Chapter 6

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^^^Kate's Sister Jessica(Jessi/Jess) ^^^

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^^^Kate's Sister Jessica(Jessi/Jess) ^^^

Kate's POV

I fell back onto my couch my sister next to me.  "I'm tired.  You house is hard to disorganize." Jess said with a sigh.  "Yeah, no kidding." I groaned.  It was tiring, but gonna be worth it.  We had set up her room for the most part.  Maddie and I were gonna decorate the room together once she was settled in, but I got some stuff to make it feel like her's.  We got a desk, some furniture, and a place for her to keep toys and the other stuff we had bought for her.

"Do eight year old girls still play with 'toys'?  Or is it all nail polish and kid's makeup?" Jessi asked me as we were setting the room up.  "I don't know." I said shrugging my shoulders as I struggled to assemble the night stand.  It was a tough process we went through.

"Tomorrow's the day." Jess said with a smile.  "I know I can't believe it.  I've waited for  almost seven months for this to be finalized.  I just hope everything is correct and all the papers got there properly.  Otherwise, I'm set back about three days from getting her." I said.  I really hope everything was right and went through, I don't want her to think I abandoned her.

"So what did you get her?  All in all?" Jess asked.  I had to think about this before answering.  To be truthful, it was a lot.  "Umm...I didn't get any clothes.  I wanna do that with her, and Caroline said she had enough to last a few days.  I got her some books and a couple kid-friendly movies, a couple stuffed animals.  I'm still not sure if eight year olds are still into those.  Some hair stuff for her: hair bows, hair ties, a new brush, clips, head bands..." I was drawing a blank, despite everything I got.

"I really can't remember everything." I chuckled.  "You got that awesome lamp!" Jessi said with excitement.  It was one of those lamps with the bendable parts that led to the multi-colored bulbs.  "Yeah, that thing is pretty awesome!" I said.  I couldn't really think of anything else I got for her.  But her room did look cool for now, except fro the fact that the walls weren't painted, there was no bed, and the only stuff in there was a little decor.  

"So, you haven't told me about her, like, at all!" Jessi said, pushing my shoulder.  "Oh God, I could go on forever!  She's perfect!" I gushed like a teenage girl over a football player.  "What's she into?" Jess asked as she sipped her red wine.  She wasn't 21 yet, but...nobody had to know.  Besides, she'll be 21 in like three months.

"She loves dance and gymnastics from what I can tell.  I'm gonna enroll her at that dance place by the high school.  She said she liked singing all kinds of music.  She's a way better drawer then you and I will ever be, and she's eight!" I said, thinking of the first things that came to mind.  "She sounds so cute!  I'm finally gonna have a niece I can spoil!" Jessi squealed.  "And oh my God, she's so cute!  She's a little shy sometimes, but adorable!" I said remembering her at the restaurant.  Then I remembered how much she ate.

"That's also something I'm worried about." I muttered.  "What?" Jessi asked.  "I don't know if I'm over reacting or what, but it doesn't seem like Maddie eats a lot.  Like she barely ate lunch." I said.  "She's a kid, they don't eat as much as adults Kate." Jess said with a chuckle.  "I know, but like this was like not even half of a kids meal that she ate." I said, a little worried.  "Oh, wow.  Yeah, those don't have a whole lot.  And she's eight?" Jess asked.  "Yeah, and Caroline told me that she doesn't eat a lot at all.  Like half a meal for the entire day!" I said, raising my voice a little.

"I don't know Kate.  Is is anorexia?" Jess asked.  I didn't want to think about that.  "It might be, but you don't typically see kids this young with it.  But, I see it all the time at the school kills me." I said, thinking of all the students that look like they haven't eaten in weeks.  "I just don't want that to be her." I groaned.  "It's something that you'd have to work on.  Because at her age, or any age, it isn't safe." Jess said and I nodded.

Our conversation was interrupted by my cell phone vibrating next to me.  "One sec." I told Jessi as I answered it.  It was a private number, so I was a little wary answering it. 


"Hi, is this Katherine Dawson?"

"This is she."

"Hi, I'm Grant Matthews, from the adoption agency."

"Oh!  Mr. Matthews!  What can I do for you?"

"It's about your adoption forms for Madison."

"Oh no.  Is something wrong?"

"Well, kind of.  One of the papers you gave us, it's an old paper, and has since then been revised.  There's additional information and signatures on the new one, that aren't on this one."

"Which means, my adoption date is being pushed back?"

"Yes, until the new paper is sent to us.  Which can take about two to three days if it is sent tomorrow.  But, you won't be able to bring home Madison tomorrow.  I'm sorry."

"Alright, I'll call there in the morning and send the new paper tomorrow.  Thank you for telling me."

"Alright, have a good night."

"You too."

This could not be happening.

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