16. Troll Doll.

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"girls, please make sure you eat before you start drinking" Ainsley said concerned. There had been a few occasions in the past where she had helped us out from the cab, and into the bathroom to puke. It wasn't a pretty sight. "and how many girls are we expecting for breakfast tomorrow? Im on my way out to grab food and I need to make sure I get enough ingredients for A's 100% works, everytime, hangover cure." she raised her right eyebrow and smirked. She pulled her keys from the hook and turned, waiting for an answer. I shrugged, I had no clue if the others would end up here or not, however I did live the closest." let's just say five, to be safe. Thanks Ainsley" I smiled at her as she left with Aliyah. Dad was with Harry, trying to help him fix his barbecue so they could 'make a real night of it' and Jordan had gone to eat straight from practice, no doubt he'd be home soon. Ainsley had gushed over my new hair since I'd come home, saying how much it brought out the blue of my eyes and complimented my pale skin. Aliyah said I looked like a troll doll, but a cool one, which was probably the best compliment I could hope to receive from a 12 year old. I was worried about what my dad would think though, he wasn't much into people 'altering their appearance' , which was strange considering Ainsleys tits were definitly plastic. "come on girl, we have to start getting ready, my tan will take at least an hour" Arielle nudged me.

Once upstairs I slumped onto my bed, of Ari's tan took and hour, I could relax for a while. She locked herself in the bathroom and I opened up my macbook. I scrolled through twitter for a little, replying to some messages from fans, but it just made me think of Jai, and tonight was supposed to be keeping my mind from him. He wasn't online on Skype, or Facebook, and neither were the other boys. At least I wasn't missing out to someone else. I snapped my mac closed again and stared out of the window. The apartment complex behind looked drearier than ever. Most of the apartments were occupied by students, which meant on most Friday and Saturday nights, the place was lit up, and you could see groups of young adults gathered, drinking, smoking, making out mostly. But tonight, silence. A lot of them had gone home for the holidays, but a few still lingered, including my friends, Frankie and Poppy. Frankie lived close by, but having 7 younger brothers and sisters, living in the student apartments was her only chance for independence and privacy. We'd met at primary school, along with Arielle and Marla, and she had introduced us to Poppy, her roomate. The five of us were inseparable for some time, until Ari and I spent more and more time with the guys. They tagged along for challenge videos occasionally, and Frankie almost dated Daniel, but it didn't work out. Since then, she didn't tag along as much, 'too much bad energy' she said.

Arielle emerged from the bathroom, a golden brown colour, wearing my black silk robe and matching shorts. "thanks for letting me borroe these, actual life saver!" she said and walked over to the window. "I wonder how Frankie and Poppy are coping with the quiet season. It must be pretty boring without the parties" she muttered. I agreed and we discussed the parties we had attended for a while. After around ten minutes, I got up and went Intk the bathroom, Ari had actually fine a good job of not getting her tan all over the white fixtures, a first for everything. "hurry up and shower, I need to rinse this off in 40 minutes!" she bellowed from the other side of the door. She continued to try and communicate through the door, but I turned on the shower and it soon drowned out the sound of her voice. I gathered my blue hair up and shoved it under a shower cap, I didn't want to compromise the incredible work Adele had put in that afternoon. I tested the water on my leg first, I gasped at the water scorched my toes first and then splashed up to my ankle. I turned the temperature down and stripped off my underwear, placing my fresh towel on the empty hook. I turned to the mirror, and laughed as I caught a glance at how ridiculous the cap looked, poured some makeup remover onto a face towel and began circling it around my face, rinsing it afterwards and finally climbing into the shower. The water had gone from scolding, to almost too cold, but I couldn't be bothered to fiddle around with the temperature, for me to get out as soon as I'd got it perfect. I quickly washed, shaved every inch of my body and washed once more before rinsing and climbing out.

"thank god, you've been in there forever" Arielle complained as I unlocked the bathroom door and stepped out in my towel and cap. "what the fuck is that?" she laughed at the sight of me before adding "actually, that's genius! Can I use it, please?!" I quickly made sure my shoulders were dry, before whipping off the cap and handing it to her. She disappeared into the bathroom, and as I slipped on a pair of green cotton shorts, and an oversized white shirt, a knocking sounded on my door."come in!" I called and continued to dry off my legs properly. Jordan entered and stood with his mouth open, "what did you eat a smurf or somethung?" he said, his eyebrows raised, "dad's going to flip" he folded his arms and leant across the door frame.
"I like it, so fuck you" I replied not even bothering to make eye contact. I threw the towel at him and annoyingly he caught it and tossed it back, hitting me straight in the face. "Jordan!" I yelled, "did you want something, or did you just come here to insult me?" I asked him, dropping the towel into the laundry basket. "for your information, I think it looks cool, it suits you, but dad's going to hate it. Also, I came to see what you were up to tonight, I thought maybe we could go play some midnight golf, like old times? Brandon and I were talking about jt earlier, it used to be fun. Arielle can come too? " midnight golf was an all night crazy gold course that had different neon, UV courses and the four of us used to go together every week." might be a bit weird, plus we're going out tonight with the girls. You and Brandon have fun though" I winked at him and ushered him out of the room so I could get ready, and saving Arielle from another awkward, half dressed encounter with him.

I sat down at my desk, and began to apply moisturiser, planning a makeup look in my own head. Blue shadow with silver glitter cut crease, black liner and Lashes. A nude lip and sharp contour. "Jessy!" Frankie squealed as her and Poppy entered the room, "Ainsley let us in, she said shes bringing up some food for us soon." she smiled and hugged me, and began to run her fingers through my hair. "its gorge" she sighed, and reluctantly moved so poppy could hug me and also stroke my hair. "how long did it take?" Poppy asked as they both sat down and began to unpack their makeup. I talked them through the process as we all began to apply our foundation, the sound of the shower stopped in the background and Ari soon joined us, her tan looking more natural now. She sat with Poppy and Frankie on the floor, the three of them using the mirrors along my closet doors. A few minutes later Aliyah walked into the room, holding two pizza boxes stacked one on top of the other. "we got these for you on our way back" she placed them onto my dresser and came over to look into my mirror. "how'd you do that?" she asked as she stared at the blue and silver cut crease on my eyes, "a lot of practise, I'll show you when you're a bit older." I told her, I thanked her for the pizza and she went around the room inspecting the girls makeup. Frankie had done neon pink eyes, which made a bold impact on her dark skin, and both poppy and Ari had settled on a more neutral smokey eye. Once done, we all gathered around, Aliyah included and tucked into the pizzas.

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