Chapter 34

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Kate's POV

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays of the entire year, and so I really hope that Maddie ends up the same way.  Which is kind of why I went all out for her first Halloween with me.  I made sure she had the best costume and that she would have fun when I took her out.

When I had asked Maddie what she wanted to be for Halloween, I was a little shocked to hear her say, "A Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader!"  I didn't even know she had watched football, cause she certainly hadn't picked up on it from me.  I was more of a hockey and baseball fan.  I still agreed and pulled together different pieces to make her an adorable costume.  We used a blue leotard that she had for dance, and then found the white vest, shorts, and boots from a children's outlet store in the city.

"What are you gonna be for Halloween Mommy?"Maddie asked while I was doing her hair to go out trick-or-treating that night.  "Mommy is gonna a tired teacher." I told her and chuckled to myself.  She clearly did not get the joke but just went with it.

After I had gotten Maddie ready to go, I went into my closet and pulled out a school issued hoodie, tank top, pair of jeans and my Nike shoes. I changed out of my work clothes and into the new outfit and went downstairs to find Maddie watching TV in the living room.  "Ready to go shorty?" I asked her as I started to set up the Halloween candy outside our door.  I placed a "Take one" sign next to the bowl (knowing people wouldn't).

"Yep!  Where are we going?"  Maddie asked.  "We're gonna go in Hayden's neighborhood.  There's more houses over there.  And less crotchety old bastards." I told her, muttering the last part to myself.  "Okay." Maddie said and shrugged her shoulders.  "Alright well trick-or-treating starts in ten minutes and it is a fifteen minute drive to Hayden's neighborhood." I told Maddie.  She got the hint and took herself and her trick-or-treat bucket to the garage to get in my car.

We drove to the other side of town and found our way into Hayden's neighborhood.   We would all be going together in my van from house to house.  Me and Tamara (Hayden's mom) in the front to seats, and we were trusting the girls to sit in the back of the van with the trunk open.  Mostly because it would be easier to get them in and out.

The night was absolutely fantastic.  The girls loved each other's costumes, Hayden was the mouse from "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie" and her mom was like me.  Except she was the "Tired Dance Mom" since she wore her studio jacket from the girl's dance.  

The girls got a ton of candy, probably because they were so dang adorable, and loved going up to each house.  I have no idea how they did it for two straight hours.  At the end of the two hours, Hayden started to get tired and Tamara said they would go home.  So after I dropped the two of them back off at their house, I asked Maddie, "So Maddog, you wanna use this last half hour or head home?" 

"Go big or go home!" Maddie laughed.  I too started laughing at her sassy attitude, but I was glad she was having fun.  I nodded and then drove into a neighborhood a few streets down that we hadn't hit yet.  I decided that since she didn't have Hayden with her anymore  I'd go up to each house with her.

"Trick or Treat!" Maddie happily cheered as each person opened their door.  You could tell that the kids hadn't really come to this neighborhood cause Maddie got loaded!  And the older the people got, the more willing they were to give the cute little girl more candy.

I looked up at the sky after we had done about ten houses and noticed the dark clouds.  "Hey Maddie, last house okay?  It's looks like it might start raining." I said as we approached the door of a small and cozy looking house.  Maddie rang the doorbell and then someone came into the door that I was certainly not expecting.





It was a quick and hilarious realization that this was in fact Spencer.  He had his large dog by his side, who also seemed to recognize Maddie.  "Well you are certainly one cute little trick-or-treater.  I've only had like five kids the whole night!" Spencer chuckled.  We started talking on the porch and, as predicted, I started to feel the drizzle on my jacket.  And then out of nowhere, it started to pour down!

"Oh Maddie, let's go!" I laughed, trying to cover her head.  "No, come inside, don't go out in this.  Just wait it out here for a little bit." Spencer offered.  I was almost hesitant, but decided against it.  Spencer was nice and we had been talking at work a lot since we first met each other.  I ushered Maddie inside and shook my head a little to get the rain off.

"You guys hungry?  I have a tendency to cook more than I actually need." Spencer offered as he showed the pot of macaroni and cheese that was on the stove.  "Sure." I said, knowing neither Maddie or I had eaten.

We all sat down with our bowls of pasta and Spencer stroke up a conversation with Maddie and I.  "So, how was it tonight?"  "Awesome!  Everyone said my costume was the best they've seen!" Maddie gushed.  "Awesome, well I can definitely say your's is the best.  Kate, where's your costume?" Spencer questioned.

"I am in costume.  I'm a stressed and tired teacher.  You are?" I fired back with a smirk and questioning eyebrow.  "I happen to be portraying a suburban, middle-class man." Spencer joked as he popped his collar.  Maddie and I laughed and continued on.

We ended up hanging out at Spencer's for an hour, and then I saw that it was already 8:30 and we had school tomorrow.  The rain had let up about twenty minutes ago, but it was just so nice talking to someone who treated me and my daughter kindly.  I mean, yeah, my friends and the dance moms did, but this was a guy that was totally accepting of the way we lived life.  It was just, nice.

"Alright, well this was fantastic.  Thanks Spencer." I told him as we got ready to go.  "No problem." he said, "It was nice."  "Bye Spencer!" Maddie called out.  "Oh wait, Maddie!  Here, just take it all." Spencer said as he handed her the remaining, very full, bag of Halloween candy he had.  "No one else is gonna come."

"Thanks!" she squealed.  I cringed, imagining the sugar rush and mouthed "I hate you" to him.  Spencer just cheekily smiled as we turned away.  I held Maddie's hand as we got into the car and then pulled out of the driveway.


"Yes, baby?"

"Do you like Spencer?"

"Well, as a friend, yes.  He's a very good friend, and it was nice of him to let us in."

"I think he's a good friend too."

I smiled at that, knowing Maddie liked Spencer.  "That's good.  He is a very good friend." I said.  

"A very good friend"


Hey ya'll's been a bit.

Yeah, I know I hate myself too for not updating, but bada bing badda boom, here it is.

Soooo, what do ya'll think of Kate and Spencer!  Tell me your thoughts.

Love you all and sorry for the wait.  I promise not to disappear for this long again.

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