Chapter 22

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"Honey?" my dad says. I look over to him and my mom in each other's arms crying.

"Hi daddy," I said, smiling. "I saw grandma. She told me it wasn't time for me and to go back to you guys." My mom started sobbing harder knowing her mom was fine and on the other side. "What happened to Mark??"

"They caught Mark. The police showed up before the ambulance so they caught him not to long after he shot you. He never got off of school property. They are arresting him and going to keep him in jail until his court date, which will just finalize his prison sentence," my mom said, grabbing my hand. I could tell that both of them were relieved that I was back. They were truly scared that I wouldn't make it.

"What about me? What did they do to fix me?" I asked, wanting to get off the topic of Mark.

"They took you to have surgery as soon as you got here. They took out the bullet in your leg and in you shoulder. They told us that the bullet was so close to your heart that they had a very hard time getting it out. You don't have any broken bones, but you did manage to sprain one of your fingers."

I looked down at my hand. There was a splint on it. Mark managed to sprain my finger just by stepping on it. "How long do I need to stay here?"

"The doctors said you need to stay here at least a week so they can look after you and make sure that your wounds are healing," my dad said.

"Well at least I get a break from school," I said laughing, trying to lighten the mood in the room.

"Yeah, but you better catch up when you get back to school. We don't want your grades to suffer because of this," my mom said.

I laughed. Only my mom would worry about my grades at a time like this. "Don't worry, mom. I will make sure to catch up with all my school work." I cleared my throat. "Is Derrick still here? We ended up fighting before Mark showed up and I want to clear everything up with him."

"Derrick is here. He hasn't left since you were brought here eight hours ago," my dad said, "We'll go tell him that you are up." Both of my parents kissed my forehead before walking out of the room.

I stared at the doorway waiting for Derrick to come in. I couldn't wait to see him. He needs to know that I am sorry and that I was going back to talk to him when I ran into Mark. He needs to know that I still love him.

I heard someone running down the hall. I knew it was Derrick before I saw him. "Couldn't wait to see me, huh?" I said, chuckling.

Derrick walked into my room, sitting down in the chair next to my bed. "No I couldn't wait. If I had my way I would have been sitting here the whole time." He gave me a small smile. He was still sad and hurt.

"Derrick, about what I said before everything, I didn't mean it at all. I really do love you and care for you. I never want to leave your side if you will allow me to. Please forgive me."

"I love you, Abi. There isn't anything in the world that you could do to make me stop loving you. I forgive you." He grabbed my hand and brought it up to his lips. His kiss was light, afraid to hurt me.

"I'm fine Derrick. Only my leg and shoulder hurts, not my hand." I smile at him, showing him that I am fine.

He chuckled. "I should have known. You are stronger than that." His eyes flickered down to my lips. I know he wants to kiss me because I want to kiss him just as much as he wants to kiss me. I would have gotten up and kissed him as soon as I saw him if I could've.

My grin got larger. "Babe, just kiss me already."

Derrick blushed slightly, but got up and kissed me. His lips conveyed his passion and lust for me as well as all his love for me. Nothing was going to come between us.

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