Chapter 31

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*little shorter but hope you still like*

Maddie's POV

It's been three days since Lilly said that stuff about my parents not wanting me.  I've tried to ignore it and think about something else but it always comes back to my thoughts. 

"You doing okay with that?" Kate asked as she came up behind me while I was doing my spelling homework.  "Yeah, it's fine." I answered kinda quietly.  "Okay, this has been going on for two days.   What's wrong Mads?" She asked.

"Nothing, just something this girl said." I say, not looking up from my paper.  "Well, that depends on what she said." Kate replied.  I turned in my seat to look at Kate and I couldn't help it.  I started crying.

"Oh Maddie." She said as she picked me up into her arms and held me tight.  "Shh, it's okay baby girl.  What happened?" She asked as she came over to the couch, me still crying into her shoulder.

I pulled myself together the best I could, and recited the conversation I heard Meghan and Lilly have.  I saw Kate's face drop into a sad expression and she just hugged me again.

"Maddie, I promise you, I love you just as much as any parent would.  I think I love you more because I decided to pick you, out of anyone else." Kate told me.  My cries had started to stop, and it was more if just hiccups and sniffling.

"Think of it this way," Kate started, "I picked you to be my kid.  Lilly's parents didnt have a choice!  They got stuck with her!" My hand flew over my mouth as I started laughing, knowing that I shouldn't really laugh.  But when Kate also started laughing, I figured it was okay.

"Now, promise me you won't actually say that if she says anything again!" Kate chuckled.  I nodded and we locked pinkies on it.  "I love you so much Maddie.  Nothing is going to change that.  It doesn't matter if your my daughter biologically or not.  I still love you more than anyone will ever be able to comprehend."

I smiled at Kate and hugged her.  "I love you too." I told her. 

I had a thought cross my mind right then.  Lilly was wrong.  I do have a mom, and I think it's time I met her know that...

Kate's POV

It totally upset me about what Maddie told me.  I actually had to debate if it's okay to hate an eight year old.  But like, was nobody paying attention to those little girls saying hurtful things about another child?!  Especially a new student!

Maddie seemed better after that, so I helped her finish some homework and then went to go grade some of my own papers for a little bit. 

Then it occurred to me, 'Kate you kid just had a mental break, why aren't you spending every minute with her?!' 

I went to Maddie's room with the movie 'Camp Rock' in hand.  "Wanna watch this with me?" I asked her.  Maddie nodded and then joined me in the living room to watch it.  I knew she loved it when she watched it with Jessica when she was over at her house.

Maddie was singing all the songs , and it was just so cute!  When the movie ended, I checked the clock and saw it was almost ten at night!  Yes, it was a Friday but she still has a bed time! 

"Alright Maddie, bed time." I told her as she looked up at me with a slight smile.  God, I love this kid.  She went up to her bedroom to get ready for bed while I cleared up the kitchen from dinner earlier in the evening. 

"Ready!" Maddie called from upstairs.  I swear there is no other kid on the planet that gets excited to go to sleep, I thought that was a thing you don't get excited for until your teenage years.

I went up to her bedroom and saw her singing on her bed.  She was singing the sing from Tangled, I See The Light.  "You ready?" I asked her as she noticed me.  Maddie nodded and got under her purple comforter.

"Goodnight Maddie.  I love you." I told her as I hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead.  I got up carefully and saw her smiling back.  I smiled down at her pretty face and got up.  But something stopped me dead in my tracks...

"Night Mommy.  Love you too."

I turned around and saw Maddie with a huge smile in her face.  She knew what she said, and she meant it.  She called me Mommy.

"Mommy loves you too princess." I said quietly, as my breathing hitched.  I turned to leave the room and gently closed Maddie's door.  But as soon as I closed it, I was quietly crying to myself. 

She called me 'Mom'.

It just happened.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.  A lot of you guys were waiting for it. 

Please send me some ideas for this book, cause I'm kinda running low and would like to keep this book going for a while.

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