4. Phone calls

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"Sorry Jess, how was your pasta?" Gina asked when she finally cane back. She looked stressed out, the call clearly wasn't one of the boys, but I couldn't help but be curious.

"It was lovely, are you okay?" I asked her, she shook her head and ran her fingers through her hair. "Management won't allow me to create fan design t-shirts. They're being real dick heads about it."

"What? Why? You're the merchandise manager, surely it's up to you?" I sympathised with her, Gina spent hours each day trying to organise the merchandise, which I helped with occasionally, but management were always on her case.

"Something to do with them not having time now the boys are on your, not that it's any of their business." She grunted.

"Tell you what, I'll help you with things this weekend, I'll bring Jordan and a few of the girls. With some extra hands, they might change their minds!" I smiled and as she looked up she had a matching grin on her face.

"Thank you sweetie, I don't know what I'd do without you here! Now let's get out of here, I need some pampering!" We both laughed and called Carlos over for the bill, I insisted on paying for both of our meals, Gina needed cheering up, and me being the closest thing she had to family at the moment, it was my job.


"I'm thinking a hot pink, or maybe gold. Something bright and cheerful." Gina consulted me, she decided on hot pink with each index finger in gold. I opted for a manicure with multicoloured tips. Electric blue, hot pink, yellow, bright green and sunset orange.

"Thank you Jessy, I've had such a lovely day, it's nice to have a girl around occasionally, could you imagine the boys being here right now?" She laughed.

"It's a pleasure, Ainsley and dad always working, Aliyah is too young and Jordan would be worst than the boys!" I laughed with her and parked up outside the Brooks' house. It was awfully quiet without the boys here.

"Right, I'll be over at 10am, with an army of merchandise hungry teenagers ready to help! Thanks again for today Gina, enjoy your night!" I called as she left the car.

Just then my phone began ringing, I couldn't answer because I had just begun driving, it was probably just Jordan, I'd be home in a few minutes anyway so he could wait.

I pulled up at my house got out of the car, Jordan was waiting for me as soon as I walked through the door, he looked disappointed as I walked in, alone. "What?" I questioned him.

"Nothing.." He smirked and turned from me.

"Why did you call me?" I asked him again, get slightly annoyed at his sly attitude. "I didn't" he said confused and walked into the kitchen. If Jordan hadn't called me who had?

I checked my phone, Jai. Shit. I called back, trying to unbuckle my shoes and keep hold of my handbag, making my way upstairs so I could talk to my boyfriend in peace.

No answer.

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