Chapter 6

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I walked down casually to the pub. There's not too much you can do when you have a dragon hidden in your sweatshirt. I scanned the tables for Harry.
I saw him by the door closest to the back. I wove through the crowd of gathering people, and when I reached him, I scowled. "Too many people. Lets get going."
He nodded and pushed the back door open. Harry took out his wand and tapped a certain brick. The wall melted away to reveal a street.
Harry seemed surprised when I didn't freak. "Been to Diagon Alley before?" "Huh? Oh, no, I haven't. Why?" Harry blinked. "Never mind."
Tiger squirmed in my hood. I grimaced and tightened my wings against my back. Harry led me down the street to a shop on the end. Faded gold letters that I couldn't read spelled something out on a sign above the shop.
"Ollivander's." Harry opened the door for me. "Thanks. Oh, wand shop." I nodded. "Coolio." An old man with wispy gray hair was sitting at the desk, fiddling with a strand of hair.
"Ah, Harry Potter." He wheezed. "Haven't seen you in a while. Phoenix feather, am I correct?" "Yes." Harry nodded, spinning his wand in his fingers.
The old man looked at me. "Ah. You're new. Haven't had your parents here. You're brand new. Try this wand." The man gave me a wand on his desk. I had only held it for three seconds when he snatched it back.
"Ah, you're special, alright. Hmm...maybe dragon heart string..." He muttered. I had a sudden idea. I quickly plucked out a wing feather in a way that made it look like I was scratching my back.
"Mr. it? Try this." I laid the pure white feather on his desk. "Ah. Curious. Wherever did you find this? It looks as if...Pegasus? Ah, but this will no do alone. No, too dangerous." I set down one of Tiger's scales I had collected that morning.
"Will this work with it?" "Why, yes, it will." The old man gave me a curious look. "You're a strange one." He turned his back and did some fiddling. He turned around with a strange looking wand. It was pure white, and radiating with power. The handle was a smooth iridescent color, like the scales of a dragon.
The wood spiraled up into a blunted point that sparkled gold. I took the wand. It was light as a feather. "Pegasus feather and dragon scale, dogwood bark, thirteen and a quarter inches." Ollivander said proudly. "Best wand I've ever made. Use it well." he said mysteriously.
"Ah, thank you. I will." "No need to pay." Ollivander said to Harry. "She will pay for it in due time."

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