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A/n:hope you guys enjoy, again in advance, sorry if this chapter is crap and any mistakes. I don't mind if you correct me on my mistakes. Ily💓💓


This day me and Shawn are going to meet up with his fans. He tweeted at his NY fans and we are meeting at Times Square. It's about an hour from the hotel so we got an uber and we are on our way there. We told the fans that we would be there at like 2 so that we have and hour to get there and then also get something to eat for lunch.

~ *skips the lunch part*

We are now in Times Square and let me tell you, there are a lot of Shawn fans. Which is weird because I didn't even know he did it hose covers on that app. Once again, another thing he never told me. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when a group of girls throw trash at me.

"Why are you even here?" "Who even are you?" "Shawn doesn't love you." "You're so ugly my eyes are bleeding." "How can Shawn even be friends with you." These girls don't stop. They keep going and going and going. I'm just stood behind the crowd while Shawn is surrounded. The girls finally stopped talking to me a turned around pulling their attention back to Shawn when I just shrug at them, not giving the reaction they wanted. Honestly those words would phase me but I've become used to them. Laura and her friends used those exact words everyday of my life. Anyone could see Laura was jealous of mine and Shawn's close relationship. She hated me and I never knew why.

I'm still standing there alone until a girl about my age walks up to me with a sympathetic smile on her face. "Hey. I saw what those girls were saying. I just thought I would come and tell you that they are obviously just Jealous that you know Shawn. Your not ugly by the way. Your so pretty and nice and I follow you on Twitter and Instagram and your super cute. I actually have a fan account for you on Instagram." She chuckles and my heart swells. This girl is so sweet and cute. I pull out my phone and open let her type her username in and I followed her back. Her account is all about me and she writes these compliments and I can't help but cry a little. "How do you even know who I am?" I asked a little shocked by all of this. "I found your account on my explore page and you looked familiar and I realized you were friends with Shawn." "Well you are super sweet and I love you so much." I said giving her a hug. "I love you too Camila, don't let those girls bring you down. Your my queen and you slay." She chuckles and I just blush a little. This is all too sweet. I can't handle it lol. "So not to be weird but can I get a picture with you she asked I of course nodded my head. She held out her phone and I kissed her cheek and then she took another picture where she kissed mine. She said thanks and I gave her one last hug before starting to walk away. "Wait!" I said and rushed over to her."What's your name again?" "Oh I'm Emily." I smiled. "Are you a fan of Shawn's?" She makes a duh face and I chuckled. "What would you say if I offered for you to hangout with me and Shawn tomorrow?" Her face lit up. "Really?" She said unsure. "Yeah, give me your number and I'll FaceTime you with Shawn and we can meet up tomorrow and hangout." I gave her my phone. "oh my god this is happening okay" she said and I laughed. She typed her number in and wrote her name s "emily💕💗💓💖💘" we said goodbye and I walked to Shawn. "Camila!!!" He shouts and I realized that he is being swarmed. I push through the crowd and held onto his arm. We made our way into a restaurant do told the employee to lock the door. "Holy shit." He chuckled. We sat down and waited for our uber. "I just met this girl." I said smiling trying to start a conversation. "Oh..." He said awkwardly. "Shut up you twat, not like that. She's a fan... Of me I guess." I still am in disbelief. "A fan of you?" "Yeah she like has this whole fan page of me. I told her that is three are going to hangout tomorrow." I said in a mater of a fact voice. "Is she a fun of me?" I gave him the same duh face that she gave me and he just laughed. "I'll follow her, what's her user" "shamila_slays" I said stalking through her pictures. They were all of me and Shawn. I'm really confused on her user name because my name is spelled wrong but there must have been limited user names.

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