~Chapter 8~

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~Nesenth above~

~later that day~

Artemis was bent over trying to catch her breath. She was running the castle perimeter because Titus was 'training her' more like killing her, she thought to herself. 

"Come on,"Titus shouts.

"I'm human you idiot, I don't have your stamina, stupid wolf,"She mutters.

"I heard that,"Titus shouts again.

"You were meant to,"Artemis shouts back stopping and collapsing on the ground,

"Get up, or you aren't going,"Titus says walking back to her.

Artemis sits up fast and glares at him,"I will fucking go no matter what you say," She says in a deadly calm tone.

Titus looks surprised she had never cursed before, he narrows his eyes.

"Don't curse at me, I will have a say in if you are going because you're my mate and I don't want you hurt,"Titus says back.

Artemis glares at him getting up she gets in his face," I will go just because you said I couldn't."

Titus grabs her arm pulling her close,"You won't go because I will lock you up if I have to."

Next thing he knows he feels a stinging pain in his right cheek, she had slapped him.

Artemis looks at him angrily,"I am not something you can boss around or lock up I am my own goddamned person and I'll go if I can help it."

Titus's features darken,"You are mine." Titus growls pulling her into his chest.

Shocked Artemis freezes, she wasn't used to stuff like this, she may get guys attention but, she never dated let alone hugged unless it was her father.

Titus nuzzles his face into her neck taking in her scent. Artemis shakes out of her shocked state and tries to push him away, his grip just tightens and he growls.

All of a sudden wings could be heard and then something landed near the two of them but, Titus didn't seem to notice. Artemis craned her neck to see if she could see but she was immobile.

'My rider I am here for assistance,'Nesenth's voice echoed in her head and she sighed in relief.

"Uh...Titus let go before my dragon kills you,"Artemis says.

Titus just growls and another pair of wings is heard.

'My queen, I apologize for my rider,' Tiamat's voice echos in her mind.

Titus groans and let's go of her,"I hate you both."

'We are protecting our queen,'Tiamat says looking at Titus.

'Well she is, I just don't want any guys near you,'Nesenth says.

"Oh, so I have a protective brother now?" Artemis asks looking at Nesenth. Nesenth nods and snorts.

"She's my mate I get to touch her,"Titus says aggravated.

Both dragons growl low in their throats.

Titus puts his hand up in surrender,"I don't want to be cooked or frozen.'

"So Tiamat breaths ice?" Artemis asks.

"Yep, and I believe Nesenth breaths fire because every time he snorts smoke comes out of his nose," Titus says looking at the dragons carefully.

"Boy, you almost got cooked," Artemis says bursting out laughing. Nesenth snorts in agreement.

"It's worth getting past first base," Titus mutters.

Nesenth looks at Titus in an angry sort of way and blows smoke in his direction.

Titus jumps and starts coughing making Artemis laugh harder.

The Experimental Werewolf~ (Completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora