~Chapter 7~

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~Tiamat when speaking in mind she is speaking to both Artemis and Titus. Above is Apolloyon~

Titus is instantly at Artemis's side, Artemis makes her way to the door outside clutching her side. Titus looks at her with worry,"Are you injured?"

"My side hurts because my dragon is injured," Artemis says as if it was the most obvious thing.

Artemis rushes outside to the stable,'I am fine my rider.' Nesenth's voice enters her mind.

'The man's aura was powerful, I think he might've been Titus's rival,'Tiamat says looking at Artemis.

Titus growls,"Apolloyon the Vampire king."

Artemis gasps and doubles over again.

'I believe that she is feeling more pain from his injury than she should be,' Tiamat says sounding worried.

'My rider I believe you feel the poison,'Nesenth says smoke coming out of his nose.

"I need to bring in Acca she may be the only one who can heal him," Titus says.

"Acca?"Artemis says clenching her teeth.

"She is a really powerful witch," Titus says.

'Or you could put Artemis next to Nesenth and he can heal that way,' Tiamat says.

"I still don't understand this rider bond thing, I mean I have Tiamat but this has never happened," Titus says.

'Well since she's queen she can also heal dragon's no matter the injury,'Tiamat says.

Artemis limps over to Nesenth, and slumps against him. Her side slowly stopped hurting and she looked up at Nesenth.

'My rider I believe I am all healed,' Nsenth says getting up.

"Good, now I need to hunt down whoever decide to almost kill my dragon," Artemis says determination in her eyes.

Titus raises his eyebrow, her personality had done a  full on spin and now he felt sorry for Apolloyon because Titus had no idea what Artemis was capable of.

"Artemis before you go running off how about we make a plan and gather an army," Titus says looking at her.

Artemis sighs," alright but I am going to the battle."

"You'll have to stay at my side,'Titus says his face hardening.

"I'll be fine by myself,"Artemis says.

'My rider if I may cut in you have no fighting experience,' Nesenth says.

Tiamat must have told Titus because he looked annoyed.

"If you want to go I'm training you,'Titus says his tone holding no room for argument.

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