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For AMKandTheGang who said: "long chappie."

By the time we drive back home late Saturday afternoon, Monday's assembly is all planned out. From heart shaped lollipops we plan to give out to a cute inspirational story about love, Dean and I are pretty proud of what we've come up with.

First, while sharing the best waffles I've ever had at the Cheer Up Factory, we wrote down all those things that made the previous Valentine's Week assembly's boring.

Then, we came up with ideas that we thought every one would enjoy and give the upcoming week a great start. It's mandatory for the couple in charge, as Ms Fitz likes to call us ( I prefer people in charge) to lead the whole assembly but we can get help from other students if we need it.

We already asked Max Fisher, Dean's friend, to do a poem and a quick text to Gina (from Dean's phone, of course) and we have 'entertainment' from the cheer squad. I'm feeling really good about it, in the end. Maybe this thing could be a success after all.


I wake Sunday to the sound of more yelling, fiercer and louder this time and neither Mr. Pinkette or my Dad care who's listening when they exchange insults. It actually scares me a little, listening to them argue.

I get what Nina was saying now, it was never funny, but these weekend arguments weren't something we had to worry about much. But these days, they're mentioning the police and things are getting really serious.

I don't want my dad arrested, an I also don't want Mr Pinkette arrested either. Especially over something so ridiculous, like the day they mowed the lawn. I'm not taking sides anymore. This has to stop. I put in some handy ear buds and head down to breakfast.

The evening is nice and quiet compared to this morning. I throw myself onto my bed and scroll through my phone. I have a message from Macey.

Save this picture for me, OK? I don't want to look at it anymore.

It's a picture of her and Gatwick, a candid photo I took with Macey's phone when they were too into each other to even realize. They're seated on one of the lunch tables on the lawn after school and she's laughing as he pulls her in for a kiss. Even my heart melts when I see it again, the necklace he gave her around her neck, the two of them, perfect together.

Aw. I hit send, even though I know she'll hate reading that message. Have you figured what you're doing yet? 

Yup. Then Macey sends another message:  I'm going to talk to him.

Great! I squeal a little because I really am happy for them, but I should have waited for her to finish typing.

After the dance.

I send OK. Good luck. And nothing more.

What's the point of saying it again? Macey knows too: they were better together. And I hope both of them remember that after they've seen their matches. Because if they develop feelings for someone else, it's all over.

My phone vibrates and I discover that it's not another message from Macey, but from my own match.


I force myself to act normal and open the message.

Hey :)

So I have one.

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