Chapter 30 - The Tryouts

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Grace spent the rest of her morning attempting to do her homework whilst chatting and laughing in the library with Abbey and Lily. It was a nice distraction from everything that had been happening.

"Where are Sam and Ely? I haven't seen them at all this morning," Grace commented.

"Quidditch tryouts. Yours are this afternoon, yeah? Are you going to go?" Abbey asked.

"I think so. Remus said it would be a good idea considering that the Gryffindor team's last keeper left the team this year because she wanted to focus more on her N.E.W.T.s, so I might actually have a chance."

"Did your dad play Quidditch when he was at Hogwarts?" Lily asked.

"Nope. He tried a couple of times but never got in. I don't think it bothered him much. My mum, though," Grace paused, putting down the quill she had been holding. "She was a beater, back in Australia of course. The rules are slightly different there, but it's the same concept."

Grace looked back down at the half written Transfiguration essay that she had been ignoring for the past hour. "I'm never going to get this done, am I?"

"At this, probably not," Abbey commented with a laugh. "C'mon, let's go have lunch and you can finish it tonight."

"Oh, thank Merlin! Let's go!"


It was rather windy when Grace stepped out onto the Quidditch pitch, her hair being blown across her face. In her right hand she gripped her mother's old Australian Flyabout 30, the official broomstick of the Australian National Quidditch Team when they won the world cup in 1966. It was one of Paula prized possessions, she was surprised that she had let her borrow it.

Grace was extremely nervous about today's tryout session – she hadn't played Quidditch in ages and had no idea if she could even remember how to play. She was just going to have to wing it.

There were sixteen people trying out in total – three seventh years, five sixth years, five fifth years (including herself), two fourth years and a single, over confident third year. They all stood in a group in the middle of the field, chatting quietly. Grace saw James on the other side, but decided against going over to stand with him. That was one awkward conversation she'd like to avoid.

The captain, Daniel Larson, was a seventh year beater who nearly scared Grace to death upon first seeing him. He was a giant, towering over most of them in both height and size, but he was easily one of the nicest people that Grace had ever met.

"Could you all quiet down please? Thank you. Okay, since there's enough of you, we're going to play a match. Normal rules and everything, but I'll just swap people around every now and then. Sound okay?"

They all nodded.

"Okay, I'm going to put you into to two teams – red versus yellow. There are coloured bibs in that basket over there. Now, let's start with... beaters. Who's trying out as a beater?" Daniel asked. Two fifth years, two sixth years and a seventh year put their hand up. "Merlins beard, that's a lot. Okay, you two are yellow, you two are red, and I'll swap you in later."

One of the fifth years went over to the edge of the field whilst the other four beaters took their bibs out of the basket in their respective colours and stood on either side of Daniel, forming two teams.

"Seekers?" James immediately put his hand up, followed by two other students. "Ah yes, James Potter. I already know how you play, so you'll swap in later. You can be red and you can be yellow."

"And any keepers?" Grace put her hand up, and immediately looked around to see who her competition was. A short sixth year boy with vibrant red hair clutching the newest broomstick to hit the market – the Nimbus 1001 – raised his hand.

"Okay, you're red, and you're yellow." Grace went over to the basket and fished out a loose red bib, pulling it on over her clothes.

"You're the Australian girl, aren't you?" Daniel asked, causing Grace's faces to flush red. "My Ma and I went down there last year for a holiday – it was beautiful. Although I was expecting to see more.... What are they called again... karoongas?"

"Kangaroos," Grace corrected him, before ducking her head and making her way to the red team.

"And lastly, chasers," Daniel called, addressing the whole group again.

Five hands went up.

The two closest two her were a fourth year and a sixth year that Grace recognised as Samantha and Aaron Harrington, who lived next door to her grandmother's house. Samantha had played on the team last year as a chaser, and Aaron obviously wanted to follow in her footsteps.

They weren't the only ones Grace recognised. On the other side of the group, Grace noticed that the ever silent Catherine Becker, Ella Graham's friend, had put her hand up.

"Okay, you three on yellow, and Sam and... Aaron, isn't it? You're on red," Daniel announced, before turning to James and the other student who had been told they were going to swap in. "Now, do either of you want to fill in as a chaser because we're one short? James?"

"Yeah, I can do it."

"Okay then, let's get started!"

Everyone mounted their brooms and kicked off from the ground, taking their positions on the field. Daniel, who remained on the ground, released the Blutchers and Snitch, before blowing his whistle and throwing the Quaffle into the air.

Grace started the game off shakily, letting through nearly every second goal, but soon enough she had gotten the hang of it and things started looking up. She barely let through any, although she wasn't sure if that was enough compared to the sixth year at the other end, whom – she had counted – had only let through ten by the time that the red team's seeker caught the snitch.

They all flew back down to the ground, and Daniel announced that we'd all done a good job and that he'd post the official team on the notice board in the Common Room on Wednesday so that they'd have time to train before the first game against Ravenclaw on Saturday. Madam Hooch had decided to start the competition a week earlier than usual, wanting to have more games before the final, which also caused quite an uproar amongst the players because they hardly got any time to train, but they had to go along with it.

As Grace made her way across the field, back towards the school, she saw a familiar face sitting in the stands.

"Remus! What are you doing here!? You're supposed to be resting, not sitting outside in the cold!" Grace called as she ran over to the stands.

"I wanted to come see you try out," Remus told her, causing Grace to blush.

"How long were you out here for?"

"Ever since you stopped that seventh year's goal with your foot and then nearly fell off your broom. Very Grace-ful" Remus replied with a bit of a chuckle.

"Did you just...." Grace trailed off, shaking her head.

"I sure did!"


Chapter 30!? Already!?
Also I think from now on I'm going to try and update every Sunday and Wednesday/Thursday, but as always, no promises. I'll try though.

- Grace 

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