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As I hung up on Edwin I saw a flash of blue dash around the corner.

'ahh, even in a library these rich kids still run around...'

I stood up and grabbed my stuff starting towards a table by the corner to do my work. I looked around to make sure no one was sitting at the table before sighing. I wonder what the Host Club is doing today... I wonder how Tamaki and Haruhi are doing. Are they both still so oblivious? I felt someone staring at me so I looked up but I saw no one. I did all my work and started reading a book before I got a bit bored.

'Well, I've got nothing to do I might as well try to peek at the club... father won't know if I just happen to stumble in, just for a second...'

I got up from my table and put away all my books. Walking towards the club room I saw a girl with platinum blonde hair on the floor. I didn't know whether she was ok or not so I rushed up to her. As I got closer I saw how pale she was and her eyebrows were scrunched up in pain. 

"Umm, miss? Hello, miss?" I tried to wake her but to no avail. I started panicking and looked around to see if anyone could help. 

'Of course, no one would walk through here all of the classes are towards the other direction, how long has she been here?'

I strapped my bag onto my shoulder and tried to pick her up. Despite my weakness, she was surprisingly light. Taking her into my arms I turned her onto my back and held her by her legs trying to make sure she wouldn't fall. I walked towards the nurse's office and was almost there when I felt the girl stir. Looking past my shoulder, her eyes started to flutter. However, instead of waking up like I thought she would, she wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her head in the crook of my neck. I sweat dropped and finally opened the door to the nurse's office. As I walked in the nurse gasped.

"What has happened? Who is this? Who are you?" she started attacking me with questions.

"I'm sorry, I just carried this girl across the school., do you think I could put her down and then I'll answer your questions?" I answered, now feeling her weight. The nurse turned red and pulled back a curtain to one of the private 'rooms' in the office.

"Yes, yes, I'm sorry. Here you are,  just lay her down there." I thanked her and gently put the girl down on to the bed.

"To answer your questions, I don't know. I found her on the floor by Music Room #3. I've never seen her before so I guess she might be new. I'm (Y/N) Gran- Suoh." I corrected myself thinking of my mother.

"Well, since we know nothing about her I suppose we have no choice but to wait for her to wake up." The nurse sighed taking out a nail file from her drawer.

"Well, actually, right when I was outside the door she woke up for a moment, repositioned herself and then fell back asleep.  don't know why, to be honest." I shrugged and sat down on a chair next to the bed.

"Well, all club activities have finished for the day, you should go home. Your parents might be worried." the nurse told me making me check my phone.

She was right it was already 5 (let's just say club hours end at that time I don't really know) I sighed and stood up. 

"I'll be back in a moment," I told the nurse before walking out the door. I called Tamaki and he picked up on the second ring.

"(Y/N)? Sister, where are you? I have been waiting at the limo for the past 15 minutes!" He spoke rushedly on the phone.

"I am at the nurse's office for-" I was immediately cut off by Tamaki.

"THE NURSE'S OFFICE?? WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE?! ARE YOU HURT?! I'M ON MY WAY RIGHT NOW!" was the last thing I heard before the line went silent.

I sighed, knowing he would cause a whole fiasco without letting me explain. I walked back into the room to see the girl start to move around in the ed. A few seconds later her hands moved up to rub her eyes. I was astonished when I saw her eyes. They were the most beautiful sapphire red I had ever seen.I didn't even know it was possible to have eyes that color.

"(Y/N)! I'M HERE! ARE YOU OK?!" Tamaki slammed the door open startling the girl, nurse, and me. 

"Tamaki, Jesus Christ, shut up! I'm fine! Calm down!" I yelled at him for causing such a scene.

I looked at him to see him in a corner surrounded by mushrooms and a gloomy aura. I sighed and ignored him. I walked towards the girl that was being questioned by the nurse.

"My name is Cerise, I just arrived from another school. I was lucky enough to get a scholarship here. I was touring the school when I felt dizzy. I didn't realize I had passed out... How did I even get here?" the girl spoke softly. As my eyes went wide.

I heard Tamaki mumble something but I just ignored him, I was interested in this girl.

'Cerise? Cherry in French.... Oh, her eyes do remind me of cherries!' I thought to myself before speaking up.

"That was me, I saw you passed out on the floor so I brought you here. Although you should know that cuz you woke up and then fell asleep, again, on me." I laughed when I saw her red face.

"Ahh, I'm so sorry! I was just so comfortable and tired from the trip here..." Cerise said sheepishly, looking down at her lap. As her hair fell to her face and the light shined on her hair I knew one thing:

We were gonna be great friends.



1011 Words

Tamaki's sister (Hikaru x reader)Where stories live. Discover now