Chapter 24

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Maddie's POV

"One!  Two!  Three!" all eight of us yelled as we jumped into the hotel pool.  It was the night before the competition and the whole team was staying at the hotel for the night before the competition.  Some of the other girls that danced competition at the studio were here, but it was mostly just a mini thing.  Most of the other girls that came were doing like specialty dances from the season, but I was just so beyond happy to be here!

As we came up out of the water, we could hear the moms laughing at us.  Kate smiled and waved at me and I waved back.  "Maddie!" I heard over my shoulder.  It was Bella and she was tossing a beach ball over at me.  I caught it in my hands and then tossed it over to Mia.  I was having so much fun with these girls and it was so easy to be friends with them!

But in the back of my head I couldn't get the dances out my thoughts.  I was so scared that I would forget or mess one up.  I was afraid of freezing on stage during the solo, or forgetting the group dance.  I just didn't want to let anyone down, and I didn't want Kate to be upset with me because I didn't do my best.


The next morning was a whirlwind of makeup, sequins and hairspray!  The hairspray made me cough and some of the makeup was hard to put on, but Kate did her best to be gentle.  The hard part was waking up early to get ready for the competition.  I was eating while she did my hair, and she put it up into a bun.  I couldn't stop staring at my costume!  It was so pretty and sparkly!  I just could not wait to put it on!  After my makeup got done, I was finally able to put it on and I really did look like Rapunzel!

"Miss Cambrie?  Kate?" I asked quietly as I stepped out from behind the changing curtain.  "OMG!  Maddie!" exclaimed almost every mom, and Kate, and Miss Cambrie.  "Oh I am one real good designer.  Maddie you look precious!" Cambrie said as she hugged me.   "Oh you are just too darn cute!" Kate gushed as she pulled me over to her.

"Are you ready to do your solo?" Kate asked me.  "Yeah!" I said excitedly.  All the nerves I had from yesterday were gone, and I was super pumped.  "Hey speaking of solos, can I have my three soloists over here?  It's almost time to go, and Mia and Gwen make sure you are ready for the duet cause I'm getting you guys next.  Everybody else should be in the audience in our reserved seats in fifteen minutes to watch the girls." Cambrie quickly said.

Before I went over to Cambrie, Kate stopped me.  "Hey, your gonna do great.  I love you." she said.  I smiled and told her thanks.  I followed Cambrie to the behind the stage area and ran through my dance.  Before I knew it, she was leaving us to go watch, so it was just me and Bella and Jaycee.  Jaycee's solo was first and it was called, 'Letters to Daddy', and it was about a little girl's dad at war.  She did really good and didn't mess up once.  Then Bella went out and did her solo called, 'Lemonade', and it was just a really fun number.  I felt bad because she was doing an aerial which is like a cartwheel with no hands, and she fell on her head but finished the dance.  I made sure she was okay before they called me out.

Then I was next,  I had never been so nervous in my whole life.  I walked onto stage and went to my first position.  I carefully looked up and could see the whole team in the audience behind the judges.  I hope the judges like me.  I could see Kate smiling and holding up her camera as the announcer called my name and dance.  "And here in our Mini Nova category from Blitz Dance Company, it is Miss Madison with 'I See The Light'."

I danced my best and made sure everything was stretched the best it could be.  I even landed the handspring!  I was so happy for that!  I did all my moves the best I could and, I only made a tiny mistake and fell behind on the music a little, but I did what Cambrie told me to.  And that was to recover and do something to catch up.  I ended gracefully when the music came to an end and the whole crowd cheered so loud for me.

I went off stage and found Jaycee and Bella.  We were so happy and cheered quietly for each other.  We watched the duet from Mia and Gwen in the sides of the stage.  Their duet was really sassy and fun called 'Best of Both Worlds' and their song was from Hannah Montana, a show I watched at the house with the other girls sometimes.  Cambrie came to get us after the dances so we could get ready for the group dance.  But I didn't start getting ready until Kate took like a million pictures and nearly hugged me to death!


Kate's POV

I was sitting in the audience with the other moms and coaches as we watched the dancers on the stage getting ready for awards.  They played music before they handed out awards and let the kids do crazy dances and I could not get enough of Maddie!  She was having so much fun with the other girls up on stage.  She dd stand out a little though because she was the only one that didn't sport the red and sparkly silver 'Blitz Dance Academy' tracksuits that every other dancer from the studio wore.  She had her sparkly blue 'Blitz Dance' jacket on but those weren't the competition jackets.

Cambrie said she would have her brand new 'Blitz Dance Academy' jacket with a big sparkly 'Maddie' embroidered across the back by the next competition, but a silly little jacket didn't mean that much to me.  I knew it didn't to Maddie, she was too busy having fun.

They called the group awards first, and I was so happy to hear that 'Call it Whatever' took second in the Mini small-group division.  They totally killed the dance, and it was fairly complicated for little girls, and hada  ton of partner work.

Then they did the solo awards.  I was so nervous.  I wanted Maddie to win something at her first competition, but also knew not to expect much since she was so new. The Mini awards went first and so they called Bella's name for fifth place.  That poor little girl, she hut her head so hard but kept on dancing.  They get up to third place and still have not called Maddie's name or Jaycee's.

"And in third place we have...Madison! 'I See The Light'!" the M.C. called out.  I was estatic!  "Go Maddie!" was chanted through the group of moms.  They were all so supportive of her being the newbie, but I couldn't have been more proud.  Maddie was smiling like crazy as they handed her the little trophy and slung the medal around her neck.  Jaycee ended up winning first with her solo, and I wasn't surprised, it was beautiful and very mature for a nine year old girl.   I was so happy for them all, but especially excited for my little Maddie J.

I met up with Maddie back in the hall after Cambrie collected them back together with the help of her older dancers.  "Kate!  Look!" Maddie squealed as she showed me her awards.  "I see!  I'm so proud of you!" I said through a huge bear hug.  Cambrie high-fived all the girls and told them how happy she was of them.  "Alright girls, let's go celebrate our winnings at dinner!" Cambrie called out and then we all proceeded to the Red Robin across the street.

Cambrie may have been proud of all the girls for their performance, but nothing would beat how happy I was for my little miracle girl.


Hey guys.  Wow, where have I been?

Wish I had some sort of excuse for my lack of updating this book, but I don't other than I am lazy and kinda forgot.  So I decided to update!  I hope you are all having an amazing summer!

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