xv. bowling and backstabbing

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The bowling alley was full of teens considering that it was the last week of school before spring break and there was a birthday party because of the "Happy Birthday!" balloons floating in one area. It made me ecstatic to see other kids happy, laughter escaping their mouths, smiles imprinted on their faces. It was contagious and affectious.

"I bet I can beat you at bowling," Ethan comments once we pick an area. He hands me my shoes while settling down himself. I smirk.

"You sound so confident in yourself," I chuckle, untying the shoe laces in order to get them on my feet. Needless to say, I'm surprised they had my size. "I'm the bowling champion."

Ethan stands and shrugs, going to grab a ball. "Yeah, okay. We'll see about that." Our eyes connect, and for a moment we're lost in each other's eyes, until I grin and he winks at me. Who said winking doesn't make a girl go weak at the knees? I was nearly melting into my own skin.

"Looks like you'll be going first, Mr. Dolan," my voice deepens as I try to fake an announcer, holding a pretend mic in my hand.

"Yes, ma'am."

My boyfriend takes a deep inhale, exhaling out smoothly before rolling the ball down the alley. I watch with careful eyes as it knocks down eight, two of them remain standing. He gives me a cocky glance.

"That wasn't even the best I could do."

"Then show me the best you can do!" I laugh. He was so serious about this game, the way he stretched out his arms and made sure he was ready before rolling the next ball. I stare him down, seeing his long dark eyelashes and trained eyes.

"You look sexy as fuck when you do that," I tell him lowly, his head snapping in my direction. He smirks, giving me a peck on the lips.

"You always look sexy as fuck," he purrs, which makes me want him even more. Why does he have to fuck with my feelings like this? I like my lips to keep from saying more, but it was in the back of my throat ready to be heard.

In the end, we ended up tying, therefore had to do rock, paper, scissors on who won. To be fair, Ethan let me win, but I already knew I did when he called for the hand game. It was a funny situation actually considering the thousands of times we had to do it for Ethan to win. He never won.

Before we left, I decided to go use the restroom because I figured we'd be driving for a while. While finding my way there, someone sticks out to me. I'd recognize that haircut and tall stance anywhere.

He was talking to some mixed female, her hair in a natural ponytail. Her outfit was cute, I'd give her that, but the winged eyeliner and false lashes just weren't working. Or so I could see. Maybe he was talking to the thick blonde beside her, but either way, they weren't cute.

I knew I had to try to dodge him again. I don't want to have to encounter what I did the last time when I ran into my ex. My feet trail quietly around him, head bowed in case he were to recognize me. By the shortage of talking coming from him, he did. The urge to glance up was itching at me. Our eyes meet for the first time in nine months.

His brown eyes are still the same shade of brown like they were when I first met him: soft, sweet, pretty and chocolate like. His hair was longer, a more hipster type style and his outfit choice had changed as well. He stopped dressing like a high school prep and more like a jock now, a Nike wind breaker being the first thing I notice about his athletic look.

I bow my head down first, entering into the ladies' room and doing what I had to do. I refreshed my simple makeup and washed my hands before coming out. Timing was wrong because the person I was so desperately trying to avoid was the very one to catch me.

His long fingers graze my arm, holding me back gently. I turn to face him.

"April," he breathes like it's the best thing he's ever said. I swallow, glancing around to make sure Ethan wasn't around before answering. I wasn't cheating on him; I just hope he realizes that before anything else.

"Cameron," I say.

"It's-it's been a, uh, good minute." He sounds as if he's nervous. I nod my head.

"Well that's because you let it be," I start to turn cold. His faint grin starts to fade into confusion.

"I'm sorry, what?" He blinks.

"You heard what I said. After we broke up, I tried to make things better because I thought it was my fault. I was too stupid to realize that you were the one who cheated, lied, and yet chose to smile directly in my face," my explanation spits at him with nothing but coldness, his eyes wavering over mine.

By that time E had made his way towards us, coming up behind me to help with the issue.


"Babe?" Cameron mocks. I glare at him to stop.

"It's pretty sick how you can talk to these other hoes but yet can't come up to me with respect,"  my voice rises, my blood boiling.

"I gave you nothing but respect and faithfulness!" Cameron argues back, his voice cracking slightly.

"Let's go," Ethan suggests, his green eyes glaring at Cameron while he pulls me away. "You don't need this."

"I can't believe you'd say that April when you nearly let me take you!" Ethan stops dead in his tracks, blinking before slowly turning around to look at Cam.

"Run that by me again?" I can tell that the statement didn't make him happy at all, especially since we both new that was a lie.

"You heard what I sa-" Ethan swings a punch to Cam's face, knocking him to the ground. He's quick to hop on him and have a go at it. Other males start to help me pry Ethan off even as he keeps thrashing around.

"You need to stop!" E screams, his face red. I remove the stray strands of hair from my face since we had to wrestle my boy off another. Cameron holds his face, his brown eyes dark and have lost all source of light.

Why were they like this? Was that honestly necessary? I shake my head at my ex before going to see where Ethan was. They had him on the other side of the building, trying to calm him down. It works when he sees me.

"April, I'm sorry." Those are the first worlds to escape him. I shake my head and give him a deep kiss, making sure he felt it. His face wasn't as hot any more.

"I love you," I tell him, hugging him tightly. He hugs me back, burying his head in the crook of my neck and places a soft, faint kiss on my neck.

"I love you, baby," he says, his voice muffled from being in my shoulder. 

"Let's go home."

An early Merry Christmas from me to you!

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