out a few days ago," I said.

"Why didn't you tell me honey?" Donovan asked me. The truth was that I thought he would freak out, and ditch me. But i guess i was wrong. He actually seemed pretty happy about it.

"I wanted to make sure I was before I told anyone,"I lied. It was just a little white lie, so I dont think it would hurt anybody.

He smiled again, and walked over to me. He gave me a tight hug, then gave me a pasionate kiss. I heard Cassie and Paul clear their throats, so i smiled and pulled away. When I looked at Donovan, he had a small potu on his lips. I chuckled, and looked at Pual expectantly. Everybody else had said what they wanted to about it, but Paul hadn't.

"WHy are you looking at me?" he asked kinda rudely.

"What do you think of it all?" I said in a matter factly tone.

"Well, Im surprised that you had sex with him when you've been together for a week."

I was taken back when he said that. He knew we had been friends forever, and that Donovan was a great guy. And he's pretty much calling me a whore. He's the one that's supposed to be gay, but got a girl knocked up.

"We've known each other fora long time. I didn't see the point in waiting, we both wanted to," I said with a little hesitation.

"Yeah, I know. But still, it's just kinda....eww. I dont want to think of my sister like that, thank you," he said lifting his head up.

I smiled at his kidfulness (is that a word??) and walked over to him. I gave him a hug, and he hugged me back.

"Well Im sorry that you had to picture it. And your welcome," I said cheerfully.

"Hmph, smart ass," he mumbled. I slapped him on the arm and laughed.

"So.... are we still going to watch a movie?" Cassie asked. Everyone nodded, and she went back to picking one out. After about ten minutes of looking, she picked SteP It Up. Paul and Donovan groaned.

"Ugh, why are we watching this!" Paul exclaimed.

"Because Channing Tatum is HOT!" Me and Cassie both shouted at the same time. We looked at each other and started laughing. The guys were laughing quietly behind us. I looked at them, tears rolling down my cheeks, and they both rollled their eyes. I had no idea why I was laughing so hard, pregnancy maybe? I dont know, but i did like doing it! Cassie pressed play for the movie, and we both sat right in front of the television screen.

"Girls, why don't you come sit with your loving boyfriends?" Paul asked.

"SHH!!! This has a much better view!" Cassie whisper-shouted. The luaghed again, and we focused on the movie.

Channing Tatum came on the screen without a shirt, and Cassie an I screamed. Yeah, it was one of those high ptiched, girly, fangirl, screams. But we couldnt help it. I heard Paul scoff behind us, and I turned around to see him rolling his eyes.

"Is there a problem?" Cassie asked. She had narrowed eyes too.

"You are such a girl," he said.

'Oh really," she said glaring now.

"Yeah, really!" he said. They went on like this for like five minutes. Just saying the same things. Me and Donovan were watching them, and if they didn't shut up, i was going to end up strangling them!

"GUYS!" I yelled. They both stopped, and looked at me. "Shut up!"

"Well fine then..." Cassie said turning her attention back to the tv. Paul looked at me with narrowed eyes, and I just shrugged.

)(After the movie)(

"Im tiiiiiired!" Cassie groaned. I was too, so I decided that we better get to bed.I knew where everyone would sleep, although it was Donovan's apartment.

"Ok, Paul you can sleep on the couch, or with Donovan. Cassie, you and me will sleep in the spare bedroom. Okay?"

"Mhm," she groaned. Donovan moved to his room, and Paul stayed ont he couch. I figured that was how it was going to go. I knew that we could of slept like couples. Like me and Donovan, and then paul and Cassie. But, I wanted to talk to her in the morning. If she was with Paul, she wouldn't have left the room. But when she wakes up, I was going to tell her what I needed to say.

I helped her off the floor, and moved her to the room. She quickly got on the bed, and pulled the covers up. I got in on the other side, and thought about what I would day the next day.

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