~Chapter 6~

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~Another update because I'm into this story... writing it as I go. Like this song too~

'I was not informed of this until now,' Nesenth says.

"Wow, that's new," Titus says looking at Artemis.

'That and you would have conected to me somehow anyway, I can sense through the rider's bond that you are indeed Titus's mate,' Tiamat says.

Artemis's eyes widen and she looks at Titus. 'If you do not believe me, tell him you're leaving to go to work,' Tiamat says.

"Uh, I got to go to work finish my project," Artemis says looking at Tiama through the corner of her eyes.

"No!- I mean please stay just for a little while," Titus says looking at Artemis.

'Told you so,' Tiamat says. Artemis gives her a dirty look.

"Um... okay," Artemis says.

"Well, I'll get someone to lead him into a  stable and I'll get him fed, are you hungry?" Titus asks.

"Yes I am I happened to miss breakfast," Artemis says to which Titus growls.

Artemis looks surprised,"Oh, sorry I just would like for you to eat,' Titus says looking at her.

Titus walks toward a door into the huge castle and Artemis follows trying to keep up with his long strides. Artemis studied him from behind, he had blond hair and sparkling green eyes, he was about 6'2 or 3 she couldn't exactly tell and his muscles showed through his white button up shirt. Artemis was stopped in her drooling over him when she ran into his muscled back, to which he just chuckled.

"We are here," Titus says.

Artemis steps back letting him walk into the kitchen, her following behind  a little slower.

"So what would you like?" Titus asks.

"Hm.. Maybe a hamburger,"Artemis says.

Titus looks surprised by what she had asked for and looked at the cooks and asked them to make Artemis her food.

"You've never had a burger?" Artemis asks incredulous.

"No I haven't the need to eat such fatty food," Titus says looking at her with a sharp look on his face.

"I was just asking," Artemis says putting her hands up in surrender.

The cooks serve Artemis her food and serve Titus a steak.

"Fatty foods my butt," Artemis says looking at his steak.

"This has less grease," Titus says.

Artemis just shakes her head," So when did you want to tell me that I was your mate."

Titus looked surprised by what she had asked,"Uh, before you left actually, how did you find out?"

"Tiamat," was all she said.

Suddenly Artemis gets a sharp pain in her side and she doubles over,  someone rushes in,"My king someone has injured the black dragon, we got to him before the man could kill him."

The Experimental Werewolf~ (Completed)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt