Day 16: The Dead and The Gone

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Song: Heal by Tom Odell
Day 16:

"GET THE GOD DAMN DOCTOR IRIS!" Jake screamed at me. I didn't know what to do. I looked at Katie, tears starting to fall, then I took off running. I didn't know where Cannerts had gone so I was running down many hallways.
"DR. CANNERTS!! DR. CANNERTS!!" I kept screaming! After the fifth hallway I found him talking to a male nurse. "Dr. Cannerts! It's... Katie. S-she coughed... Up blood..." I breathed out.

"NO!" I screamed as I sat upright in my bed, sweat trickling from my body. I looked around, breathing heavily, as I remembered what had took place last night.
"....Iris? What's wrong?" I heard Jake mumble from his bed. I looked out the window and saw that the sun was just starting to rise.
I turned to Jake who was laying down and staring at me concerned. "I-um-was just remembering last night."
He turned so that his body was facing me. "Cannerts will find a cure, he's so close." I opened my mouth to agree but closed it, knowing I would be lying to myself.
"I'm gonna have to talk to Quentin..." I said and glanced over at the sleeping boy. "He's so young..." Jake looked over at him sympathetically.
"Just don't think about it." With that, he went to bed. I couldn't fall back asleep though. I decided to write, I grabbed my journal and my pen and started writing to Hannah.

2 hours later:

"There has to be something we can do. You haven't stepped a foot out of there since I told you Katie coughed up blood." I argued with Dr. Cannerts. Jake and I are trying to figure out ways to hopefully help Katie.
Cannerts turned around and walked up to both of us, the glass window the only thing separating us. "I've been working on trying to separate Thomas's anti-bodys. It's not a cure, but it may allow someone to live longer."
"So you're saying you need a human trial? Sign her up!" Jake begged eagerly.
"I can't. We don't have the right resources and there's risk of a reaction to the serum. Her body could reject it." Cannerts replied as calmly as possible but I could tell he was eager too.
"She's already dying!" I said running a hand through my hair.
"This particular strain of Thomas's virus could be deadly. The patients remains fine at the fortyth hour mark, but after the forty-eigth hour disintegration happens quickly." I thought about what he said for a second but couldn't quite make sense of it.
"So... What are you saying?" Before Cannerts could respond Jake turned to me.
"He's saying he can make death worse." I closed my eyes and breathed in deep. She would suffer more then.
"Significantly" Cannerts added in almost a whisper.

"Do it." Katie said after we told her about the "cure"
"Katie-" I started but knew I couldn't get anywhere.
Katie looked to her left and I could see her eyes soften. "Did he eat?" I turned and looked at Quentin who was focused on talking to Thomas.
"Some breakfast. I'll get him to eat lunch." Jake replied as he also faced Quentin.
"I know he understands what's happening. He's being so strong." I nodded but I knew inside he must be a wreck.
"I'm surprised I'm being strong." Jake said chucking a little.
"Well for a guy who likes to run." I said turning my attention to him. Sometimes I wonder why he is still here.
"Ya, it's kinda a big deal." Katie said making Jake smile.
"Hey, I'm here because of you two." Jake said making me blush a little. I was able to hide it from Jake but Katie noticed and quickly winked at me.
"Shut up Thomas! She's only here because of you!" We all looked to see Quentin slam his fist on the window angrily.
"Hey" Jake said sternly. Both Thomas and Quentin snapped their attention towards us.
"Quentin." Katie said. But Quentin had already taken off running.
"I'll get him." Jake said running after Katie's son. I ran up to Thomas's window and peered in at the now freighted boy.
"Thomas? Are you alright?" The boy gave a small nod and went to sit on his bed. "Don't listen to what Quentin said, he's just... Upset." Thomas gave another nod.
I turned and started walking back to Katie. "Wait, Iris. Can you go with Jake? Quentin needs a motherly figure right now too."
"Will you be okay alone?" I asked as I bit my lip nervously.
"I'll be fine. Please comfort Quentin though." So I did as she asked and set off to find Jake and Quentin.

"Please just talk with you're mom, Quentin." Jake said to Quentin as I sat on the stairs next to him. I was able to find them in the stairwell talking. Now Jake and I are trying to get him to apologize to Thomas and talk with his mom.
Quentin looked down at his hands and didn't say anything. I gently put my gloved hand on his shoulder causing him to look at me. "Please Quentin, she really needs you. This is difficult for her too."
"Will she be mad at me?" Quentin asked making us chuckle.
"How could she be mad at you? I replied making Quentin smile.
"...Okay." So we all went back to isolation in a mood that can best be described as good in this situation.

"But he's the one who got you sick..." Quentin said sadly to his mother.
From her squatting position, Katie took a deep breathe and looked him in the eyes. "Blame me."
"But it's not your fault."
"Sure it is. I'm the one who took us on the field trip."
"But you didn't know."
"And neither did Thomas. You can't blame him anymore than you can blame me. You're better than that." Katie put her index finger on the glass and Quentin did the same. "Thomas doesn't have anyone. You still have grandma, grandpa, your cousins, and maybe even your dad. But Thomas is all alone, remember that when you want to be mad at him."
Quentin stood there for a second thinking. "I'm sorry mom." It nearly broke my heart hearing his voice crack and seeing Katie crying.
"I'm not the one who needs to apologize. Now tell Dr. Cannerts I'm ready for my treatment." With that Quentin turned and went to get Cannerts.
Jake and I walked up to the separating glass as Katie stood up. "I want both of you to promise me you will get him out alive."
"...I promise." I whispered loud enough for her to hear.
"I promise." Jake said. Katie smiled and told us she wanted to have some alone time before her treatment.

During the treatment Jake and I decided to talk to Quentin alone so we went up to the rooftop. "Is the treatment working?" Quentin asked right as we sat down on some AC units.
"We won't know for a while." Jake replied as he looked at me sadly.
"Do you think it will?"
"We want it to." I replied as I started picking at my nails.
"Do you have a mom?"
I knew what he was asking so I decided to get up and walk towards the edge of the roof. I got onto the ledge and sat down, dangling my feet in the air. I thought about my friends outside, have they thought of me? I thought about my extended family, do they check in with my parents to see if alright? Then I thought about my family, do they know I'm alive? I sighed and stared out at the city for a few minutes.

"Iris." A small voice called to me, pulling me from my thoughts. I turned my head and saw Quentin getting into the same position I'm in.
"Hey buddy, where's Jake?" I asked
"He went back to check on my mom." Quentin was careful not to touch me but I could tell he was longing for comfort.
I took a deep breathe and looked out towards the border. Exhaling I thought about my family. "It might seem like everything is ending, but trust me Quent, everything will get better."

And I meant it.

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