this dinner gon fuck me up

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as soon as her eyes land on me, i get ready to fucking sprint in case she tackles me or something oh god. "park jimin" she screeches as she waddles over to me. she hugs me so hard i stumble slightly and try desperately to regain my footing as i hear yoongi stiffle a laugh.

that fucker.

she grabs my arm and takes me to a seat. "sit down grandson", she smiles and walks into the kitchen. yoongi sits down next to me and takes my hand under the table. "sorry for nt warning you before hand but she's been talking about meeting you ever since she first met you, she was so excited on tuesday that she actually cried a little bit". my jaw drops. she fucking cried? i tense up as yoongi rests his head on my shoulder, snuggling into the crook of my neck. i smile lightly. then all i see is a white light.

yo fam am i dead? #dicksoutforjimin?

i open my eyes and see yoongi's grandma holding a camera. "yah grandma can you send that to me?" yoongi says and lifts his head off my shoulder and runs to his grandma to review the picture. i see yoongi's cheeks heat up and he mumble "he just looks so fucking cute". the corner of my mouth turn skyward as yoongi's sits next to me again, taking hold of my hand and running his thumb over the ridges of my knuckles. the next thing i know i have a huge meal layed out in front of me. "i can't have my grandson get too skinny, can i?" yoongi's grandma kisses my cheek and moves to sit down. we get through our meal rather quickly and even while we eat yoongi still keeps a tight hold on my hand.

after dinner yoongi leads me to his room. we both sit down on his bed and he squeezes my hand. "i'm really glad i met you jimin" he looks up at me. "i'm glad i met you too yoongi" i kiss his cheek lightly.  he lies down on the bed and tugs my hand so as to make me lay with him.  and i do. we lay there for minutes on end just gazing at each other, taking in eachother's features and presence. the slight and soft light from his window makes his skin shine and his lips look pink and beautiful. his cheeks are grazed with red as his eyes roam around my face. he rested his head on my chest as i kissed him on the cheek again.

he looked like an angel.


sorry for the fucked up left side format thing my laptop is really shit and wattpad doesn't work well on it.

also this story hit like 951 in the fanfic category?? wtf y'all??? you guys got me fucked up tbh

i saw seventeen in concert last weekend and i cried so hard when healing came on + i'm actually wearing the shirt i got at the concert rn i'm gonna drink bleach.

this chapter is dedicated to oitmlgz the worlds biggest leafy stan ;)

(also she's been pestering me to update for like forever i'm shook)

i  love you guys a lot for reading this actual piece of shit of a story!

i hope you liked this

see u next time rats

- alex

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