VI. House of the New Osirian

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House of Anubis: Wadjet's Warning
By KurtDestin

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VI. House of the New Osirian

Nina hurried to Eddie's side. He was unconscious, but he kept breathing.

"Eddie! Wake up, Eddie!"

His breathing suddenly stopped.

"Eddie . . ." Nina gasped.

She felt for a pulse, but he didn't have one. Before she panicked, her locket began glowing. She took it off and pushed it against his chest. A red glow went through his body and he inhaled deeply. He was awake.

"Nina!" Eddie hugged her.

A tear fell down Nina's face and she held him tightly.

"I thought I'd lost you." Nina whispered.

They began to break away, but it ended in a kiss. A few seconds after realizing what was happening, they broke it off and stood up.

"That was—" Eddie began.

"A huge mistake."

"I couldn't agree more!"

"Oh my god! Amber!" Nina gasped "She's gone."

"Where did she go?" Eddie asked standing up.

"That man in gold struck her like he did me, except she vanished. We have to go back up."

"What about Amber?"

"We can't help her without the Osirian. And honestly, it could be any of us. It's not either of us, or Amber. That narrows it down to Patricia, Jerome, Joy, Alfie, KT, or Mick. "

"Let's just hope that it's not too late for Amber . . ." Eddie sighed and headed towards the exit.

Nina unlocked the way and as she began to crawl out, she heard snoring. She glanced to notice that she was in Jerome's room. Nina crawled back down, shutting the hatch, and turned back towards Eddie.

"We need to do more research. And the only place with accurate answers is here."

"What about sleep? That's sort of necessary."

"If you want to go up into Jerome's room, go ahead. Like I said, let's get to work." Nina sighed and pulled out her locket.

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