Chapter 20.

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(Capricorns PoV)

Taurus slammed the door wide open, causing a loud bang to erupt. "Taurus, don't! Please!" Virgo pleaded as Taurus sent a evil glare her way, causing me to step back in shock. I had never seen her like this before, something must've happened whilst I've been away.

"Shut up, Virgo!" Taurus spat looking her up and down in disgust before turning her attention back to me, "has she told you?" She spoke emotionlessly staring at me making me nervous.

"Told me what?" I frowned looking to Virgo, confused at the very leased. "What's going on?" I ask looking from Virgo to Taurus, holding Virgo's hand softly.

"It was a mistake a huge mistake, if I could take it back I would," Virgo stated with fear in her eyes, causing me to feel even more confused than before.

"Get on with it already," Taurus snapped folding her arms getting impatient, I quickly turned back round to Virgo wanting to know what's going on.

"I was drunk, I can even remember what happened, it's just- just a blur," She started as I nodded all my attention on her, "I- I slept with Scorpio," She stuttered causing my eyes to grow wide, I instantly let go of Virgo's hand, tears desperate to escape my eyes. It was like my heart shattered with betrayal, all my trust for Virgo evaporated out of me and our future I knew we had had suddenly disintegrated within seconds.

"I- uh-" I gulped my voice shaky and my words not being able to form properly, "you what?" I frowned still in misbelief that one of my best friends slept with my girlfriend, the only person I've ever truly loved.

"Please Cap it was a mistake, I was drunk! I didn't even know what I was doing," Virgo tried to explain coming closer to me causing me to step back. How could she do this to me? Aren't I enough?

"I need sometime," I gulped staring at the floor needing to think over what just happened and what could happen next.

"Capricorn, she cheated on you are you going to take that?" Taurus frowned her eyes frantically looking into mine searching for some sort of answer.

"No which is why I need to think about this," I resorted I quickly turned back to Virgo who was now sobbing, my first instinct was to comfort her but not this time, "I think we need a break," I stated as she look up to me with puffy eyes and a broken heart.

"Are you breaking up with me?" She questioned staring into my eyes, hers slowly leaking with hopelessness and regret, causing me to pause.

"I don't know," I spoke turning away from her, "but what I do know is that I can't do this for awhile," I explained glancing up at her before I walked towards the door, only to stare at the door handle. I looked back at Virgo who was crying he eyes out, reaching for the handle. I turned my sight back to that very handle, grasping it. Hesitation filled me instantly but so did betrayal, anger and wounds deeper than the ones I've already collected along the way. This one took the emotional blow of them all.

So I turned the handle and walked out the door...

(Cancers PoV)

"What the hell is wrong with your boyfriend?!" I screamed cradling Aries, he looked as if he had been beaten to a pulp, his eye swollen and bruised and blood falling from his head. I felt scared for him but I wouldn't let myself cry, I'm too strong for that, and I need to be strong for him now.

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