Chapter 4

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Maddie's POV

Today Ms. Dawson was supposed to come and see me.  That was what kept me up part of the night.  I was so excited to meet her. I was really hopeful that she would actually want me, and not change her mind, but there's always that possibility.  I was already dressed and left my brown hair down.  I had on a pink t-shirt that said 'LOVE' on it in white  letters, and brown shorts.  I didn't know when she was gonna come today, but Miss Caroline said it would be kinda early.

"Morning Maddie." Miss Caroline said as she opened my door.  "Hi." I said quietly.  "Kate is gonna be here soon.  You ready?" she asked and I nodded.  "Alright, I'll call you down when she gets here." she said.  I smiled and thought about what she might be like.  I'd never seen her, but she knew all about me!  Which was kinda weird to think about.

I was waiting.  And waiting.  And waiting.  And guess what?  Still waiting.

It seemed like forever, when in reality, I was in my room for an hour before Miss Caroline came back up.  "Maddie?  Someone would like to talk to you." she said sweetly.  I was so excited, but it quickly became nerves.  I carefully went down the stairs and saw Miss Caroline standing next to a blond woman about her height.  She looked up the stairs and saw me.  Wow, she was really pretty!

I came all the way down and held the railing post to the stairs.  "Kate, this is Maddie.  Maddie this is Kate Dawson." Miss Caroline said.  This was Kate?!  Wow, she's gorgeous!  "Hi Maddie.  I'm Kate." she said as she crouched down next to me.  "Hi." I said nervously.  "How old are you Maddie?" she asked.  "I just turned eight." I said.  "Wow.  So that means your going into what?  Third grade?" she asked.  I smiled and nodded my head.

"Well from what I can remember third grade is really fun." she said smiling.  I smiled and giggled a bit.  "You wanna show her your room Maddie?" Miss Caroline asked me.  I nodded and she followed behind me up the stairs.  "This one's mine." I said as I opened the door.  I took her in the room and she looked around.  "Wow Maddie.  Did you draw this?" Kate asked.  She had one of my drawings in her hand.  "Oh yeah.  They're dolphins!" I showed her.  "This is really cool.  I can't draw at all." she chuckled.

"I like drawing dogs best." I tell her.  "That's cool.  What's your favorite kind of dog?" she asked.  "Golden Retrievers." I tell her with a smile.  I'm starting to forget why I was nervous, and am just having fun talking to Kate.  "That's the kind of dog I had when I was growing up.  He was a white Golden Retriever and his name was Hercules." she said.

"So what else do you like?" Kate asked me.  " favorite colors are pink and purple?" I said, not sure if that's what she was asking.  "That's awesome!  Purple's my favorite color too!" she said.  I smiled knowing we had something in common.  "So what do you like to do Maddie?" she asked as she sat down across from me on my bed.  "Um I like to dance and do gymnastics.  I like to watch TV and movies." I said, thinking of the first few things.

"Cool, what's your favorite show and favorite movie?" she asked.  "My favorite show is Full House and my favorite movie is either The Lorax or The Lion King." I told her.  "I love The Lion King!  It was the first movie both my sister and I went to see in the theater." she said.  "You have a sister?" I asked, really interested.  I never had a sister.  "Yeah, her name's Jessica, but we call her Jessi." she said.  "That's cool.  I never had a sister.  Some of the girl's here say we're like sisters, but we aren't real sisters." I said.

"Well Maddie, I'm gonna cut to the chase.  I wanna adopt you.  I've actually had your file for six months." she said.  "Really?!" I asked, a smile taking over.  "Yes, you were the cutest little thing I ever saw and I fell in love."  she said smiling at me.  "So you really wanna adopt me?" I asked again.  "Of course.  Maddie you are the most perfect thing I've ever seen." she said and I blushed.  "And if all goes well, you're gonna come home with me Friday." she said. 

I gasped and out of instinct I hugged her.  "Thank you!" I squealed.  I felt her hug me back and say, "Your welcome.  You'll love it there." 

I wasn't even there, and already knew I would.

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