Chapter 29

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Kate's POV

I looked back at the clock and mentally groaned.  I had been struggling with the school copier machine for the past twenty minutes.  I was picking Maddie up from dance in an hour an a half and then we were going to the Friday night football game.  I just hope that will still happen because school has been active for two weeks and stuff is already not working for me.

I groaned and threw my head back as I got another 'Error' message showing up on the screen of the copy machine.  "You've gotta be kidding me." I growled to myself.  Just then, I recomposed myself as someone walked in.  Some dude I don't think I had met before.  I go back to pushing buttons and tapping the back of my heel on the floor.

"Work damn you." I muttered as I tried hitting the 'copy' button again.  "Need help?" he asked, causing me to look up.  "If you think you can get it.  I've been trying for twenty minutes." I chuckled as I raised my hand to surrender.  He came over and nudged the bottom of the machine with his shoe and then hit a few buttons, and to my astonishment that freaking worked!  The copier started up and started spewing out the papers I was giving to my students next week.

"Thank you!  Um..." I trailed, not knowing his name.  "Spencer Ryan.  I'm the new Biology teacher." he said as we he shook my hand.  "Nice to meet you.  I'm Kate Dawson, the Criminology teacher upstairs." I said as I accepted his hand.  "Nice.  I was gonna pursue a career with something like that, but then had a come to  Jesus moment and though 'You know, I really enjoy living.'  so that was kinda the end of that." He said with a laugh which made me chuckle, recalling my own experiences in the FBI.

"Yeah, been there and done that.  I was in the FBI for five years as a forensics agent.  I will admit, being on the verge of death isn't too fun." I chuckled lightly.  I hadn't even noticed that we were  heading back up to my classroom after my papers finished printing.  I didn't even take it in, until I saw my desk and I was still talking to Spencer.

"And that is how I ended up as a Biology teacher." he explained.  Apparently his dad was one of the scientists consulted for the Jurassic Park movies, and he liked being the teacher during 'pretend' with his younger sister as a kid.  "Nice, that's pretty cool." I complimented as I sat down at my desk, him standing across from me.  Spencer glanced down at a picture I had sitting on my desk.  Of course it was a picture of Maddie.  He turned the frame towards him and looked at the picture.

"I mean this in the nicest way, but you look seriously young to have a kid that age." He chuckled as he put Maddie's picture back.  "I adopted Madiie over the summer." I chuckled and explained.  "I'm sorry if that came out as offensive." He said with a light laugh. 

"No sweat.  I still get asked at bars for my ID .  Not that I can go to many with an eight year old now." I said.  I subconsciously looked at the clock and noticed I had to go get Maddie from across the street. 

I said my goodbyes to Spencer and said I would see him around.  He's a pretty funny guy, and not nearly as stiff as some of the other male teachers.  He'd be a good friend to hang on to in case I ever get bored in a staff meeting.

I grabbed Maddie from dance as she bubbled with excitement about the game.  She was excited to see Brooke, Ethan's daughter, cheering with the cheerleaders as he coached the game.  I used my staff ID to get in myself and then paid the three dollars for a student child ticket.

Maddie zipped up her jacket as we looked for a spot on the bleachers.  As I looked around, I saw Spencer at the game sitting by himself, except for a dog next to him. 

"Hey!" I said as I approached him.  "Hey, didn't know you were coming!" He said as I took my seat next to him.  "Maddie this is one of the people I work with, Spencer."  She waved her hand, but was looking at the dog he had with him. 

"This is Kenickie, my dog.  You can let him if you want." Spencer invited Maddie.  She gently reached out her hand and the Bernese Mountain Dog started licking her arm, quickly making himself comfortable next to Maddie and moving away from Spencer.

"Okay Ken.  I see how it is." Spencer laughed as the large dog rested his head on Maddie's lap.  "Kate look!  There's Ethan and there's Brooke!" She exclaimed, pointing towards the field.  Brooke was smiling big in her Wilmington Beach City school cheerleading uniform.

Quickly after the large amount of football played covered in blue and white charged the field.  We all excitedly watched the game, and Spencer's dog barked every time the home team made a touch down.  Pretty cool trick.

After two and a half hours, the Bobcats ended up winning, and we all cheered loudly for our home team winning the game.  Maddie and I said goodbye to Spencer and Kenickie as we headed to my car to go home. 

"Kate, are you and Spencer friends?" Maddie asked in the way back yo the house.  I turned down the radio and adjusted my mirror to look at her while I talked.  "Yeah, we're friends.  Why?" I asked her.  "Nothing.  I just like him.  He's funny, and he has a dog." Maddie said.  I laughed at the last part.  I do remember Maddie saying she loved dogs when I adopted her.

"Yeah.  We're friends Maddie.  Good friends."

Ooh!  Kate's gotta guy friend!  Tell me what you guys think of this.  I'm kinda hoping for some more comments since these last few chapters I've posted haven't gotten like any comments or votes.  I like to know if people are enjoying this book or not, so please tell me your opinions.

I take reading requests, cover requests, rates, and opinions on other books.  So if you want me to read your books just tell me!

Love y'all!  Thanks for reading.

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