Chapter 12

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Maddie's POv

I was in the back of Kate's car as we drove to the mall.  I can't remember the last time I went clothes shopping!  I might have once in kindergarten, but that was for all the girls at the home, and it was at a GoodWill.  I've never been to a mall.  "You excited Mads?" Kate asked from the front and glanced in her rear-view mirror.  I smiled big and nodded fast.  I like that nick-name, nobody ever called me 'Mads'.

"So, you have any idea what your gonna be looking for?  Like what's your style?" Kate asked me.  I wasn't sure to be honest.  "I don't know.  It's usually whatever was there." I answered.  "Well it's all about you today girlie!" Kate chuckled as we pulled into a parking lot.  I looked out the window and to the building and holy cow!  This place was huge!  

We got out of the car after finding a spot and I stayed close to Kate.  "There's a lot of people here, and I just don't wanna lose you." she explained.  "Okay, so there's a lot of stores here but I picked a couple that I'm pretty sure would be the best choice for what we're looking for.  But if you wanna stop anywhere else, just tell me." Kate said and I nodded.

"So, I'll be honest.  I had to ask some of my friends who have girls where they shop." Kate whispered.  "How old are they?" I ask, thinking that if they are Kate's friends I should probably get along with their kids.  "Alison has two kids.  Jake is ten and Jenna is six.  Austin's girlfriend Rebecca has an eight year old daughter, Sabrina.  And Ethan is married to his wife Hannah, and they have a nine year old daughter, Brooke." Kate explained.  I tried to process all of that, but would probably need a reminder later if I meet them.

"Okay how bout here first?  This is where my friends take their girls a lot." Kate said as she opened the door to a store called 'Justice'.  When I stepped in, it was filled with music and bright colors.  "Anything you see that you like?" Kate asked.  "I don't know!  There's so much stuff!" I giggled.  We went through the store and found different clothes in my size.  I had shirts, skirts, shorts, jeans, jackets, leggings, and other stuff in every color!  It was like insane all the different colors and patterns.

"Good haul." Kate said as we left this first store.  She had a large bag on her arm and I had a medium sized one in my hand.  We ended up leaving there with five shirts, two skirts, four pairs of shorts, two pairs of jeans (since it was warm out), two pairs of pajamas, and even this really cute swimsuit.  "Alright, where next?" Kate asked me.  I shrugged my shoulders and answered, "I don't know.  Never been to a mall." She smiled and led me somewhere else while saying, "I think I can find a few more places."  

We went to two more stores, called Macy's and Khols', before we went to get lunch.  I actually was a little hungry.  Not much, but enough to were I wanted to eat a little something.  We went to the food court and picked where we wanted to eat.  We picked out Steak 'n' Shake, somewhere I've never ate before.  I got a small burger and a water.  Told you, I wasn't really hungry.

"So, you having fun so far?" Kate asked as she picked around at her salad.  I nodded and said, "Yeah, thank you so much!  It's really fun!" I ate a little bit of my food and just thought about how awesome today has been.  I've been with Kate less than twenty-four hours and it's already been so fun.  We finished eating and figured out where to go next. 

Three stores and two hours later, we were done.  We probably could've kept going but I was getting tired.  We ended up with enough clothes to fill my new closet, some additional stuff for my room, a couple books, and sports equipment.  I had told Kate about how I liked doing sports and being outside, so we got a bunch of sports stuff.  I even got some dance clothes cause Kate said I was gonna finally get enrolled in dance!

On the drive home the back of Kate's car had the bags, so I rode up front with her.  "Longest day I've had in a while.  How bout you?" Kate asked.  "Same here." I answered.  "Well, we still got some daylight left, what do you wanna do when we get back?" Kate questioned.  I wasn't sure so I was open to suggestions.  "How about we break in that new soccer ball?" she suggested.  I was cool with that, so I nodded my head yes and leaned my head against the window.

When we got home, Kate helped me carry the bags upstairs to my room.  We hung up the clothes in my closet and put some in the drawer.  When we found the soccer ball we went out to the backyard, which was the first time I saw it.  And OMG it looked so cool!  There was a big yard, a pool, a covered porch, and a basketball hoop.  

"Alright, let's go.  You know  how to play right?" Kate asked as she set the ball down in the grass.  "Duh!" I giggled.  "Alright, then each fence is a goal.  You go first." she said.  I went up to the ball and she tried to guard me from kicking.  I ended up making most of the goals in our 'game'.  After thirty minutes we collapsed on the grass and were laughing.

It was probably one of the happiest things I've done ever.

DISCONTINUED//For A FamilyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora