Chapter 53 - The Bacon

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As much as Remus loved the school holidays and spending time with his parents, he was all too glad when school returned. There were only so many things to do in their little house, he didn't need to worry about Larkstowe finding out about his lycanthropy and he was finally able to spend time with all of his friends again.

One thing he didn't miss at Hogwarts, however, was the ever building tension surrounding the events taking place in the wizarding world. The murders of countless muggles and muggle-borns alike were making the news every day and had become the most popular topic of conversation in the corridors of Hogwarts (after, of course, the usual gossip).

The segregation between Slytherin and the other houses has also grown, Remus noticed. Accusations of their parents or even themselves joining You-Know-Who's ranks were thrown around, and the scariest part was that some students didn't deny them.

As he sat at the Gryffindor table for breakfast, a week back into school, he could practically feel the sneers radiating from the Slytherin table and onto their backs. Perhaps that was a slight exaggeration, he admitted to himself, however there was always a lot of sneering going on at that table.

He glanced over his shoulder, only to make eye contact with Regulus Black, who appeared to have been watching them. He immediately looked away, as did Remus, before turning back to the others.

"A giant would obviously win against a hippogriff. They're tiny!" Peter cried, pulling Remus out of his thoughts and back into conversation.

"Yes but they're not that smart, are they," James argued, before turning to Sirius and ruffling his hair. "Much like this one here."

"Oi, who got forty-nine out of fifty on their last astronomy test? Certainly not you."

"That's only because you got Ely to tutor you," Remus butted in, stabbing a piece of bacon with his fork.

"Or maybe I'm just really good at astronomy."

"We all know that Ely is the best in that class," James countered. "He literally breathes astronomy."

"Even his cat ha-"

Remus was interrupted, however, when a blur of light brown feathers hurtled across the table, knocking his fork clean out of his hand with the piece of bacon still attached.

"Frodo!" Remus exclaimed, before reaching over to pick up the fork. "She's not even sitting at this table, she's with the 'Puffs."

His hand closed around the fork, only for Frodo to snatch the piece of bacon off with his talons. "Frodo, come on, leave my bacon alone. Go annoy Grace, I'm sure she'll give you some."

"Is it even safe for owls to eat bacon?" Peter asked.

"Probably not, but it hasn't killed him yet," Remus said, waving his hand to shoo Frodo away from his bacon. "Go on, go find Grace."

The bird let go of the bacon and turned towards Remus with a screech before glancing at the package he'd dropped on the table. As if suddenly remembering what he originally came there to do, he grabbed the package with his claws and beat his wings, taking off towards the Hufflepuff table.

Frodo released the package from his talons the second he was above the table and then flew down to stand on it, hooting proudly at Grace before looking inquisitively at the single piece of bacon on her plate.

"Oh fine, you can have it," she complied, holding it out for him with one hand and grabbing the package with the other. "Just not all in one go, okay? We can't have you choking again."

He wasted no time in snatching the bacon out of her fingers, pining it to the table with his claws and ripping pieces off of it. Grace threw the package in the satchel at her feet for later, glanced back at her now baconless plate and sighed before beginning to eat the remaining piece of toast.

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