epilogue (NEW😂)

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It's been over a year since Ethan and I have last seen each other. Summer is ending and school is starting. I've picked Vanderbilt as my college.

Grayson and I still keep in touch with each other, but it's been hard with college and having a busy life, too. We don't bring up his twin. In fact, we ignore everything that would concern him.

Gray understands that I don't want to talk about him and that the breakup hit both of us harder than I expected. The last time we spoke of Ethan was a year ago. Now, it's like he doesn't exist when we talk.

I've found someone though, even though I promised myself I'd hold on to the little feelings I still had for him. Why waste time that could be spent with someone else if they aren't down for the same thing? I waited six months and he didn't speak to me or call.

Lavish is someone I met through my new best friend Brooke. Lavish is mixed and a full out need. He has these really cute blue eyes and nice smile, even though his version of English is a bit hard to translate since all he watched are Sci-Fi shows.

First we started out as best friends back in January. We hit it off really well, and when I realized I had feelings for him, I held back for the longest. He asked me out twice, and I rejected both times. He still stood by my side through everything, and stayed up late with me when I needed him.

I told him why I couldn't say yes just yet.

"I understand," he told me as he fixed his hair. "You like him, I like you. Take all the fucking time you need!"

"Thank you," I had hugged him, and I held him longer because I was thankful for him. I was thankful for his patience.

Patience was something I didn't have that he did. I remember I had gotten angry with him, and he literally waited two weeks for me to get over my little tantrum. Lavish would still sit by me, still help me, everything.

His smile was another thing I fell in love with over time. He was so insecure about it, so I guess you could say that I taught him how to love him smile.

The third time he asked me out, it was in May, right after our first year of college was over. He asked at the party that some of the people at school threw, and it wasn't in some cheesy way. It was plain and simple, just how I like it.

I've decided to make a visit and see Grayson since I haven't seen him in a while. He paid for my ticket to New Jersey, so I got on the first flight out.

Once I arrived in New Jersey at the airport, Grayson greets me with a hug. This was long and strong from missing my presence.

"It's so nice to see you again," Gray breathes into my shoulder, swaying us back and forth. I smile.

"It's so nice to see you, too! I have so much to catch you up on."

"I bet. You must be hungry, let's get lunch?" He suggests, and I agree.

"Yes, I'll follow you."

"Here, let me carry some of that."

I realize that he's gotten a nice truck, with enough room for him and maybe two other people. I like it, and can't wait to see what's changed the last year and a half. Although we've caught up some, we haven't caught up on everything.

I still want to make sure Ethan is okay, as I found it selfish of me to never think of him. We're just young, dumb, and blinded by the things we want. In my case, I wanted an escape from reality and plunge right into happiness.

We stop at a pizzeria, which I figured would happen. How could I possibly forget Gray's love for pizza?

"I hope this is okay with you," he grins. "I literally haven't had pizza in two months."

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