5. Skype.

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I sat down on my bed frustrated and logged into my computer, twitter, Skype and Instagram were the first three things I logged into, wondering if anything had happened to the boys this morning. The only tweets were from Beau and James saying that tour rehearsals were going well.

Daniel had posted a keek, featuring Ronnie as per usual, which made me miss Mariam all of a sudden. I clicked onto Skype to see if she was online, I could do with talking to someone in the same situation as me, but she was offline.

I noticed that Jai was on though, and typed a simple 'hi' to him, not expecting a reply. Five minutes passed and nothing, all I wanted was to get out of these clothes and into something comfortable.

I removed my dress from my body and laid it across my chair, I found my sweat pants, on the floor, exactly where I'd left them this morning and just as I was about to slip them on, a Skype call came through.

I dropped everything and ran to my bed, It was Jai, finally. I answered it without any hesitation and soon his gorgeous, but slightly blurred face appeared. "Dressed for the occasion I see!" he laughed, I look down confused, realising I was sitting in my underwear.

Beau, Luke and Daniel appeared behind Jai and I panicked, finding a pillow to cover myself with, blushing. "Why didn't you answer my call?" He asked, the boys still shouting things at me like 'drop the pillow Jess!' And 'Jai's got a boner.'

"I was driving home from your house, your mum and I went for lunch." I replied and he instantly looked jealous. I'm not sure why, or who of but he didn't look thrilled. "Fuck off cunts, I'm talking to Jess!" He yelled to the boys and soon the room he was in went quiet.

"Why didn't you answer my call back?" I asked, "I've hardly spoken to you Jai, I don't like it at all, Arielle speaks to Luke every day." I sighed.

Arielle was my best friend, and Luke's girlfriend of over two years. If Luke had time to talk to her, why didn't Jai have time for his girlfriend of two years?

"My phone was on silent, and I'm just busy all the time Jess." He replied sourly, breaking eye contact. Tears began spilling down my face, "so why does everyone else have time Jai? Why has everyone else told family and girlfriends about the tour being extended?!" I sobbed.

"Jess I, I didn't know how to tell you.." He began, "don't cry! I miss you so much, I just don't know what to say when I talk to you. I feel the longer we don't talk, the better we can talk."

"Bullshit Jai! You're just having too much of a good time there, you don't care about what's happening here, you don't want my boring, same old, conversations to bring you down."

I hated arguing with Jai, both of us were equally stubborn and I knew if the argument got worse, I probably wouldn't talk to him for another week.

"Yeah, that's partly true, but believe me, I miss you." Oh, thanks Jai. My tears fell faster as he continued, "I'm so pumped for the tour to start, I honestly just don't want to come home or think about it, you know if you were here, things would be different Jessy..."

"Are you seriously breaking up with me Jai?" My tears stopped abruptly and anger filled my whole body. I could feel blood rushing to my face, and my veins filling with the thick liquid. "Jess.."

"No Jai, two fucking years we've been together! You've been gone five minutes and you're already doubting us." The tears rushed back, and I choked as I continued talking to him.

"I'm not doubting us! I don't want us to break up, it's just hard, really hard without you."

"Looks like you'll have to get used to it." I yelled, through the sobbing of my tears and closed my laptop lid, he didn't even look fazed by it, he didn't shed a single tear.

I picked up my phone, and sent a text to the one person I could truly depend on.

To: Ari x

Jai broke up with me, come over? :'( x


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