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     The only thing I knew is that I was running. I didn't have the opportunity to be confused, I was running for my life. I ran for what felt like hours in my mind, but seconds on my body. My sprint never slowed and my breathing never exhilarated. I was not affected by the miles my feet climbed.
     I took the risky chance to look over my shoulder to see how close my hunter was. I came to an abrupt stop when I realized I was alone, much less being chased. I looked around the eerie forest, noticing how much clearer everything seemed to be. I took a deep breath, acknowledging my newly enhanced sense of smell. I could identify everything through scent, from the wet grass to the bark that hovered over me. I took a step back and sat down, now that I was completely sure I was alone. I closed my eyes in attempt to help my spinning head. This had to be a dream. That's all I could think. There was not a logical explanation. This was a dream. I just had to wake myself up.
     I spent for what felt like a lifetime completing a variety of stunts and mental persuasions that would surely wake me up. Yet, none of them seemed to work. I tried to consider it all to be real, but I couldn't bring myself to do so. My head spun with answerless questions, keeping me anxious. That's when I felt my ears twitch, trying to identify the quiet sound I was hearing. It was a thumping sound, getting louder and faster...a heartbeat.
     Someone was approaching me. I stood up immediately, not sure how I was going to protect myself from whatever was coming. I backed away from the direction the noise was coming from, camouflaging myself behind a large bush. After ten seconds of dreading the worst I poked my head around the corner, making eye contact with a tall beautiful man. He looked at me in agony, his features twisted into pain.
"Hello." He said in a deep voice. He took a step closer, becoming more clear. He had smooth tan skin and jet black hair. However, the most noticeable thing about him was his missing shirt, showing off his impressive body of muscles and large tattoo on his right arm. I didn't know how to respond to his gesture, he seemed to understand.
"My name is Sam Uley...I can help you."
I once again didn't know how to respond.
"If you would just do what I say. I can help." He spoke gently. I didn't know if I should run or stay, but he said he could help, and who else was going to? I walked around to the front of the bush, signalling I would do what he said. A small smile spread across his face.
"Just...focus on you as a human. Slow your heart down. Calm." I wanted to tell him that I had been trying to do exactly that for hours. Being incapable of talking was not helping. However, I did as he said. I imagined my black wavy hair and green eyes. My rosy cheeks and tan skin. My frame standing in darkness, desperately trying to return. I felt nothing. I opened my eyes, sure enough, nothing had happened. I looked up to Sam who appeared to be just as confused as I was. A whimper escaped my lips. Sam kneeled down to my level and looked me in the eye. His black eyes were hypnotic, like a black hole I could lose myself in. Suddenly, I felt my body shrink, like someone was pinching every inch of me until I was the tiny dark girl I had envisioned only moments before. I looked down and wrapped my bare chest with my arms instinctively, and crossed my bent legs over one another. I looked up to Sam with blush covering by precise cheekbones. Yet, I was too confused, scared and fascinated to be completely embarrassed. Sam was looking up, obviously trying to give me my privacy. Whispers started to fill the silence. I scanned the forest behind him trying to find the source of the mysterious words. Without warning Sam rose to his feet and walked into the darkness behind him, disappearing. I was beyond confused as a single tear traveled down my face, fear overpowering me. Thankfully, he was back within seconds, comforting the emptiness inside me. Still looking up, he handed me an oversized shirt that I slipped on thankfully. Once I was covered he helped me to my feet. I didn't know Sam, but I was more than grateful for his presence. I couldn't contain myself, I was scared and felt alone. I wrapped my arms around his large frame and hugged him for the life of me, because he probable was. He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a quick squeeze before he un-approvingly pushed me aside.
"Boys!" He called. I watched in curiosity as five similar dark faces appeared out of the shadows. I looked at Sam expecting an explanation for the five shirtless boys.
"This is my pack." I turned my head back to the boys. "And they're your pack too."

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