~Chapter 1~

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~Edited   (4.23.17) ~

            Artemis was walking downstairs to the parking lot down below the building she works in. As she was walking she passed a group of guys who wolf whistled at her as she passed. She just put her middle finger up and continued walking, she got this everyday. She was 5'4 with long straight black hair and icy blue eyes, she had a sharp nose that went down to her full lips and lip piercing, she had a round heart-shaped face. She had a slender body with average sized breasts and slightly wide hips. Artemis was once told she was the hottest to ever work at this building to which she just rolled her eyes and said," Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Artemis never liked men that thought of women that way.

                           When Artemis got to her car, a maroon colored Camaro SS, she pulled out her keys unlocking it and getting in. She put her keys in the ignition and pulled away with the radio playing, Hurt by Johnny Cash. There was a past to this song, always reminded her of her past, although she never talks about it, you might see it clear as day if you took one look at her. The sadness that was trapped in her soul, that one day she might share.

                        Artemis pulled into the parking lot next to her apartment building and she walked down the sidewalk to her door. As she stepped in she took in her neat and expensive looking living room that had a flat-screen hanging on the wall, with Birch wood bookshelves sitting next to it. A black couch and two similar looking chairs sat in front of the TV, the walls painted a light grey color with family photos filling the walls, A nine year old on the back of a twelve year old smiling at the Zoo. A picture next to it of a couple that looked at each other with more love than most people could comprehend. There was a doorway to the right led to her all marble and stainless steel kitchen and a doorway on the left leading to her bedroom. 

               Artemis set her keys in the dish on one of the side tables next to the couch, before walking into the kitchen debating whether she'll cook dinner or just order take-out. Finally deciding she'd just cook some ramen, she goes to her cabinet getting some out and cooking it. After she finishes eating she goes into her bedroom that has a queen sized bed with dark blue colored duvets, on the back wall. Her closet door next to her expensive bathroom that was filled with marble furniture. Artemis steps into her bathroom freshening up before getting pajamas on and going over to her bed and getting into it and going to sleep.

~The next morning~

Artemis decides to go into work early today. After getting dressed she walks into the living room, grabbing the keys from the dish on the side table and walking out.

 When she arrives and parks in her usual parking spot she  goes up the stairs, the reason she takes the stairs is because since she's gotten this job it's been easier to get lazy so she takes the stairs to stay healthy, instead of taking the elevator. When she walks into her office she takes out her lip piercing and  puts on the necessary materials to enter the lab.

   At her station she starts working on what she started a few days ago, it's called the werewolf serum, since werewolves aren't able to bite to change anyone and a lot of werewolves have human mates she thought that if they came up with something that can alter a humans DNA and make it to where a human can get turned into a werewolf. 

 After a few hours her boss comes by her station. 

"Artemis I have a new project for you," he said.

"Bruce, you can't just make me-" "Actually I'm your boss so I can, so just put that project off until later," Bruce interrupts her,"Now your new project is to get samples from this egg," He puts an egg on her table. The egg is really big for an egg but it doesn't really surprise her since there is so much weird stuff out there.

She sighs," Fine." Artemis picks up the egg putting it in a container, muttering under her breath.

"Okay, and before I leave I want you to go home and get samples for about two weeks," Bruce says nodding his head and walking away.

"Alright," Artemis sighs again before packing her things.

Artemis goes to her office taking everything off and putting her lip ring back on. She locks up her office and heads home.

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