Chapter 28.

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(Pisces pov)

I sighed falling back onto my bed feeling somewhat a overwhelming sense of comfort and safety. I knew in that moment that this place could be my home. A light, refreshing 20 minute walk from the pack house, the zodiacs all together, a place to call our home. I smile spread across my lips as I sucked in a deep breath of pine, oak and sweet grass from outside, causing me to close my eyes and imagine the nature around me.

I paused opening my eyes realising the work I had to do in order to make this place our home, after all at the moment it was more like a show home. However, I also knew that it would last long in this state either with the other zodiacs, especially with all the fire signs. I slowly sat up, only to walk over to my bags and begin to unpack to claim certain draws before Leo could, after all he does have more clothes than me which is, well, Leo.

"Pisces!" I voice squeaked with excitement, causing me to turn my head to reveal Scorpio?

"Um, what are you doing here may I ask without sounding rude?" I questioned, my tone contradicting what I said, however I found myself slightly dumbfounded that he was here.

"I can manipulate water!" He cheered placing a glass full of water on the table, catching my attention as I quickly jumped to my feet to watch.

"Great! Show me! Show me!" I laughed like a child wanting to learn something new, as he raised a brow causing me to narrow my eyes in return, "come on," I moaned wanting to watch the magic happen as he sighed.

"Just don't get it on the floor someone could slip," Virgo stated walking into my room, only to lean against the door, before gesturing back to the glass.

Scorpio suddenly raised his hand like someone out of a Star Wars movie, and caused the water to slowly rise out of the glass, "whoa," I smiled as he began to create a sphere of water, "can you make a splat?" I asked wondering what else he could do, however he lost control and the water landed everywhere, specifically on me.

"Sorry pisces," he apologised as I shrugged it off and got up attempting to dry myself by shaking the water off.

"Can I talk to you for a sec?" Virgo questioned as Scorpio frowned and nodded, only to follow Virgo outside. I wonder what that's about? I paused reflecting back only to grasp my head, with pain filling me as I fell to the floor, holding my head as images began to flicker through my mind.

I screamed in agony, sealing my eyes shut as each image was sired into my memory. Three baby's, all the zodiacs in a line, the angel of death, the alpha, Miss Smith.

A black figure pointing toward me repeating the words, "no one can save you now".

(Gemini's pov)

I sighed holding Sagittarius' hand tightly waiting for him to wake up and tell me everything is going to be ok. That we could just leave here and make a family of our own, with our little selves all running around us. That right now is all that I want, I quickly wiped away the tear which escaped my eye.

"Don't worry Gem, he'll be fine I know it. Sag is as tough as nails, he'll pull through, after all he is immortal," Aries reassured me with a small smile with a loud unhinged cough to follow.

"Wheres Cancer?" I questioned trying to take my mind off the fact that sag is lying in a hospital bed, when it should be me in his place, causing me to flood with guilt at the very thought.

"Gem? Hellllo?" Aries waved, knocking me from my thoughts, "I said she's just popped to the mansion to grab some stuff to make me comfortable," he answered, causing me to nod as I took in his words, "are you okay? The accident must've shook you up really bad," He spoke as I flinched at the memory of it all slowly unfolding in front of my eyes again.

"Yeah... it did," I replied my words wondering off as I tried to focus on sag, I need to be here for him, not in la la land, I'm not going to do a pisces.

"Well look at the bright side, none of us got caught and all of us excluding Aqua are alive," Aries resorted, not impressing me in the slightest bit the was definitely no bright side to this equation. The mention of Aquas name caused flashes of his death to swell in my mind like a bruise that hadn't come out yet, I hadn't recovered. Like a animation, once it starts the was no turning back, just like time, once it starts the is not stopping it.

"Gem!" Aries snapped, causing me to shake my head.

"Uh, I need to get some water," I announced, causing him to frown as I got out of my seat, "I'll be back in a minute I just need to clear my head that's all," I smiled weakly as I reassured him that I was okay. I'm not okay I'm far from it, I'm fine...

I quickly walked out of the small clean room into the hallway, which practically mirrored the typical stench of death you'd find in every hospital, causing me to gulp as I held onto my mug tighter. I glanced to each end seeing nothing but emptiness, allowing me to let the tears gracefully fall down my face as I also gradually slipped down the wall to the floor, lifting my knees to my chest, only to hold them tightly as I felt hopeless.

I'be been through so much and I don't think I can take anymore.

(Capricorns pov)

"I know this must come as a shock to you, take as much time as you'd like" the alpha spoke, his voice laced with sympathy as I listened to his footsteps disappear down the hall as I stared in through the window at my mother on her death bed.

I frowned trying to fit the new pieces of the puzzle together, Miss Smith... my mom. But she couldn't be my mom died in the car accident over 60 years ago now. But if she was she's lying there dying and I'm out here contemplating what to do.

I gulped stepping into the empty room, hearing the bleep from the machine every time her heart beat. With each step closer I took I couldn't help but wonder why she didn't tell me, didn't she want me? Was she watching me? Was she waiting for the right time to tell me? Questions raced through my mind but I instantly pushed them aside, I need to be there for her now.

I took the seat beside her bed as stated, analysing each wire, ensuring it was in the correct position so she'd be comfortable. I quickly got up to make sure the pillow was fluffy and wasn't hurting her neck, but then I realised I didn't know how she liked her pillow. I don't really know her, I don't know if I'll get the chance to know her. I paused taking the seat again watching her chest rise only to fall again.

Could she hear me? I stared hard at her, however looking at all the tubs and wires hooked up to her made it very unlikely that she'd hear even a bomb go off, however I need to talk to her, "hey it's Capricorn," I announced, "So Miss Smith... or should I call you mom now?" I paused scratching my forehead, only to rub my eyes as I stared into space.

"I just want to know why you didn't tell me," I stated feeling stupid yet relieved, as I turned my sight back to her, "wasn't the a good time? Didn't you want to tell me?" I asked knowing that I wouldn't get a much needed answer in return, "I wish you did," I added looking to the floor, only to sigh.

"I don't know why I'm doing this, I bet that you can't even hear me," I moaned judging wanting her to wake up, " just focus on getting better", I smiled weakly taking her hand, only to hold it firmly, "I'll be here waiting for you when you wake up, I promise," I added taking her hand with both of mine, wishing she'd recover as soon and as quickly as possible.

"Capricorn is it?" A woman walked in capturing me attention, she seemed around Miss Smiths age, dark brunette hair, with a light yet fair complexion and big brown eyes, like Miss Smiths too.

"Uh, yeah," I smiled getting to to greet her, as I held out my hand, "Do you know Miss Smith?" I questioned as she chuckled raising a brow as she glanced over to Miss Smith.

"Oh me and your mom go way back"

Bam so here the new chapter! Sorry for the late update I would say usually I've been really busy, however I haven't and I've sort of just been really lazy this week. Anyway! On a more important note, what has happened in this chapter!

PISCES!! What's happening with pisces?! Will anyone find her? Poor Gemini I really feel sorry for her and I wrote her. And capricorns finally found out that Miss Smiths his mom! Yay! But who's this woman who knows her huh? So please don't forget to:

And keep reading! :)

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