Chapter 18

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I barely slept that night. If I did manage to fall asleep, I woke up by a nightmare that replayed the rape. Once it was a decent time in the morning, I started packing. Screw my car. I needed my parents. I wouldn't hide this from them. I didn't care what Mark had said to me. My parents would keep me safe. They wouldn't allow him to get me.

I finished packing fairly quickly. I picked up my phone and dialed the house phone. It was only seven in the morning and they both didn't leave for work until eight.

"Abi? Is everything okay?" my dad asked, concerned.

I couldn't hold back my tears. I felt so violated. I felt sick. "No, daddy. I need you."

"Honey, what happened?" My dad knew I would never say I needed him unless it was very important.

"Daddy... he...he trapped me..." I couldn't get out more than a couple words at a time.

"Who is he? Where are you? What did he do to you? I'll come get you." I could hear him putting on his jacket and grabbing his keys.

"Mark, a guy that works at the motel. He...raped me daddy. He raped me. He handcuffed me to a bed and raped me." I sunk down to the floor. My legs couldn't hold me up anymore.

"That bastard! I'm going to kill him for touching my little girl." His voice was sharp and disgusted. "Babe, grab your coat! We need to go get Abi! She needs us!" he said to mom.

"Honey, where are you? We are coming to get you right now."

I heard a car engine start.

"I'm at the motel on I-495. Please come quick. I'm scared, daddy."

"I know, honey. We are on our way. Everything will be okay. We will be there in two hours. Lock your door and stay away from him. We are coming to get you. We love you." He hung up.

I sat on the floor, waiting for my parents to arrive. They arrived in an hour and a half. The journey here was about two hours with reasonable speeding, which means they were clearly going over the speed limit. The second I saw my parent's car pull up to the motel I ran outside to greet them. As soon as I saw my parents get out of their car I broke down. I ran to my mom sobbing. My mom pulled me in to her arms, crying with me. My dad walked off towards the lobby, clearly wanting to have a talk with Mark. He came back not long after he had left.

"He isn't there. Come on let's get you home. Babe, sit in the back with her. She needs you."

We all crawled back into the car and headed home. I was going back home. I was never going to see Mark again. I cried the entire way home, happy to be in my mother's arms.

When we arrived home, I was so relieved to be there that I cried happy tears. I was an emotional wreck. I hated that I had to be raped. I felt disgusted with Mark, with my own body for not being strong enough to fend off Mark. I felt violated for the obvious reasons, yet I felt relieved because it made me love my life more than I had.

"Baby girl, we need to call the police. They need to know and arrest that guy," my mom said, not wanting to bring up Mark anymore than I did.

"He said he would find me if I told the police. He said he would rape me over and over again until I was just a body," I said with no emotion.

"We won't let him get to you. We need to find him so he doesn't do this to other girls," my dad said, trying to hold back his anger.

I just nodded and headed upstairs with my bag. I felt numb. I just wanted to burn the clothes I had brought with me so there was no memory of him.

Rainbow in the Darknessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن