yet another author's note🙄

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Okay, so lately I've realized I haven't updated in twelve (12) days. Oh wow. Anyways, tomorrow is my birthday, and I'm happy to see that this book has hit two thousand views! You guys are amazing!

What I've mainly come to address is not only the views, but what is to come. And some of this is not great news if I'm honest.

Cross country spring training has began, meaning less updates. I have to run a 5k (3.1 miles) in thirty-five minutes. Thirty-five! I'm only running it in thirty-nine, and trust me, cutting off four minutes in three months is more difficult that it sounds, especially when you're constantly busy.

Another thing is school. The school year is ending. More and bigger tests are coming up, which means more studying and less writing. I also have summer vacation, too.

On the bright side, I have all this summer to continue the book. I can't say when the book will come to a close, but there will be plenty more of these in the future. I might possibly delete them.

Editing will come into big play this month and the following. Please expect many of them if you have this book in your library.

I love all of you from the bottom of my heart. I hope this updates you on what's going on and why there aren't any new updates.

Thank you!

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