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     I sat in the far back seat of the Navigator, resting my feet on the empty chair in front of me. I watched the scenery fly by my window as the whole car sat in silence. I focused on the tiny rain drops that stuck one by one to the car door window. I watched the familiar stores and houses pass by, remembering how much I've missed everybody, and how much I already missed the pack. I remembered the twisted road that led to our oversized, three bedroom house. It made me feel guilty that so many families of five lived in a house half our size back at the reserve.
     My mother parked the car in the flower covered driveway. I grabbed my bag and opened the front door, breathing in the house's usual scent of lavender and cinnamon.
     "Home sweet home." My mom said from behind me. I walked upstairs to my room. I dropped my bag and laid on the  large bed I missed more than anything else in the house. I sat up and opened my walk in closet. My mom had brought me most of my clothes and hygiene products, but not everything. I grabbed an under amour duffle bag and stuffed it with the rest of my closet. I walked around the untouched room and grabbed things like jewelry, hair products and photos. I wasn't isolated from supplies at La Push or Forks, but there definitely wasn't any type of mall or even Target nearby. I turned on the fairy lights and lit the candles around my room, embracing the feeling of home. My phone buzzed, causing me to roll my eyes. I answered the call, revealing Riley's sarcastically happy voice.
"Taylor! How are you? It's been forever! Where have you been? I heard you're back in town."
"Hi Riley. Who told you I was back?"
"You know, word gets around."
"Mmm hmmm."
"So.... Christopher Mautre is having his sweet sixteen tomorrow night...everyone will be there. You should really come."
"Uh, I'll think about it."
"Please Taylor."
"Uh, sure. I'll stop by."
"Yay. Eight o'clock tomorrow night. Bye T." Riley ended with a squeal. I sighed, throwing on a hoodie on then running downstairs.
"Can we go visit Lanessa, now?" I asked my unoccupied parents. They both nodded and started walking towards the garage. My features twisted in confusion, I didn't understand my family's strange silence.
     101 E, 101 E,101 E, I repeated in my head until I found the room I was looking for. I knocked and opened the door. Lanessa was lying on the hospital bed with several needles injected into her arms. The room was decorated in 'get well soon' balloons and flowers, but nothing could draw your attention away from the lifeless look in her eyes. The second her eyes found mine the dead expression was gone and replaced with happiness and excitement.
"Lanessa!" I ran over to her bed instantly, wrapping her in a gentle hug.
"I've missed you so much!" She informed happily.
"I've missed you too." I said as I pulled away and sat on the side of her bed.
"Where have you been? You just...disappeared."
"I, uh, didn't feel too great after that night we all hung out so I called my parents to pick me up."
"I mean you've been gone, for months."
"I uh, transferred to a school in La Push."
"So not a boarding school?"
"Not exactly, I'm staying with my aunt."
"Oh. Why did you move?"
"They have a really good arts program there." I lied.
"I knew you'd work up the courage to go to a arts school! I'm so proud of you!" Lanessa said excitedly. I blushed for my friend's kindness. She always cared. "I didn't realize La Push would have that option. I should come visit you sometime."
"I'd love that." I smiled. "So...how are you doing? If you don't mind me asking."
"Well, ironically, a day after our bonfire I realized I had a strange bug bite. And over time it never went away, I shrugged it off until it became infected so I came in to get some blood work done. They diagnosed me with leukaemia hours later. Chemo started the next week." I grabbed my best friend's hand tightly, feeling tears coat my eyes.
"I'm so sorry." In that moment, all I wanted was to take her pain away.


     I sat in bed as tears silently traveled down my cheeks. I questioned the world. Why it was giving such a life threatening battle to a girl who deserved no pain.
     I heard a knock on my window, I jumped in surprise and wiped my tears away quickly. I slowly walked to the window and looked down. It was Jared. I sighed in relief, but pulled my eyebrows together in confusion. I opened my window swiftly.
"What are you doing here?" I whispered, knowing he would hear me easily.
"Visiting my girlfriend." He whispered back.
"Oh." I said smiling. "Come in." I whispered, taking a step back so he could climb the brick wall into my room. Within seconds, he was standing in my bedroom, looking like a god. I smiled and hugged his bare chest, breathing in deeply.
"Wait, how did you get here?" I asked, pulling away.
"I ran." He stated simply.
"You ran?"
"Yeah. I mean, as a wolf."
"You'd think since you are one you'd catch on quicker."
"You'd think." I agreed, kissing his lips briskly.
"How are you?" He asked.
"I'm fine, I don't know about Lanessa."
"I'm sorry."
"It's just crazy. She's so young, too. You hear bizarre stories of kids dying from cancer but you ignore it until it becomes your reality. I just can't imagine it, this all feels so surreal to me. More surreal than being a werewolf." He chuckled and played with my long brown hair.
"I believe she'll be okay. She's friends with the Shewolf, right?" He joked. My eyes widened. I left his warm hold and grabbed my phone, dialling Quil's number.
"What's up." Quil said.
"Do you have that book near you?"
"The green b-"
"Yes, that book."
"It's in my drawer, wh-"
"Grab it now and go to the secret power chapter thingy."
"Uh ok... What am I looking for in this chapter?"
"Can I heal? Like heal someone's wound or illness?"
"Hey, yeah. How did you kn-"
"Thanks, bye." I hung up and dropped my phone on the floor. "We have to go to the hospital."
     "How? And they won't be letting in visitors at ten thirty." My spirits fell low, and my face showed it.
     "We can still go tomorrow." Jared said, trying to cheer me up.
     "What if she doesn't have tomorrow?"
      "You visited her today. Maybe you've already helped her."
     "I hope." I answered doubtfully. I crossed my arms and leaned into his strong build.
     "We'll visit her tomorrow." He assured, kissing the top of my head.
     "About tomorrow, I've been invited to a party, to catch up with everyone." I informed, grabbing both his hands, looking up into his eyes.
     "Would you be willing to attend with me?" Jared shrugged his shoulders.
     "Jared, please." He shrugged His shoulders playfully again. "Well, I'm not giving you a choice. And wear a shirt, please. Maybe even something nice." He shook his head and laughed.
     "Only for you."
     "God you're cheesy." He chuckled again and kissed me.
     "Mind if I sleepover?" He asked, his lips still glued to mine.
     "Not at all."

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