Chapter 8 - The Boat

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  The train had been stopped for a total of three seconds before Grace came bounding out, running straight over to a large man who was calling out something along the lines of "Firs' years, this way!"

"Blimey, tha' was fast. Yer a firs' year, then?" the man said, looking down at her. "Yep!" Grace looked up at the man again, amazed by his height. He was even taller than her dad. He was a lot taller than her dad!

After a few minutes, a large group of first years had gathered around the man, who introduced himself as Hagrid. Abbey, Ely, Remus and the other three boys had joined her as well, all buzzing with excitement. She saw Sam again as well, glaring at them from the other side of the group.


There was a loud gasp from the group of eleven year olds the second that the castle came into view.

"It's so pretty!" Abbey said, as the students began getting into small boats in groups of four. Remus, James, Sirius and the other boy in their compartment, whose name was Peter, all got in one together, leaving Grace with Abbey and Ely.

"Oi! Four to a boat!" boomed Hagrid, walking over to a group of five all squished a boat. He grabbed the nearest boy and pulled him out by the back of uniform, before plonking him into the empty spot in their own boat, making the three of them laugh. Hagrid then got into his own boat and they all started moving across the water.

"Oh, it's the Hufflepuff girl!" the boy said, causing the other three heads to turn towards him. It was Sam, the boy from the train, the one who'd laughed at Abbey for wanting to be in Hufflepuff. "Changed your mind yet?"
"I still want to be in Hufflepuff, if that's what you're asking," Abbey replied.
"Are you sure you wouldn't rather be in Slytherin?" Sam asking, his head held high, smirking at her.
"No thank you." She smiled at him politely before turning her back to him.
"Fine, suit yourself, Puff."

Grace, Ely and Abbey completely ignored him after that, and he hated it.

"So Ely, do you have any muggle siblings?"
"You're a muggleborn!? You filthy-"
"Yeah, I have two older sisters. They just think I'm weird. Actually, they thought I was weird before the whole magic thing too."
"That's because muggles are du-"
"That's cool. I wish I had siblings. Especially younger ones. I wish I had younger siblings."
"Trust me, you do not want younger siblings. I have three, two girls and a boy, and they are so annoying, honestly."
"Yeah, and an older brother. He's in his fourth year at the moment, in Hufflepuff."
"Just as stupid as you then, hey?"
Grace looked over at Abbey, smiling.
"Say Abbey, can you hear something?"
"Why no Grace, I don't hear anything. What about you, Ely?"
"Um, no. I can't hear anything at all. Why do you ask?"
"Oh, I just thought I heard someone talking, that's all. Must've just been the wind."
"Ah yes, the wind."

They all started laughing silently.


Sam had given up trying to talk to them by the time they reached Hogwarts. As soon as the boats reached the shore, he leapt off and ran over to the group that he was originally with, before following Hagrid into the castle.

All the students were in awe of its sheer size. There were flights of stairs in every direction and endless corridors, but eventually they were lead to a pair of large wooden doors with a middle aged woman standing in front, dressed in dark green robes with a matching witch's hat.

"Welcome to Hogwarts." She then launched into a lengthy speech about the different houses and house points, but Grace wasn't listening. She was too busy looking around at all the paintings and moving stair cases and other students and-

And then the doors opened.

There were five long tables in the hall, four filled with students and one along the front for the teachers, all watching the group of first years as they were lead down the middle.
They came to a stop in front of an old looking hat on a little stool, but what Grace found interesting was that it was singing.

Once the singing stopped, the woman in green, who had introduced herself as Professor McGonagall, briefly explained to them the sorting process, before calling out the first name.

"Adams, Sarah."
A girl with short brown hair walked up to the stool, sitting on it, and Professor McGonagall placed the hat on her head.
"Does it hurt?" Ely whispered, to Abbey who just shook her head and shushed him.
"Gryffindor!" The hat shouted, and Sarah practically ran over to the table.

"Black, Sirius."
Grace watched as the boy walked up to the stool.

The whole hall fell silent as he walked over to the Gryffindor table, grinning. The silence only lasted a few seconds however, and soon the entire Slytherin table had started yelling until Professor McGonagall told them to be quiet.

The sorting then continued. "Brooks, Amelia," was sorted into Ravenclaw, "Brown, Jasper," into Slytherin, and "Cambell, Rose," into Hufflepuff.

"Clemons, Sam."
When the hat was put in his head, Grace heard him say "You better put me in Slytherin, alright?"
The hat opened its mouth, and Sam lifted his chin, grinning smugly.
Until the hat said


Then he stopped grinning.


Random name generators are my favourite.
Sorry if this one's a bit boring.


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