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An: I have a headache but okay

❁❁❁ *time skip-a month later*

So it's now the morning of July first so Canada day and I'm really excited because the Mendes family invited my mom and I over to celebrate. Also Emily is flying in with her friend Casey who Emily introduced me to and I'm so excited to meet her because me and Casey have kind of bonded over One Direction and me and Emily have kept in touch and we have been FaceTiming a lot and I miss her so much. A ding from my phone takes me out of my thoughts.

Shawn💍👅: Hey babe good morning. Come open your front door I brought you coffee, muffins and a kiss😏

I chuckled and ran down stairs. I opened the door to see a smirking Shawn. I grabbed his arm and took him upstairs. He set down the goods and shut my door. I quickly ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and combed through my hair. As soon as I walked out of my bathroom Shawn pinned me against the wall and kept trying to start a make out but I rejected him. "Cami" he groaned. "Shawn literally my mom is down stairs." He laughed and sat on my bed. "Happy Canada day." He smiled at me and I just hugged him for like a few minutes. Then as he watched TVD, I got my makeup done and i'm trying to pick out my outfit. I'm struggling because although I know the Mendes family, I always want to keep impressing them so they know I'm good for their son. "Shawn what should I wear?" He glanced at my closet but doesn't move. "Wear leggings. They make your ass look hot as fuck." I just glared at him and pulled out a light pink shirt and some ripped skinny jeans and my white converse. I straightened my hair and I was ready to go.

(Sorry for the bad quality)

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(Sorry for the bad quality)

Me and Shawn waited in my living room for my mom. "Camila you look super pretty you know that?" I just blushed and smiled at him. It's crazy how we are dating. He is so nice to me and treats me so good it's almost unreal. "You know you look good." I said to him and he just nodded cockily. "So when is Emily and her friend coming?" "They are coming to your house at 6." "LETS GO KIDS." My mom yelled from the front door. "Mom we are right here." I chuckled and she just laughed. "It's almost 6 we better go." We walked across the street and made it to their house. Shawn walked off to go talk to some family friends. I was surprised to see a lot of people their. A lot of Aaliyah's friends and Shawn's friends. Also adults, probably Manny's co-workers. It was weird to see some of Shawn's friends because some were girls and I get a bit jealous. "CAAAMMIILAAAA" I look over and Emily is running towards me. "EMILY" I say before we hug. "Omg I have missed you and Shawn so much. Casey has been dying to meet you and Shawn." She says smiling. "Where is she?" I say looking around to find Casey. "Oh she found Shawn and so she said she was going to go introduce herself and I told her I would come and find you." I just said 'oh' and started to give Emily a tour of the house. "Wow the kitchen is huge!" She said admiring the fridge. "Yeah Shawn's family is pretty wealthy." I said laughing. My face faltered when I looked over and saw Shawn and Casey in the hallway. She has her hand on his bicep and is batting her eyelashes. What. You know those girls who try to make themselves look cute but are actually making a fool of themselves? I haven't even properly met her yet and she is flirting with my boyfriend. I can almost hear their giggles from here. "What are yo-" Emily follows what I'm looking at and she freezes. "Camila I love Casey and all but I did notice how the whole plain rude she was talking about Shawn and how attractive he was. But I honestly thought she would lay off since you're dating him but I guess not. You should go over there and show her who he belongs to." I just give her a fake smile. "Yeah I know but I don't want to be that girlfriend that is all up his ass and gets all jealous when he talks to other girls. He obviously isn't flirting back so maybe I should just let it be." "Yeah no." She laughs and pushes me towards their direction. I just laugh. "At least go introduce yourself to her. That girl has barely even met you and she has her hands all over your man." I take off for their direction and Shawn sees me coming and smiles and waves. As I get closer and Casey sees who Shawn waves at her smile falters. "Hey babe." Shawn snakes an arm around my waist and gives me a kiss. "Hey Casey it's Camila." I put out my hand for her to shake and she gives me a fake smile and barely shakes my hand. This is so weird. She was so nice online and she said she always wanted to come here. Maybe she was using me for Shawn. The thought of her using me aggravated me so as her and Shawn carried out a conversation I just walked away. I trust Shawn enough to not flirt back. He loves me and I'm not letting this girl give me trust issues.

As the night when on I'm trying to find Shawn so we can eat together. But I can't seem to find him. Emily is trying to find Casey but she can't find her either. "Oh Jesus I really hoping they aren't off doing things" Emily says and I'm getting frustrated with her accusing Shawn of things. He isn't like that. "I'll go check upstairs maybe Shawn is in his room" I say and make my way to the stairs. I slowly walk up them and I eventually make it to his room. Before I can knock on his door I hear singing. "and you make me feel like I'm just a kid in love-" I opened the door to see Shawn and Casey on Shawn's bed and Shawn playing the guitar. They are sitting so close together my heart pangs and I'm confused. It almost looks like he was serenading her. AND. Can we talk about how he is singing one of his originals that he never showed me because he wanted to wait until MAGCON. He made it such a big deal that he didn't want to share his songs yet. And right now he is serenading another girl. He promised that I would hear all the songs first. At this point I'm irritated. "Excuse me?" I say mainly towards Shawn. "Camila what are you doing?" This bitch decides to test me. "I was coming to get my boyfriend so we could eat dinner together. What are you doing in my boyfriends room?" I say with a sarcastic and fake smile plastered on my face. "Shawn was showing me his music and you're kind of interrupting." She says with also a fake smile. "Oh! My bad! Shawn, babe, do you want to go get dinner." "Shawn your girlfriend is so clingy." She literally has the audacity to say that about me. "At least I don't use my friends to get to their boyfriends." At this point I push her out of Shawn's room and try to cool myself. "Any explanation for showing her an original song that you fussed about to me that you wanted to wait to show off? Hm?" "I-uh-she." I just frowned. "Okay well I guess I'll be eating dinner by myself." I walked out and found Aaliyah but she's with her friends and Emily is no where to be found and I'm not sitting with Casey. So I just sat by my mom and Karen. "Sweetheart you look down is everything alright?" Karen smiled at me. "Yeah just hungry." I lied hoping she'll continue her conversation with my mom. "Well dinner should be out in a few, where is Shawn? I haven't seen him since he was talking to that Casey girl. By the way she was real sweet! She told me she was staying in town and so I offered her to stay here! Maybe you guys can bond!" She squealed and I started to panic. Thank god my mom started a new conversation so I could leave. I just went and sat on the porch swing. It's nice and quiet outside. Some fresh air might relieve some built up stress. I heard the door one and i was too afraid to look, hoping Shawn or his mother isn't going to come and yell at me for being a jealous freak. But no. Who sat next to me was...

An: cliffhanger because I'm a bitch. You probably can guess who sat by her but let's just pretend you don't :) also don't hate me for not posting yesterday. Once again, no excuse I was just lazy and tired and I didn't feel like writing :) so yeah

Enjoy this picture of Shawn who never fails to make me cry and scream at his hotness:

Enjoy this picture of Shawn who never fails to make me cry and scream at his hotness:

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IF SHAWN HAD BLUE EYES😭 I can't he's too much. I'm gonna go cry now. :) wait did I post yesterday? Idk I'm a mess. Ok bye babies❤️❤️

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