Author's Note

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Okay for one, I'd love to say THANK YOU to all of you who vote on this story which I hope blossoms into something special and unique. Everyone who reads this and votes you guys are amazing, and I cannot be grateful enough.

Second off, I'm on extreme writer's block and I'm super busy with my second book I hope to be publishing soon. Cross country season is over, which means more updates and more posts. I haven't even been on Instagram lately like I probably should be which is why I'm constantly losing followers. (Feel free to follow me @/weezydolan.)

But do not worry! I'll try to post updates as soon as possible or within the next 2-3 days after I've published a chapter. I appreciate your patience with me.

Another side note. If anyone has any ideas for what the playlist should be like for this book, do feel free to comment and I will write them down. If I've never heard of the song, I'll try my best to  listen to it, and if I don't like it, that doesn't mean I won't post it. I could still possibly add the song if it means a lot to you.

Also, if you have any more character ideas or want new characters to come into the scene, feel free to do so! While you're at it, let me know how you want them to enter. At school? During a field trip? Through helping out one of the characters? Comment below please!

Other than that, thank you for everything and I hope to be writing very soon!

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