Chapter 13

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Tomorrow, the day I dreaded finally came. I had to go to school with no one to protect me or make me smile. I was completely alone. I knew I couldn't stay home, but staying home where no one could get to me sounded so appealing.

I go into my car and drove to school dreading the day ahead of me. As I pulled into the parking lot I saw all my ex-friends. They simply stared at me and walked away. They weren't going to attack me because there were students and teachers everywhere. They were all smart enough to not cause a scene and show everyone that they were the bullies.

Derrick never came over to talk to me, which hurt more than I expected. I know I told him to leave me alone, but was I that easy to just forget? Was I really that disposable?

The morning went by without any confrontation from my ex-friends, but lunch was a different story. I walked to a nice secluded spot in the back of the school. My old spot wasn't far from me, but I could never go back there. My spot would never be looked at the same way. It would forever be a spot where I thought about them and how much pain they have caused me.

I was hidden behind a couple of bushes when I heard leaves crunch and sticks break. It sounded more than just one person. I immediately knew that they were seeking their revenge now and I had just made I that much more easier since I chose a place where no teachers or students were.

They rounded the corner and saw me sitting on the grass. I immediately stood up, not going down without a fight. It was five against one, but I wasn't going to let them do this to me anymore. I noticed my old best friend, Lena, wasn't there with them. Maybe she really was sorry and trying to make it up to me. I forgave her after our encounter in the bathroom, but I didn't really believe that she was sorry. Not until now that is.

"Oh look who it is, the slut of the school. You know we were very angry after yesterday's assembly. How could you tell the principal? I thought we were friends," one friend said, laughing at his own joke.

"It wasn't me who told," I said as bravely as I could.

"Then who was it? Was it that boy? Do we need to hurt him as well?" another friend said.

"No!" I said a little too quickly.

Bianca laughed. "You think he really likes you, don't you? Oh how naïve you really are. He kissed me. I know you saw us. He was the one to come on to me."

That's when I lost it. I ran at her and punched her. I didn't get far since there were five of them. I was immediately pulled off of her and held back as Bianca slapped and punched me.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I yelled/screamed at them. "Why do you want to hurt me so badly?"

"You aren't even hurt yet, bitch. You deserve so much more than this. You made us all believe you were something you weren't. You made us believe you were all innocent, when in reality you were sleeping around and getting pregnant. You caused this on yourself, Abigail."

I heard footsteps in the distance. "Hello? Are there any students over here?" It was a teacher. He probably came over after hearing yelling. A hand covered my mouth, making it impossible to talk as well as very hard to breathe. The teacher passed without noticing us. It was only when the teacher disappeared around the corner did the hand come off of my mouth. I gasped for air right before I received a punch in the stomach. I doubled over in pain trying to breathe.

"Why don't you do us a favor and kill yourself already."

"Listen to us. If you or your boy toy tell anyone that it is us here will be consequences."

They tossed my body aside like a rag doll. My face hit a tree causing everything to go fuzzy. I could feel blood starting to drip down my face. I looked up and all of them had disappeared. It was like I had imagined them. I started crying, thinking about what they said.

Do us a favor and kill yourself. Was I really that much of a bother to them? Was I really that much of a bother to everyone? Did my parents think that? Did Derrick think that?

Of course you are a bother. You caused everyone around to feel pain. Your parents have been believing a lie for the past couple of months because you won't tell them anything. Your parents are going to be so disappointed in you when they find out the truth. Derrick always feels like he needs to protect you. That's why he went to the principal because you were too much of a bother to him. He felt guilty not because he told, but because he was going to tell you tat he doesn't love you anymore. You are a bother to everyone.

I tried to stop the bad thoughts, but they just kept coming. I needed to leave. I needed to run away. They would do fine without me. I needed to leave right now. I quickly got up and went over to my books. I ripped out a piece of paper for my note to Derrick. As much as I was a bother to him I still cared for him.

I'm leaving. It's better this way. You can live your life without me bothering you. Everyone will be happy without me. Thank you for being there for me/putting up with me. I will miss you. XOXO –Abigail

I folded the letter and walked to go put it in his locker. I kissed the letter, getting some lipstick on it and slipped it in his locker. Once the letter was slipped into his locker I started walking to my car. I would go home pack some things and head out.

As soon as I got home, I ran upstairs to my room. I grabbed a backpack and a duffle bag. I shoved sweats and t-shirts in the duffle bag as well as my toiletries and glasses. I filled my backpack with money, books, a notebook, pens, and my chargers. Once I was done packing I wrote my parents a note.

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am very sorry for leaving. I wish I could stay, but my friends left me a couple months ago and have been bullying me. I am very sorry I didn't tell you, but I can't take it anymore. Today they beat me up and threw me against a tree. I know you are disappointed in me. I'm sorry. I don't know when I'll be back. Love you both. XOXO Love, Abi

I left the note on the kitchen table, knowing that is where they will see it later when they get home. I slipped on my high school sweatshirt, got into my car and drove, not knowing where I was headed.

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