Chapter 8

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Maddie's POV

It's Wednesday of the next week.

I was trying to just get through the week, hopefully and waiting for Kate's call.  But it never came.  I did stuff to distract myself, but it wasn't really working.  Friday I hung out with Dana, Saturday I read an entire book called 'I Survived Hurricane Katrina', on Sunday we had to go to church and then after I helped clean, Monday I drew pictures and danced and sang to myself, Yesterday I went outside and watched clouds and climbed trees.  Today, I was just bored.

I wanted Kate to call cause nothing seemed fun anymore!  I just wanted to see her again.  But what if she didn't want to see me?  Maybe that's why she wasn't calling.  It could be just like the Sinestos.  They were gonna adopt me but then changed their minds.  I actually heard someone asking Miss Caroline about it yesterday.  I didn't see who it was, but the voice sounded like it was Taylor.  Taylor's like thirteen and thinks she knows everything, but she's also pretty nice.  But this is how the conversation went last night.

C-Caroline   T-Taylor

T-When is that lady coming for Maddie?

C-What does it matter to you?

T-Have you seen Maddie?!  She does nothing but wait for that woman to call all day!

C-Kate had some trouble with the paperwork and she needed to fix it.

T-Yeah, I'm sure!  Or maybe it was like the Sinestos and she had a better excuse of not wanting Maddie.  It's not fair to her!

C-I know Taylor.  I hope Kate isn't like that, and I doubt she is.  It seemed like she really loved Maddie.

T-I just don't want Maddie to be left again.

It made me kinda sad to hear that, cause what if Kate really didn't want me?  And it was all just an act?  There were always people that acted a different way then they said they were.  Dana called them impostors, but I just called them fakers.  I didn't get a feeling that Kate was fake though!  She seemed so nice and real with me, I didn't want to think that she didn't actually want me.

The day went on, and at this point I had just unpacked my duffel bag.  I needed the stuff in there and figured that I was gonna be here a while longer than I hoped.  I didn't like doing it, but I started to cry.  Not big crocodile tears, but slow and sad tears.  I was really hoping that I finally had a family, or at least a mom!  But that wasn't gonna happen I guess.

"Hey Mad-Maddie?  What's wrong?" Dana asked as she entered my room.  "Nothin.  I just think Taylor's right.  Kate isn't gonna come.  It's just like the Sinestos." I muttered as I wiped at my tears.  "I don't think so Mads." Dana said.  "Why?" I asked.  "Cause you have a call downstairs." Dana smirked.  The only thought that filled my head was, "It had to be Kate!"

I left Dana and ran downstairs.  "I see Dana told you.  There's a call for you." Miss Caroline said as she smiled and handed me the phone.  I twirled the cord around my finger as I answered.


"Maddie?  It's me Kate."

"Hi Kate!"

"Maddie, I am so sorry it took so long!  This new document was so weird and complicated, but it's finished, submitted, and accepted.  All the paperwork is done sweetie.  I'm coming tomorrow."


"Yes, I'm coming tomorrow afternoon.  I'm gonna get there around 2 and we'll be home by 5.  I'm so excited Maddie."

"Me too."

"I am so sorry it took so long."

"It's okay."  I'm just ready for you to get here."

"I'll be there before you know it.  Now, I know it's getting late there, so get to sleep and I'll be there tomorrow Maddie."

"Thanks Kate."

"Goodnight Maddie.  I'll see you tomorrow."

"Night Kate." 

I handed the phone back to Miss Caroline and had a smile as big as the crescent moon outside.  "Well, go repack your bag and get to bed.  You have a big day tomorrow." Miss Caroline said with a smile.  I went back upstairs and saw Dana still sitting there.  "So you excited?" she asked.  "Excited, but also kinda nervous.  I've been here for forever.  What's a family like?" I asked Dana.  "It's like what we all have here.  People who look out for you and help you out.  A mom is someone who's overprotective at times but still knows how to have fun" Dana explained.

"Is she gonna make me call her 'mom' and kiss me and stuff?" I asked nervously.  I had never done that to someone, not even Miss Caroline.  She had always been Miss Caroline, never mom.  "The 'mom thing' she probably won't make you.  Most adoptive parents don't.  The kissing stuff, quiet possibly.  Some adoptive parents are just overly excited when they get their kids and want it to feel like a normal family.  Also expect a lot of pictures.  Every parent does that, adoptive or not.  Mine did before they went bat-shit crazy." Dana cussed.

"Sorry, don't repeat that." Dana chuckled.  "Need help putting your stuff back together?" Dana asked.  "Yeah, sure." I told her.  I had the two other outfits I was keeping folded on my dresser, and put them into my duffel bag.  I'll just wear what I'm wearing right now, tomorrow too.  "Keep your pajamas out and put them in tomorrow morning." Dana said.  I changed into my pajamas and finished putting the rest of my stuff in the bag with Dana.

"You wanna sleep in my room tonight?" Dana suggested.  She knew about my fear of being alone and the darkness, and would sometimes let me stay in her bed.  "Yeah." I smiled.  "Alright, bring your bag in my room and I'll get ready to sleep.  I'm beat." Dana yawned.  I picked up my duffel bag and my Build-a-Bear, Clara, and went into Dana's room.  Dana was finishing brushing her teeth as I put my stuff by her door.  When I got into her bed, she was coming over to join me.

"Night bud." Dana sighed as she turned off her light.

"Night Dana."

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