x. theme park

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The theme park was full as we found a parking space closer to the gate. The song Closer by The Chainsmokers and Halsey blared loudly through the speakers, putting a nice smile on my face as Ethan takes a hold of my hand and pulls me closer. What a coincidence to the song.

"Thank you for taking me here. Even though I might not ride any rides, I'm still going to have as much fun as I can with you," I tell Ethan while he pays for tickets and leads me to the first ride he sees.

"Listen, as your boyfriend," he kisses my cheek in between the sentence, "I plan on going everything I can to make you have fun because that's my job. Today, I promise you'll be over your fear of heights."

I stop and look at him like he was dumb as hell. Was he completely serious with me right now?

"Ethan... I told you I don't do heights."

"I know, but please. Do this for me. And if you get scared, I'll be there to hold your hand and you and protect you from whatever your scared of. Just trust me," he says, stopping to stare at me.

I rub my lips together in thought, thinking that maybe it's time I start to actually get out and do something. I'm an 18 year old girl who hasn't even explored any of this world yet, only being held down by her own fears. It's time to let go of my fears and start living them, not running away from them.

"Okay, I'll do them, but only for you." Ethan smiles as I reluctantly let him pull me into a line for the roller coaster.

"How high is this?" I ask him as my stomach started to churn.

"Don't worry about that. Just breathe," he answers soothingly, giving my hand another gentle squeeze. Why are some guys so cute and corny when they date? Like damn, it's cute and all but shit, do you honestly have to keep it up? Maybe I should quit complaining like a little bitch and appreciate what he's doing for me. He didn't have to take me here. He didn't even have to be my boyfriend. But he is and I'm going to cherish that.

The line starts to get shorter and shorter, and finally it's our turn to get into a seat. I made him sit on the outside while I was in the middle of him and another person, a boy maybe 14 years old.

"Relax," Ethan tells me as the ride starts. "I'm getting hyped. You can, too."

I take a deep breath as the ride starts to speed up, the rush of wind blowing in my face and ponytail. My muscles became less tense as I realized that I would be okay. There's handle bars to hang onto in case for safety measures, and I had the free will to scream when everyone else did. This could even relieve a lot of stress.

"Get ready," Ethan's voice begins to rise as we stop on a hill, and before I can even ask why, the ride is soaring at full speed down the hill. I never felt so amazing in my life. Instead of screaming in fear I screamed in happiness, because this is just what I needed. This is what I deserved. This is exactly what I craved from the beginning and I didn't even notice it.

Another hill hits us as we rush down it, a bigger smile hitting my face as adrenaline surfs through me like a wave. The ride comes to a complete halt briefly before pushing us backwards and we hit another rail upside down.

The world looked so much more beautiful to me in this kind of perspective. I don't even know why I was scared of heights in the first place now that I come to think of it. Maybe because I had never tried to get out of my comfort zone a little bit.

Slowly, the ride stopped and Ethan and I were able to hop out. "See, wasn't that fun?" he asks as I lay my head on his shoulder. I hated to admit to it, but it was to be honest the best thing ever. I was actually wanting to do more.

"Yes," I reply shyly, trying to avoid his smirk and hide mine.

"And here you were about to chicken out over some ride like that," he laughs jokingly, causing me to smack his arm.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"I didn't even hit you that hard, stop complaining!" It was my turn to laugh now, watching as Ethan gets slightly irritated. It's cute on him to be honest. Every second I'm with him I find myself falling harder and harder for this amazing boy. I can't believe he's really mine.

"You're right, it didn't," he smiles, but it's a weird smile. Kind of funny if you take a good look, the crinkles by his eyes deep and his eyes now in slits.

"You are so cute like that," I say as we get in yet another long line.

"Not as cute as you," he replies back.

"Oh my gosh, this is so cheesy," I admit, shaking my head as another girl turns around. She was Hispanic, cute and short thing, with the perfect makeup. I wanted her makeup so bad. She smiles at our conjoined hands.

"Are you two together?" she asks, her voice small for her age.

"Yes, we are," Ethan pulls me into his side with a grin.

"Y'all are so adorable," she beams, stepping a little closer to us.

"Thank you!" We say at the same time, sharing a look before laughing lightly.

"Your welcome." The girl tries to look up towards the line at the ride before turning back to us. "There's three seats per car. I was wondering if I could ride with you two if you didn't mind," she says shyly, clasping her hands together and rocking back and forth on her toes.

"Sure!" Ethan says before I can. "Of course you can. Do you not have any one to ride with you?"

"All my friends kind of ditched me earlier for someone else," she says quietly, causing Ethan to let go of my hand and to bend just slightly to her level.

"Who are they? Where are they?" he questions. It's like you can hear the over protectiveness in his tone. So charming and heart warming.

"I'm not going to tell you because then they'll know I snitched and then I won't have any friends," she whines, pulling his arm.

"No, they don't need to be ditching you for other people. Does this happen often? Tell the truth."

The girl is hesitant, her eyes drifting from us to behind us, to everywhere else before she finally decides to speak.

"Yes. It happens very often."

"What's your name, sweetie?" I question her while patting her back gently. He starts to scope out the entire area for kids that might have done this to her.

"Angelise. My twin is back home sick so I came."

"Who's your twin?"


"That's cool," my boyfriend starts to talk now. "I'm a twin," too." She starts to beam again.

"Awesome. How old are you guys? You guys look so young, I'm 15."

"You're 15? You look older than that!" I exclaim. "We're 18."

The line is suddenly shorter, giving us an opportunity to go ahead and get in the seats. Ethan lets Angelise sit in the middle since she was smaller, and I was definitely okay with that.

Needless to say, the whole day with Ethan and our new friend Angelise was total fun. It's an experience I'll surely never forget.

I asked my mom if i could spend two days with the Dolan Twins and be hype with them in the car and shit and she was like "no." I'm sad omg someone help me pls smh

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