13|Maybe life won't be so bad

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Hey, guys sorry for the hiatus and kinda disappearance. On with the chapter!
Darkness surrounded me. 'Where am I?' I thought in my head.

"How could you lie to me (Y/N)? After everything I've done for you? You couldn't tell me about your fiance?"

There was a distant voice and its' words scared me. "Lie about what? My fiance?" I thought outloud.

"We trusted you (Y/N)! You did nothing but lie to us! You were like a sister to us!" I heard a chorus of voices.

"Trusted me?? Who are you?? What did I lie about?!" I screamed out tears welling in my eyes.

I woke up with a start, my whole body dampened with sweat.

"It was just a dream (Y/N), dont worry. They won't find out.." I exhaled "I hope"

"(Y/N)!! Wake up!!" I heard Tamaki scream outside my door.

"I'm up!!" I yelled back, getting out of bed.

After taking a long and relazing shower, I looked at my closet.

"What should I wear today?" I thought outloud.

After a few minutes of looking through my closet I decided on

After getting dressed I headed down to the kitchen to eat breakfast

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After getting dressed I headed down to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

When I got downstairs father and Tamaki were in the dining room.

I immediately stiffened and corrected my posture.

"Good morning father, Tamaki" I greeted them formally.

"Morning (Y/N)!!! The chef made pancakes, waffles, fruit salad, and fresh orange juice." Tamaki excitedly told me the breakfast menu, while father continued to read his newspaper without acknowledging me.

I got my breakfast, and sat down next to Tamaki. We talked about classes and the host club.

~~~~~~~time skip to school~~~~~~~

When I got to school I sat next to Haruhi and talked to her about my fiancee.

"What's his personality like?" she asked me.

"Well, he's very handsome. He has hazel brown eyes and dark blonde hair. He's about an inch taller then Tamaki, too." I sighed and she looked at me.

"When will you.. Tell Tamaki? He has a right to know." she looked me straight in the eyes.

"I know but, there's one tiny problem......" I paused, "Tamaki hates Edwin." I shut my eyes closed.

"Why?" Haruhi asked me.

"Well, a little bit after Tamaki announced he was leaving, I.. Started hanging out with the wrong crowd. I started smoking and I fell into depression. My access to my smokes was Edwin. I know what you're thinking 'She must be crazy and dumb!' Well, I was. I started avoiding Tamaki and I became an addict. Soon after Tamaki left I started drinking. It was my only escape from the real world. It made my problems a hundred times worse and I knew that but I couldn't help it... I went to a sober group and I got better I haven't touched a smoke or drink in about 3 years.." I sighed looking at Haruhi. Her eyes were wide.

"I knew it," I stood up, pushing my chair in, "you think I'm crazy. It's fine I'm used to it." I took a step when I felt a hand on my wrist. When I turned around I saw Haruhi.

"I don't think you're crazy. I know people have it hard, Tamaki is your brother. It must have been hard. I understand." she gave me a small smile but let go of me when the twins came in the room.

As soon as the twins sat down the bell rang and class started.

'Maybe life in Japan won't be so bad with friends like Haruhi..' I thought paying attention to my history class.


I'm sorry that's all I'm saying. I know you guys probably thought I was dead.. School started so... Alright I hope school for you guys is going well!! Thanks for reading! Hope you liked it.

"You have to let people go. Everyone who is in your life are meant to be in your journey, but not all of them are meant to stay until the end."

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