Chapter 19

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I insisted about going to school the next day. I didn't want any more rumors to go around. I was going to stand up to my old friends and put an end to their bullying. I didn't want to deal with them anymore.

I drove to school in silence, lost in thought. I was hoping that I could make them stop bullying me, but I wasn't sure that they would stop. If I caused a big enough scene then everyone would see them bullying me and they would be reported and be suspended. I would just need to stick to my plan of making a scene. I would need to ignore their words and focus on my plan.

I walked into school with my head down. I could hear people whispering about me. I only caught parts of what everyone was saying.

She's back from...

...Slept around...

...spread 'em for anyone...

...had an abortion...

I tried my best to ignore them, but I, ultimately, couldn't stop letting their words hurt me. I plastered a look of confidence on my face and walked to my locker. Derrick wasn't at my locker yet, so I decided to confront my friends now, since most of the school was in the hallways just hanging out.

I tried my best to look confident, even though I was anything but, and I walked over to my ex-friends. I was finally going to confront them. I was finally going to take control and make them stop.

"Oh look who it is. Little miss whore I the flesh," one of my friends said, causing all of them to turn around and look at me. I noticed that Lena wasn't there with them. She must have really meant what she said about not being their friend anymore.

"I came here to talk to you guys," I said calmly.

"Sorry we don't talk to sluts like you," one said.

"That's funny since you are talking to me right now," I said, slowly working up my courage.

"Not for long, Easy A."

They all turned to walk away. I needed to stand up to them otherwise they wouldn't stop. I took a deep breath and said, "Stop bullying me."

They all stopped walking and turned to look at me. "Oh, we won't stop. Unless you want everyone to know your secret," Bianca said.

"Go ahead and tell everyone my secret!" I yelled. I saw a few people look my way. Good my plan was working. Now I just needed to cause a bigger scene. "I don't care if you tell everyone my secret! Just stop bullying me!" More people turned.

"I would stop that if I was you, slut. We wouldn't want your precious boy toy to find out your little secret," one of them said.

"Do not threaten me. He already knows because he actually cares about me. You will not bully me anymore! I don't care if you tell the whole school! Just leave me alone!"

Everyone was watching us. My ex-friends saw the scene we were causing was making everyone look at us. I smiled and said, "Well now everyone knows you were bullying me. Have fun being suspended."

I was about to walk away when one of my friends said, "Derrick will never love you. Not after you have had an abortion. He is just sorry for you. Why do you think he never tried to find you? He is just pretending so you don't get talked about even more. He would never love you. He could never love you. You are disgusting and deserve to never be loved."

I walked away, noticing Derrick was watching the whole thing. I tried to keep myself together, but one tear slipped down my cheek. I practically ran to my spot. I didn't care if they had been here. It will always be my spot, no matter what they do.

I knew Derrick had followed me, even though I wanted to be alone. "Why did you follow me?" I said, not turning to look at him.

"I came to tell you how proud I am of you for doing that. I know it must have been hard. I just came here to tell you that they are wrong. I really do love you. What they said was not true at all. You deserve to be treated like a princess."

"Just stop it."

"I'm sorry?" he said, confused.

"I don't deserve to be loved." He started to say something, but I cut him off. "Just let me speak. I took a baby's life. I took another human life because I was scared. I couldn't even stop myself from getting raped. Once word gets around the school about my abortion, you will get picked on. I can't have that happen. I can't let what I did hurt you. Even being seen with me will cause people to form rumors about you. I can't let that happen."

"Are you saying we should break up?" I could hear the pain in his voice.

A tear fell down my face as I said, "I need some space right now."

"Abi..." He was becoming very frustrated with me. "You mean the world to me. I am not letting some silly bullies and high school students to interfere with us. I want to be there for you during this hard time, but if you need space right now then I'll give you some. Just let me say one more thing and then I will go."

He walked towards me and turned my body so I was facing him. He wasn't shocked to see that I was crying. He took my face in his hands, making me look into his eyes. "I will give you one day to think about this. Just remember that I love you, Abi. I will always love you. Please remember that." He kissed my forehead then headed back towards the school.

I was left there by myself to think about what I had done. I had pushed away the only person that truly cared about me in the school. I knew I made a mistake, but maybe space is what I needed. I would think over Derrick and I's relationship today and then tomorrow I would talk to him. I had made it through school with people bullying me:; I could make it through one day without Derrick.

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