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Jacob's sadness was too strong to ignore once he laid his eyes on what I could only assume to be the Cullen family. Even though he hid his sadness well, it was obvious to those of us that had access to his mind. I looked at each face with a hard glare before following the pack that had already started walking away, Jared stayed behind me and waited. My eyes shifted to Jared suspiciously as we walked backwards.
Who's the one that stole Bella? I asked Jared.
He's not here. He thought as a growl escaped his lips.
Why not?
Cause we was probably screwing her, Taylor. Catch up. I shook my head and pivoted, turning around to face the Cullen clan that was still watching me with attentive eyes.
What are you doing? Jared hissed. I ignored his complaint and took a step closer to them, noticing how their body language hadn't changed. I tilted my head to the side and took a step closer, something was off. I acknowledged each one of their stances once more before turning around as I shook my head in confusion, now jogging back home.
What was that? He asked harshly.
All because we're not dating doesn't mean you have to be the jackass you were before. Jared's mind went blank then combusted with wordless apologies.
Screw off. I finished as I began a sprint towards the edge of the forest.

The only voice left in my head was my own as I laid on the dead fall leaves. I looked into the backyard window of Sam's house, waiting patiently for Emily to bring me a new set of clothes. This had become a regular thing-since every time I shifted into a wolf recently was because of an emergency-I didn't have enough time to tie my clothes to my ankles. I let out a large puff of hair as Emily walked out the back door holding a non-ripped outfit. I smiled as I stood up, letting her place the small clothing on my nose. I winked as a thankful gesture. I then turned around and shifted back into my normal skin behind a tall slanted tree. I pulled my clothing on, feeling strangely uncomfortable. I was used to changing quickly in the wilderness, something that never phased me. However, in that moment I felt unsafe and vulnerable. I pulled my shirt over my head before scanning the what seemed to be empty forest around me. I let one last glance slide over my shoulder before my bare feet started running towards the house that lingered the scent of tomato sauce tauntingly.

I opened the front door to find the boys sitting around the dinner table awkwardly, hearts still pounding. I sighed and walked over to the table. I put both my palms down and leaned into the weak wooden table as I cocked my head to the side.
    "So..." I started as I tapped my fingers against the table. "what's the big deal? Why are you all worked up? No offence to your feelings Jacob....but we lost Victoria, again. What's the big deal?"
     "They crossed the treaty line." Paul said as he gripped his fork tightly.
     "So what? I'm sure it's just because they were trying to catch Victoria, just like us. They're helping us."
     "Since when were you a leech lover?" Paul accused.
     "I never said I was one. I'm saying we should look at the from all perspectives. We've been chasing Victoria for months, maybe it's time to seek help."
     "Anyone but them."
     "Well who else is there?" I asked, my frustration growing. "Maybe if you weren't all so stubborn. Just let them help us until she's gone, then we can go back to being enemies."
     "They are the same kind that is trying to kill you. Jacob is in pieces because Bella left him for one an-"
     "You're right." I sighed, still not completely on their side. I'd shut up for Jacob, that was a soft spot that he trusted only me with. I still thought teaming up could be used for our advantage. I calmly walked towards the kitchen counter and grabbed an apple. I rolled it around in my hand for a moment before walking out the front door. I closed the door gently and walked away, trying to empty my mind that had gone haywire.

I focused on the sound of my feet crunching against the gravel. Still feeling slightly heated from the recent argument. I still thought teaming up would be the best way to end the seemingly never ending war. I chuckled to myself. They were too occupied with maintaining their ego's to find the potential in fighting with the Cullens. We wouldn't have to be so suspicious to every detail if she was gone, yet they wanted to vanish her the hard way. I planted my heals in the gravel and turned around.
     "Can I help you?" I asked Emily.
     "I forgot you'd know I'm here." She laughed.
     "Sometimes I forget myself." Her smile was beautiful as she tucked her hair hair behind her ear.
     "I was wondering if you wanted to go to town? I think we both need some girl time."
     "I'd appreciate that."

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