Pool time

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I look at him wide eyed and he seems to know what I'm thinking, as he nods. This is like a dream come true, the one I love coughed up his feelings for me, but yet I don't feel happy, I wonder why?
Christoph notices my worried look, and gets up to sit next to me on the sofa. He puts his hand over mine and looks into my eyes.
"I love you, Katja." He says, holding eye contact. My heart feels like its melting and feel comforted. I reach out and hug him. He seems surprised and jumps a little, but then returns the hug tightly.
I draw away but I freeze as he looks into my eyes and then at my lips. I lean forward at the same time he does and we end up banging our heads together.
"Ow!" I say rubbing my head. I look up at him to see him smirking. I can't help but start laughing too. Just then there's a knock and without waiting for a response, Richard walks in.
"Okay, it's ready." He says.
"What's ready?" Christoph asks.
"Just follow me." He says, turning on his heel and walking off.
I quickly scramble to my feet and follow him. He takes us outside and into the garden. There I see a table with some food set out. I smile at Richard and he leaves us be.
"Well, I guess we'd better start eating." He says, walking over to the table. I join him and see some chips and two burgers. I burst out laughing.
"What's so funny?" He asks, stifling laughter himself, but he couldn't hold it in any longer and starts laughing too.
But then I realise something, I can't eat the burger because I'm vegetarian.
"Is something wrong?" He asks.
"Well, I'm a vegetarian, so I can't eat the burger." I reply.
"Well, you can have my chips and I'll have your burger, how does that sound?"
After the meal, I feel full and see that Christoph looks stuffed. He gets up to sit by the pool and I join him.
"Hey, what would you do if I pushed you in the pool?" He asks grinning.
"This." I say and push him in first. He surfaces and moves his hair out of his eyes. He starts laughing and grabs my ankle and pulls me in the pool too.
"Hey!" I shout and start to splash him.
"Don't make my clothes anymore wet!" He says, and with that, he takes off his shirt.
His cheeks turn rosy and he he takes my hand.
"I did mean it when I said I loved you." He says.
"I know." I smile. "I love you too."
He leans forward and kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck and enjoy this precious moment, because before long, Richard, Till, Paul and Ollie all jump into the pool with us. Flake adjusts his goggles and carefully walks down the stairs into the pool.
"We didn't interrupt, did we?" Paul says jokingly.
We both look flustered and begin to splash him.
They all splash us back, and we get drenched. So it's 5 vs 2.

I climb out the pool and feel chilly. Christoph comes over and puts an arm around my back.
"Come on, let's go in and change."
We walk into one of the bedrooms, but then I remember I didn't bring anything to change into, because.. I was supposed to be back at Anja's.
"Sorry, but I need to get going." I say rushing towards the door.
"If it's Anja you're worrying about, don't. Till already told them that you may not be back until tomorrow.' He tells me.
I relax and go back in the room. Christoph hands me a big shirt hand I take it into the bathroom to get changed. The shirt is long enough to be okay to where around the house, it reaches the tops of my knees.
Christoph smiles when he sees me and gives me a hug and kisses my forehead. I yawn and rub my eyes.
"Come on." He says and lifts me onto the bed. "Try and get some sleep, I can tell you're tired." I snuggle up in the blanket and he sits on the edge of the bed stroking my hair. Soon enough, I fall asleep. I wake up once and see him asleep in the armchair by the window.

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