My Brother Is In Love With My Best Friend?...But, He's Gay!{Chapter 12}

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Chapter 12:

After school today I went over to Cassie's and Paul's for the weekend. Cassie answered the door first exposing her huge belly and then the rest of her.

"MAKE WAY FOR ROSE BITCHES!" She screamed to the only other person there, Paul. I grinned and walked into the apartment. Chyna smelled my foot and barfed on my shoes.

"It's OK Chyna, I didn't like these shoes either." I sighed.

"What's wrong?" Paul asked me.

"Nothing. I was just thinking about how I should call Donovan." Paul nodded and smiled, pulling a glass full of ice from behind his back and dumping it on my head.

"AHHHHHHHH!" I screamed as the ice ran down my back.

"Happy Birthday Big sis!" He yelled. I glared at him.

"Tottally not in the mood Paul." He noeded and looked at me appologetically. All of a sudden the bathroom door opened and out came Donovan. He crossed his arms and looked at me with dagers of eyes.

"What?" I asked him.

"Matt isn't gay." He glared.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"I mean, how do you even know thats my fucking baby! What if its his? Ya, that's right, Cass told me." I glared at him, astonished.

"Cassedee! How could you!?" I ran into the bathroom and locked the door. Black tears fell onto the floor as I pulled a precnancy test from my bag. I peed on the stick and waited.

"Rose, we can still fix this, for the baby's sake, but you can't go sleeping around." Donovan tried to comprimise. I unlocked the door and held the little pink stick up to him. He gasped at the minus sign.

"Did ou have a misscariage?" He whispered.

"No." I said.

"Then what? were you just never pregnant?"


"Then wha- Oh-My-God. Rose please tell me you didn't." I nodded more tears streaming down my chilled face and making my cheeks warm.

"Why?" He asked, his voice more tender now than ever.

"Because I thought you hated me. I thought you hated me for just running out on you. And I knew you would find out sooner or later. And I just wasn't sure if I was ready for a baby. I knew it was yours I was absolutley positive because I didn't hae sex with Matt." I rushed out.

"What?" He asked.

"I thought you said you cheated on him." Casseddee said.

"I did. We went out a couple times and made out. But I never had sex with him."

"WAIT! What's going on?" Paul asked, cluless to everything.

"One, I had an abortion, two, I cheated on Donovan."

"You CHEATED!" He yelled. I looked at him funny.

"Where the hell have you been?" I asked.

"That is something you might not want to know about your brother." Cassie whispered. I laughed so hard I started to cry.

"Love, you might want to get the bag." Cassie told Paul as she clutched her stomach.

"What's wrong?" I asked. Donovan hit my forehead with the palm of his hand.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"She going into labor. Oh, and you coulda had a V-8." I grinned. He pecked my lips.

"HELLO!! Pregnant lady in labor." Cassedee yelled.

"Oh ya." I chuckled as Paul came out of the bedroom with an oversized gym bag on one shoulder and a baby back on the other.

Wait!- baby back YUMMY!! i want ribs now. Wait sorry I mean baby bag. Anyways...

We all piled into my pickup and drove half an hour to the hospital.

)(At the hospital)(

"Hello Cassie." A doctor greeted her as he reached down and checked how many centimeters dialated she was. EUW!! Yucky I know.

"Almost ready for the little girl or boy to come out!" He announced. All of a sudden he gasped.

"What?" Cassie asked him worried.

"I don't know." The doctor chuckled to himself. We all looked at him weridly. The doctor left.

"So, A girl or boy?" I asked.

"It's a she-dude!" Cass exclaimed. I looked at her in amazment.


"I don't know, hopefully not, I don't want a kid with a genital problem." We all laughed. The doctor came back in with a worried look on his face as Cassie had contraction.

"What?" Paul asked him. The doctor ignored him and called in a nurse. She nodded and spoke something in doctor talk.

"We need your permission to give a numbing agent." The nurse told Paul.

"What? Why?" He asked in a worried tone.

"She's going to need a emergancy cesarean section. We need to give her a sedative so she doesn't feel anything." The nurse finished.

"But, we want a natural birth." He almost cried.

"I'm sorry, but if this doesn't happen in the next half hour then we are going to lose you wife and the baby." She said. Paul looked at her and sat down.

"Ya, go ahead and give her the sedative." Donovan said. He sat down and convinced Paul to go into the waiting room with him to take his mind off of things. When they left I stayed a minute longer with Cass.

"Is she going to be okay?" I asked as they injected her with the sedative and rubbed Iodine over her belly to disinfect it.

"We don't know, but we are going to try to do everything we can to save your sister." The doctor told me.

"Rose, I love you, I love paul, and if I don't come out of this OK, tell him he meant the world to me, and to take care of our She-dude." I nodded and they wheeled her out and into the operating room. I walked into the waiting room to see Paul with his head in his hands, crying silently. I sat don and did the only thing I could do, Wait.

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