15|Do what any longer?

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I'll try to update every week for my long disappearance....



Tamaki's POV

Last week while at the host club I tried talking to (Y/N) but she kept running away from me... And on the way home the ignored me completely! She's still doing it!!

I don't know what's wrong with her but I have to find out. No matter how much I don't trust them, I needed their help...

"Hikaru, Kaoru, please come with me." I walked up to their table and took them to a separate room.

"What's up, boss?" Hikaru asked me with his arm slung around Kaoru's shoulders.

"You have the same classes as (Y/N), right?" I looked at them questioningly.

"Yea, and?" Kaoru shrugged his shoulders looking at his brother.

"Well, she's been ignoring me lately and I think something's wrong... I need you guys to watch her and find out what's wrong." I said worriedly.

"She's been ignoring you too? I thought it was only us..." Haruhi popped her head in the room and spoke.

"Haruhi! Hasn't daddy ever taught you not to eavesdrop!" I yelled at her surprised.

"Well, my real dad did, but I'm worried too. Lately, she is really quiet and only does her work. After school, she goes straight to the library to do her homework or to read. She hasn't talked to me or the twins in class except for when we have projects together. Even then, it's only to ask what her part is." Haruhi crossed her arms looking around the room as if someone were watching us.

"Boss, you live with her, how do you not talk with her at home? Or spend time with her?" Hikaru asked me with a 'duh' look on his face.

"That's the thing, whenever I try to talk to her, or even walk with her, my father or maids take me away from her. Or if no one is around, she'll just walk away from me." I just realized how much she's really trying to avoid me, at all costs.

"Maybe... She just wants some space. Who knows, maybe moving here all of a sudden is a bit too much for her. Just give her time..." Haruhi rushed waving her arms in the air.

"I don't believe it," I spun around to the twins, "Hikaru, Kaoru, do what I said. Find out what's wrong with her!"

Haruhi's POV

'What if she's just worried about Edwin? What if she's trying to figure out how to tell the Hosts?'

I sighed and rushed to the library to find her.

I looked in the first library but didn't find her so I went to the second library. I was about to leave when I heard a familiar laugh from behind a bookshelf. I walked towards it and saw (Y/N) on her phone. It seemed she was on a call so I didn't want to interrupt.

"...rry about me. Yes, yes! Edwin, I'm fine, I promise. I came to his school and I met some of his friends and we're friends now too.." she went quiet for a few seconds. "I'm doing great in classes, and the clubs here are really fun too! It's super fun over here... Mhmm, mhmm, ok just tell me whenever you want to visit. Tamaki's house is huge, it has a million rooms! Well, I'm exaggerating but it seems like it! I'm sure they wouldn't have a problem with you there....." She stopped talking, I'm guessing the person she was talking to was Edwin. "I miss you too E. Try to call me more often, I know, with the time difference it's hard but Just try, please? Thank you... I love you too. Bye~" she hung up the phone and looked down.

"I'm sorry Edwin, I don't know how I'm gonna do this any longer.." she sighed and got up.

I quickly ran to the other side of the shelves to make it look like I was looking for a book.

'Do what any longer? Is she ok...'


Sorry it's so short.....


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