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An:Jumping right in to chapter 1 aye. I'm so excited for my first Shawn fanfic. Hope you like it xx


Im so excited. Today is the first day of summer. Which I'm so glad that I lasted my freshman year of high school. I get that a lot of people hate school just because of the work and annoying teachers but I hated school on a whole other level for a whole other reason. My social anxiety. I get so uncomfortable in classrooms full of people. Oh, and don't get me started on presentations. I have such bad anxiety that I can barely make friends. I have one friend. Shawn is practically my ride or die and has been since we were little fetus kids. He's the only person I need besides my family. He's the only one that makes me feel good about myself everyday. He's the one I look to when I have panic attacks. And he's also like, my life. We do everything together. He's helped me through so much. If
I didn't have him, I probably wouldn't be here today. That's how much I need him.

Aside from all of that, I'm so glad I can relax from all the school stress and drama and be with Shawn. Today me and Shawn are going on a road trip to New York. I can't drive yet so we are taking a plane tonight and I'm ecstatic. We have gone on so many road trips, just me and him and it's my favorite. We always get to stay in swanky hotel rooms and pig out.

New York is also Shawn's favorite city. Mine is Seattle Washington but I haven't been their since my dad died four years ago from a car crash. He was driving home from Montreal during a business trip and a drunk driver swerved into his lane and smashed his car. I was beyond depressed for a full year after that. But Seattle Washington was his dream place to live. I don't know why, it was pretty but I wouldn't live there.

Anyways, I have no idea what to pack for our trip. I guess it's cold their so I packed some fuzzy sweaters, long sleeve shirts, leggings, a couple different t-shirts, my long green cardigan, some flannels, and a denim jacket. For shoes and accessories I brought my regular white converse and then my hightop white converse, a few different pairs of boots and my matte black timberlands. I can't forget my rings, earrings, necklaces, my watch, scarfs, and sunglasses. Phew. I think I got my main stuff. Geez, it's hard being a girl. I now how 3 suit cases and my purse full of toiletries. I look at the time and it's now 4pm. Damn. Where does time go. I told Shawn to be at my house at 5 so I scurry off to the shower and clean up and get ready for our 4 day vacation.


Its now 6 and me and Shawn are on our way to the airport accompanied by my mom to say goodbye. We pull up outside our departure sign.

"You two be safe out in that city. Camila, I want a call or text before bed every night. Okay?"

"Okay mom!" I groan

"C'mere" she pulls me into a tight hug and then releases.

"Oh c'mere Shawny" she pulls Shawn into a hug and let's go with a chuckle.

"I love you Anne" Shawn tells my mom in the cutest innocent voice ever. My mom cooes and hugs us both again.

Me and Shawn escape and grab our bags, giving my mom a kiss on the cheek and we are off.

"Camila!" Shawn groans to my left.

"What?" I laugh back. Sending him a wink because I know exactly what he is talking about. I made him carry one of my 3 heavy bags.

"Are you trying to smuggle a horse in this bag?"

I just laugh and hurry him to security. Our plane gets here at 7. After security, which took forever, we made it to our seats outside the departure area and waited. I was charging my phone on the wall while I just talked to Shawn.

I lean my head against his shoulder. He moments later leans his head against mine and I decide to take out snapchat. We start messing around with the filters until our flight was called out. Both mine and Shawn's parents were pretty wealthy so we have first class seats. Not like the Kardashians rich but my mom and his parents were fortunate to each have good paying jobs. That's why we got to travel.

We made it on the plane and I instantly start getting nervous. With all the times of traveling on a plane you would thing I had gotten over the fear of flying but I haven't. It's not like I'm terrified or anything but the taking off and landing makes me a little scared. Shawn notices and he takes my hand and looks me straight in the eye. He is always so concerned and support for me. "Camila, remember, it only last for like a minute and then we will be up in the clouds. I promise you I'm right here." He rubs tiny circles on the back of my hand that's interlaced with his. He is using his other hand to massage my arm.

"Okay. Thanks Shawny" I send him a smile and take a drink of water and just embrace this moment. Because he still had not taken back his hand and is still massaging my arm. This is sole reason I'm so happy to have him. He's my rock. Not to mention I'm so in love with him. My best friend. I can't tell him though. It will forever ruin (an:Ruin is such a good song bsnnd ) our friendship. And like I said, I would be lost without him.

Yay first chapter done. I kind of started this book later than what I wanted because school is starting soon so that means it will be harder for me to write and update, but for the remainder of the two weeks before school, I'll be updating every other day.

Also, comment what you think or pm me and let me know xx

Instagram: wydnarryx or shawnxox

K 💜xx

P.s sorry for any mistakes I don't really go back and edit I kind of just free write and then edit right then and there if needed. Okay bye :)

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