20. Home Again. (Contains Sexual Content)

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After a few moments, completely in silence, Jordan and Brandon stood up, they made their way over to Marla, and she linked arms with Jordan. "right, let's get home" Jordan said as he approached us, none of us knowing what to say. Jordan tried to make eye contact with me, but I quickly turned, no doubt in my mind that Brandon had disclosed the previous events to him. Jordan wasn't Jai's biggest fan, he was friends with Beau and Skip in school, but didn't know the twins that well. They always chatted when Jai was round, and seemed to get on, but I was his little sister, and my protection came before anything else, especially after the way Jai and I fought sometimes. Jordan had been there through all the tears and anger, but still, he would prefer me with Jai, than Brandon. A short walk later we arrived at the taxi office and waited for our ride.

It was packed full of people, some drunk, falling about all over, others looked like they had just finished a night shift, sleepy and barely awake in their chairs. A group of young guys, around Jordans age stood in a corner, eyeing us up, smirking as they talked among themselves. I began to feel uncomfortable and Arielle came over to me "those guys are totally checking you out. You want to leave?" she asked and stood in front to block their view, just as I was about to answer Frankie ran over to them and hugged one of the guys In the centre of the pack. They bagan making out and the other guys regrouped beside them, wolf whistling and egging their friend on. "what is she doing?" Ari asked puzzled. Frankie and her makeout partner started walking towards us, the rest of the pack following. "this is Mark, the hot guy from the club, he lives in our building, how weird is that?", she smiled as she introduced us and clung onto his arm. "were gonna go back to mine, if you girls are okay? Poppy you coming?" Poppy looked like she would rather be torn apart by a lion and fed to its cubs, but she nodded and said her goodbyes. The group of them walked off and got into a taxi, I was worried for Poppy, there were four other guys, and I was sure that at least one of them would try and make a move on her.

It was getting even more crowded now, it was almost 4am, the clubs were winding down for the night and everyone needed a ride home. Our small group slowly filtered outside, standing in the cold to wait. No one was talking except Jordan and Marla, I couldn't make out what they were saying, but occasionally she would giggle as she leant her hands and head on his shoulder. Brandon stood close to them, facing towards me, but looking down at the ground. "Jess, what happened?" Ari whispered to me. She sounded panicked, worried almost. I wanted to tell her, she was my best friend, but I wasn't sure I could deal with the disappointment. Our 'perfect' group of four, Her and Luke, me and Jai, would be torn apart, and she would be furious. I could hear her in my head already 'we' ll never see each other, I'll always be with Luke and you'll be with Brandon. That's not how it's supposed to be. You and Jai are meant for each other, and what about England? We're supposed to go to London and watch the boys, it's a holiday of a lifetime and it'll be so romantic. You can't do this Jess!' but I wasn't doing anything. That was the problem. I wasn't telling Jai and trying to fix our relationship. I wasn't apologising to Brandon, I wasn't even making up my own mind. I had so many emotions and feelings bottled up inside of myself, I couldn't even decide how I felt. "later" I whispered back to Arielle. I was going to explode and she might just be the only person I could tell. "Taxi!" Jordan called and we all piled in, Arielle first, then me, and Brandon sat on my left, looking out of the window, making no contact. Jordan and Marla opposite, they were all over each other, flirting, giggling and by the time we were halfway, they were making out. Not long after, we arrived home.

Arielle had fallen asleep against the right hand window, her legs like spaghetti, flopped out in front of her, with help from Jordan, I carried her inside and put her in my bed. She stirred a little, slurred thank you and fell straight back to sleep again. Jordan left, and dragged Marla into his room across the hall, no guesses what would be happening there. It seemed as though Dad, Ainsley and Aliyah had crashed at Harry and Mels, their bedroom door was wide open, and empty. I made my way back downstairs, desperate for some water. Brandon was sat at the counter, his own glass of water half gone, looking out of the patio doors. I poured some water into a glass and sat next to him, I turned my head, Brandon's own face turned towards me. He looked broken, his eyes glassed over and I could tell he was both physically and mentally tired. He flashed me a weak smile, and resumed staring out of the window. He uncrossed his arms and placed them on top of the counter, his right hand landed on top of my own, and without turning back we interlocked our fingers and sat comfortably for a while. His hand was warm, his thumb stroked the side of my hand gently, and I squeezed slightly to let him know I was aware, and appreciative. He shuffled a little and our sides met, I leaned against him and felt myself drifting off, much like Arielle. "I'm sorry" he whispered as I closed my eyes. I prised my eyes open, feeling somewhat exhausted, and glared at our entwined hands. Brandon leant his head down and rested his right cheek against the top of my head.

"Tired?" he asked as I yawned and sat up right again. I nodded and stood up from the chair. "very, and desperate to change" I yawned again, and slipped off my heels. One of the straps from my dress had fallen down off my shoulder, and Brandon, now standing, scooped it back up into its correct position. "that dress looks amazing on you" he whispered, lingering. The touch of his hand on the side of my neck lit a fire inside of me, I was fighting so hard to stay away from him, but I couldn't. My hands grabbed the back of his head roughly, and I pulled him towards me, thrusting my lips to his. "Jessy..." his raspy voice turned me on so much more, and his attempt to stop me, only made me more desperate for his touch. The sound of my name, escaping his lips, was everything I wanted to hear. "please?" I begged him as he tried to escape, I knew he wanted this as much as I did, but he stood firmly. "Brandon, please?" I said again, my hands still stroking his hair. Without warning, he picked me up, my legs wrapped around his waist and we stumbled until my back was against the wall. He kissed me passionately, his hands moving down my body and supporting my back. He kissed my neck, and shoulder, caressing my body with his hands, and my head tilted back. I breathed louder, a quiet moan escaping, as he nibbled on my earlobe. I loosened the straps of my dress, allowing him to move his lips across my collar bone and down to my chest. My feet met the floor again, and I pulled him back into the kitchen.

My dress, half off my body, shimmered in the moon light, and Brandon helped me up onto the counter. My legs open and his body placed between them. I began to unbutton the rest of his shirt, and slid it down his arms, his tattooed flesh now out in the open. I couldn't stop myself, I'd already gone too far, he made me feel wanted, a prized possession. "are you sure?" he asked as my hands began to fumble with the buckle on his belt. I'd never felt so unsure of anything in my life, I wanted to have him, all of him to myself, but I didn't want to face the consenques. However, that would be another day, I'd face those later, right now, I was only focused on my need for affection. "I'm sure" I whispered back, breathing heavily down his neck, with concent, he pulled my dress down below my breasts and held one in his hand, his other hand on the back of my head as we kissed again. I finally managed to unbuckle his belt, and wrapped my legs around his waist again. "not here" I said, and he lifted me up, kissing my chest, and sucking lightly on my nipples, before dropping me down. I grabbed his hand, leading him blindly to the patio doors, we couldn't have sex in a communal area of my parents house, it would haunt me forever, knowing. Outside was the only option right now, as I walked, my dress slipped down further, until i stepped out of it, and stood completely naked on the porch.

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