2. Tour.

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Jai had been gone three weeks now, and throughout our two year relationship, it was the longest we had been apart, the worst thing was knowing he still had six weeks until he was back. When the boys found out they were going to tour, it was a dream come true. I just didn't realise quite how much I would miss him.

"Shit, I've gotta get ready!" I mumbled looking at the time, it was now 9:30 and I was meeting Gina at 11. "Where are you going?" Jordan asked, it wasn't often I didn't invite him along, but this wasn't something I wanted him tagging along to.

"Lunch." I mumbled back exiting his room.

"With who?!" He called back, but I ignored him, he probably thought I was going with friends, friends he wanted to get into his bed, again.

I slouched back into my room and put away my skinny jeans, Gina and I hadn't planned anything too formal for lunch, just a small, quiet cafe in Melbourne, where we could go unrecognised, however I was pretty sure she wanted to shop afterwards, which could turn out to be quite hectic.

I pulled the towel from my head and shook my light, brown hair, tousling it with my fingers, before switching on my hair dryer.

As the air blew through the waves, my other hand brushed through it gently and I thought, once again, of Jai. Why was he acting like we didn't matter. Ever since he had left, he had hardly made contact, after being together 24/7, to speaking three times a week. If I was lucky.

I know how busy he is, I'd helped him look through his schedule before he went, and the time difference was pretty difficult to work around, but we had both discussed when we could talk, once a day, but it never happened like that. He just called when he was drunk with the boys every so often.

I slipped a pair of wide leg, cobalt blue pants, a white tie up shirt and finished with a pair of white platform trainers. Shoving my purse, sunglasses and a few other bits into my bag.

I applied a, slightly heavier than usual, layer of foundation, a touch of rouge blush, a thick strip of eyeliner, tidied up my eyebrows, swept mascara across my lashes and finished off with a nude pink lipstick and an unhealthy amount of gloss, placing it into my bag for touch ups. It was 10:45, this gave me just enough time to drive to the Brooks house to pick up Gina.

"JESS!" Jordan called me from his room, I sighed, not wanting to be late, but walked over to his room anyway. My wavy, light brown hair had somehow stuck itself to my lipstick and as I tried to pick it off, Jordan bumped into me. "Watch it!" I yelled, frustrated.

"Sorry, but have you seen this?!" He thrust his iPad into my hands. 'Janoskians tour extended.' Read the headline on a tweet JRemy had posted. Thanks for letting me know Jai..

"Yeah whatever, I'm sure Jai will tell me everything later." I muttered, noticing it was now 10:52.

"Sure?" He questioned me, going to Jai's twitter. '@jaibrooks1: pumped for the extra tour dates, can't wait to see all you girls!' 17 hours ago.

Why was Jai messing with my head like this?

I held back the tears and hid the disappointment I felt, turning away from Jordan quickly and making my way downstairs. "Morning, you look lovely!" My step mum cooed as I picked up my keys.

"Are you sure you don't want to come Ainsley?" I asked her, she was practically my mother, I'd lived with her and my father since I was 4.

I still kept in contact with my birth mother, Raquelle, but she had moved to Perth with her new husband Kevin and I wanted to stay with my father, as did Jordan.

"I'm okay love, I have Jordan and Aliyah here and your father will be back from work in a while, I don't want to butt in on your time alone with Gina." She smiled sweetly. Her and Gina had gotten really close since Jai and I had begun dating, which was comforting.

"If you're sure." I smiled and ruffled my younger sisters hair. Aliyah was 12, and a bit of a handful at times, but I loved her all the same. "See you later sweetie, send Gina my love!" She called as I left.

But still, all that was on my mind was Jai's tweet. Why hadn't he told me?


I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far, please comment your opinions on the different style of writing and how you think I could improve or whatever!

I'll only be updating once every chapter gets at least 10 votes as I'm so busy at the moment.

Thank you for reading though, especially if you've read all four I my fanfics! Molly x

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