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A/n:thanks for the votes and comment ily💙 oh in advance sorry for any mistakes. Too lazy to reread:))


Me and Shawn are now sitting in the Jacuzzi playing T or D. I honestly hate this game because he always pushes me to tell him who my crush is and as much as I hate lying to him, I always just say I don't have one. Although we all know that's not true.

"Your turn T or D" Shawn says smirking at me. I hesitate for a bit. "Mmm.. Truth" I say regretting this. "If I asked you for out, would you say yes or no?" He says. "My heart races and I'm struggling to find words. Almost like my brain went completely blank. "Uhh.." I'm trying so hard to act cool and not blush but I don't think it's working. "Um Shawn I don't know." I say hoping he will not look anything past it. What if he was joking and if I said yes I would completely make a fool of myself. "Ugh fine, ask me now." I suddenly feel a hand rest above my knee cap. Shawn does this sometimes as a friendly gesture so I try to keep my cool. "Okay truth or dare." "Truth" he says with no hesitation. "Okay, who is your crush?" I say hoping he will say no body. I mean lets be realistic. He won't say my name. I can't help but freeze up when his hand slightly moves up making my breathe hitch. His face is completely normal like nothing is happening.

"Hmmm my crush? Oh ehhh no one." He says and I might sound weird but I feel relieved. Even if he didn't say my name. "ok cam, truth or dare" "dare" I say switching it up. "Mmm" he smirks. Shit. I tense again when his hand slides up again. He can't even move up anymore. He is making it hard to breathe. "Kiss me." My eyes blow wide and my heart rate is through the roof. I'm blushing to the max. I look straight in his eyes to search his face for any sign of him joking. But nope. He is looking at me dead straight in the eyes, hand almost violating me. I don't even know what's happening. "Wait..are you being serious or?" I say in total disbelief. "Camila.." He then decides to snake his arm around my hip and pull me up in front of him. There's a silence that fills when he's looking into my eyes. He looks down to my lips and I might as well have a heart attack. He decides to bite his lip and my body absentmindedly leans forward a bit to give him a sign to move in. He doesn't though. He doesn't move in. I look at him and he is looking down. What the fuck. I'm so embarrassed. I scoot back and my heart fills with rejection. I'm even more pissed because he's the one who told me to do it. He's the one that pulled me closer. I slowly get out and wrap myself in a towel. I look back to see his expression. He looks disgusted. "Camila I-" "Nah, I don't want to hear your pity. It's fine. I don't even know why I leaned in the first place. I knew you were joking. I was caught up in the moment. We don't have to talk about it again." "I have a girlfriend." I scoff. "Excuse me?" I'm heartbroken too that he has a girlfriend, but I'm also hurt that he never told me. "Yeah.. Um you know Laura... from our school?" "The one who bullied me just last year? Mm yeah I know her" I say with a sarcastic smile. "She's changed Camila! She's nice." Oh haha okay so people can just change from being the biggest bully of the school to nice? In a year? I'm not buying it. "So.. Why didn't you tell your bestfriend that you've known since we were kids, this kind of stuff? Hm Shawn? If I recall, I tell you everything because I trust you. Why can't you trust me?" "You never told me you liked me?" I'm even more mad now. "Who ever said I did?" Even though I do, he will never know that ever. "Um it's obvious. Like you almost kissed me." He says in a harsh tone. "Who dared me to kiss you? Not myself. You did. Prick! Have fun with the bully Shawn." I said and stormed tf out of their. I ran to the pool to take a shower in their shower stalls. Can't believe he didn't even tell me he had a girlfriend. Makes it worse that she's the one that used to strip me of my happiness day after day. And Shawn knew this. He was the one that would come over to hold me when I thought I couldn't handle it anymore. Maybe she should just your the US with him. I'm absolutely not going anywhere with him.


After the shower I had in the lame pool showers, I decided to sit in the cheap and stuff couches in the lobby and do nothing else because I have no other friends to text. Great. Maybe I over reacted. I mean I'm not his mother, I don't have to know all of his details. I just thought, you know, maybe he would confide in me. Even if we will never be together, doesn't mean I don't care about him. Doesn't mean I don't want to be apart of support he should get in case they break up. He's still my friend. All the crush aside, I just wish he would let me be there for him like he is always there for me. Ugh. Whatever. I'm just gonna go apologize. I can't loose him as a friend over something as little as his girlfriend.


I slowly walk up to the door taking a deep breath before knocking slightly. I hear a muffled "comin" until the door swings open and he is back in bed. The lights are off and I can already tell he I going to ignore me. He does that sometimes. If he gets mad he gives space and acts cold until you break the ice. Other times right after the fight he will be on my case to try to fix things.

I'm starting to regret a lot. Fighting over a little thing..almost initiating a kiss...being here. I just want to go home.

I lightly dip in the bed, afraid he will just rip into me and I don't know. Thanks  to heaven, he doesn't even flinch. I lay down now and try my hardest to try and get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.


I am awoken by the door shutting and my eyes flutter open. Shawn is stood there at the edge of the bed with muffins and two coffees. I give him a smile and sit up. "Thank you Shawn." He sets down the coffee and pulled out my favorite muffin. He surprised me by sitting criss crossed in front of me. Looking down at his untouched muffin. I heave out a sigh and try to make things right. "I'm sorry. I'm so ashamed of how I acted. I over reacted. Our friendship is more important then this petty argument. And I know I should have let you explained your side but I was just frustrated that you didn't tell me. But then I realized I'm not your mother and you shouldn't have to explain yourself I guess. So I'm sorry. And thank you for getting me breakfast even when you were mad at me. Your still sweet when your mad." I give him a nudge and he smiles. "Okay my turn to apologize. I'm sorry too for not telling you sooner about Laura. I just knew you were going to get mad at me but trust me, she doesn't bully anyone anymore. And I'm also sorry for accusing you of liking me-" eh I mean it's true but.. "I guess i was just trying to make myself seem better or something ai don't know" Let's just forget this happened and go have a day out exploring. "I agree." And with that we are off.


I don't really like this chapter much but I couldn't think of anything else to write if you guys can, either comment or message me ideas on what you would like to see in the chapters or ideas of where this book should lead. Anyways tootaloo xx


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