Chapter 20

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Maddie's POV

I've only been in my room at night for three nights now, and I'm still trying to get used to it.  The first night I fell asleep really fast because I was up kinda late, and then yesterday I had dance for a long time so that night I fell asleep pretty fast, but I wasn't really tired tonight.  So I was kinda worried that I wouldn't be able fall asleep and stay asleep.

We were eating dinner, which was Garlic Butter Pasta and really good, and all I could think about was how I was gonna be all alone in my room tonight.  I wasn't going to be in the same bed with Kate, or be in he old house with Dana next door.  Kate's room was down the hall and mine was on the other end.

"Alright Maddie, it's getting a little late and you have dance tomorrow.  You should probably start getting ready for bed.  Cause we also have a fun weekend planned." Kate told me as I handed her my dinner plate.  She frowned a little when she saw I ate only about half.  Should I tell her that I don't eat a whole lot because of those girls at Miss Caroline's?  Should I tell her I get kinda scared sleeping alone sometimes?

"Okay" was all I told her.  Kate followed me upstairs to help me get ready.  "Alright so shower first, and then after that pajamas, and then maybe a book?  Sound good?" She said.  I nodded and went into the bathroom.  I took a hot shower and sang to myself a little as I washed my hair and stuff.  I got a little soap in my eye, and that hurt, but only for a minute.

I was done in the shower when I realized I didn't have a towel in there, Kate did the laundry and hadn't brought all of it back up I guess.  "Kate?" I called out for her, peeking my head around the shower curtain.  "Yeah?" She asked as she opened the bathroom door a little.  "I don't have a towel." I told her, my hair dripping.  "Oh, crap.  Sorry.  I'll get yours." She said.  Within a minute she was back with my purple bath towels.

After I dried off, I wrapped the towel around me and went into my room for my clothes.  I put on my underwear and then picked out a pair of neon pajamas that said "Light it Up!".  After getting dressed I went to find Kate for hair help.  She was in her room doing her own hair.  "Kate, can you help me with my hair?" I asked her.  "Sure." She said as she took my hair brush and a hair tie off her wrist.  In about ten minutes my hair was in a long braid down my back.

"Alright, so now what?  You wanna go read a book?" Kate asked and I nodded.  We went back to my room and I picked out a book titled, 'Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer'.  We read a few of those books in class last year, but not all of them.  "Alright, only a couple chapters though.  Then it's bedtime." Kate said as I got into bed as she sat down next to me.

For the next twenty minutes we read the book together.  Kate would read a chapter and then I would.  We got through three chapters before Kate closed the book.  "I think that's enough for tonight." She said as she put it on the edge of my bed.  That was the cool part about my bed.  It kinda had a night stand that surrounded the sides of it. 

"Goodnight princess.  I love you."  Kate said as she hugged me and kissed my forehead.  "Night." I said a little nervously.  "What's wrong?" Kate asked as she pulled out of the hug.  "Nothing..." I said leaving my words hanging.  "Come sweetie, you know you can tell me anything right?" Kate said as she continued to stay with me.

"Its just...I...I don't really like sleeping alone.  I'm kinda scared of the dark and being alone I guess.  Cause this girl at Miss Caroline's told a story about someone sneaking into the house a long time ago and watched the girls sleep." I whimpered, starting to cry a little at the thought.  "Oh it's okay, it's okay.  Shhhh, come here.  Your alright." Kate said as she pulled me into her lap.

"It's dumb I know." I told her, embarrassed and feeling like a baby.  "No it's not, I promise you that.  I'll tell you a secret, I used to sometimes get scared in the middle of the night because of bad dreams, so I would go get in bed with Aunt Jessi.  And she's my younger sister!" Kate told me as she rubbed circles on my back.  "Really?  But your not scared of anything?" I asked her.  "Oh no Maddie. I'm scared of a lot of stuff.  Like spiders, sometimes the dark or he ocean, seeing anyone I love get hurt or scared, I especially get scared when it comes to you.  I don't like seeing you sad cause it makes me sad." Kate said.

"I'm sorry I make you sad." I tell her, with my arms still wrapped around her.  "Don't be sorry princess.  It's my job to protect you, and if that means that I stay with you a couple nights, or you sleep in my bed, or you need a light on...I'm gonna do it.  Because I love you." Kate said as she kissed my forehead again. 

I hugged her tighter like she did for me until I could feel her lifting me up.  When I looked at her questionably, she responded with, "Well, I'm not gonna make you sleep alone yet if your not completely ready to.  Your in my bed for tonight." She said as tapped my nose.  I giggled as she carried me to her bedroom. 

When we got to her room we both laid down in bed.  I snuggled into Kate's side and she put her arms around me.  "Kate?" I questioned as I looked up to her face.  "Yes Maddie-Moo?" She responded with as she looked down at me.  "C-can you sing?  It's just my friend could and sometimes shed sing when I couldn't fall asleep right away." I asked, remembering all the times I was in Dana's room.  "Well I sure can try for you." Kate said.  She paused for a minute before she started singing for me.

Put your faith in what you most believe in.
Two worlds, one family.
Trust your heart, let fate decide, to guide these lives we see.
A paradise untouched by man, within this world blessed with love.
A simple life, they live in peace.
Softly tread the sand below your feet now.
Two worlds, one family.
Trust your heart, let fate decide, to guide these lives we see.
Beneath the shelter if the trees.
Only love can enter here, a simple life, they live in peace.
Raise your head up, lift high the load, take strength from those that need you.
Build high the walls, build strong the beams.
A new life is waiting, but danger's no stranger here.
No words describe a mother's tears, no words can heal a broken heart.
A dream is gone, but where there's hope...
Somewhere someone is calling for you.
Two worlds, one family.
Trust your heart, let fate decide, to guide these lives we see.

I recognized the Tarzan song quickly but listened to Kate sing the whole song.  It was different the way she sang it and I loved it.  When she finished the song, I curled into her side even more if that was possible.  "Again?" I asked her quietly.  She just chuckled and started again as she stroked my hair.  I barely made it half way through before I fell asleep listening to her heartbeat as she sang for me.

That song really was us.

Two worlds, one family.

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